Great game between Galaxy and Legends today . They are always hard fought battles. Just a clarification on the goal . The AR was the one who said the goal was good. It was the Surf #1 head coach that was screaming behind the goal at the center ref and almost entered the field of play. After the outburst the center ref came over to confirm with AR. On the way over the AR kept shaking his head saying the goal was good. This happen write next to the corner flag where you can find me watching every game. The play was bang bang and I feel the right call was made. There was also a goal taken away from the Legends for off sides on a free kick that was very suspect in the first half. Galaxy has a very solid group of girls who bring it every game !!! Till the next time ... (National Cup )It was a great game! However, the final goal was called off by the AR and overturned by the head ref. Goalie had the ball on the ground with both hands on it and Legends player tapped it between her hands. Girls heard the AR saying that goalie had ‘control’ over the ball. All players had also stopped at that point except the girl who put the ball in. I guess it just shows you dont ever quit. Sad way for the game to end.
Rough weekend for Galaxy but girls really touched it out. Most frustrating was that the Galaxy goalie was told she had a ‘concussion’ by a trainer after being kicked in the head by a Surf player. After visiting a physician at home on Saturday and being cleared there was no one who could be contacted at Cal South to clear the player. Galaxy played their weekend games with a field player at goal (who did an amazing job!). Sad that CalSouth administrators weren’t even accessible on a big weekend with CRL going on.