CRL (California Regional League) anyone?

Why did they allow headers if Cal South is not going to allow them in State Cup? I'm all for headers but some consistency in the rules would be nice. I can only imagine 2 weekends of CRL in January with headers allowed immediately followed by State Cup with no headers allowed. You know Saturday was HOT when on Sunday at Noon at Galway Downs it was 95 and we kept saying this isn't too bad. Saturdays heat was brutal and not a good day to be short players.
Saturday was a tough one indeed! We where lucky and had the 9am game where it was only 97 at kickoff and we had 1 sub. Thankfully we also had the 9am on Sunday and it was a bit cooler as we didn't have any subs for that game.

I will say this. There is a lot of very talented teams at this age group in CRL.
The no heading rule was applied in one game and not applied in the second for us. I would be great to get some consistency and have some actual coherent communication about it.

Also surprised that there isn't a policy about excessive heat. If you looked at a heat index chart on Saturday it was dangerous at 105 with 30 percent humidity. It would have been even worse in Norco. Maybe I'm too conservative or too soft, but I would always error on the side of player safety for these young kids where the results actually don't matter much if at all in the long run.
Why did they allow headers if Cal South is not going to allow them in State Cup? I'm all for headers but some consistency in the rules would be nice. I can only imagine 2 weekends of CRL in January with headers allowed immediately followed by State Cup with no headers allowed. You know Saturday was HOT when on Sunday at Noon at Galway Downs it was 95 and we kept saying this isn't too bad. Saturdays heat was brutal and not a good day to be short players.

Where is the info about the heading rule in 2018 State Cup?
Where is the info about the heading rule in 2018 State Cup?

Here's what was implemented in Sept 2016. I think 2006's would be considered 11 at this point until end of year.

Cal South TEAM
Age Group Classification
13 year olds
  1. Allowed in Games and Practice
12 year olds
  1. Allowed in Games
  2. Allowed in practice no more than a maximum of 30 minutes per week with no more than 15-20 headers per player per week
11 year olds
  1. Not allowed in Games
  2. Allowed in Practice no more than a maximum of 30 minutes per week with no more than 15-20 headers per player per week
10 year olds & younger
  1. Not Allowed in Games
  2. Not Allowed in Practice
Here's what was implemented in Sept 2016. I think 2006's would be considered 11 at this point until end of year.

Cal South TEAM
Age Group Classification
13 year olds
  1. Allowed in Games and Practice
12 year olds
  1. Allowed in Games
  2. Allowed in practice no more than a maximum of 30 minutes per week with no more than 15-20 headers per player per week
11 year olds
  1. Not allowed in Games
  2. Allowed in Practice no more than a maximum of 30 minutes per week with no more than 15-20 headers per player per week
10 year olds & younger
  1. Not Allowed in Games
  2. Not Allowed in Practice

I remember last year that heading was allowed during summer tournaments, but outlawed at the beginning of fall season (SCDSL), along with the introduction of the buildout line. Who knows how they'll interpret the rule (not consistently apparently), but IMO the rule should apply for the entire age division. U11s and below no headers, everyone else fair game.
I remember last year that heading was allowed during summer tournaments, but outlawed at the beginning of fall season (SCDSL), along with the introduction of the buildout line. Who knows how they'll interpret the rule (not consistently apparently), but IMO the rule should apply for the entire age division. U11s and below no headers, everyone else fair game.

Actual age would seem to be the defining factor, so 2006s are 11 until Jan 1, 2018. But not many of Cal South mandates are clearly defined and consistently implemented...
Sure girls are U12, or "under 12", but they are 11 year olds. Rule is defined by age, not UXX. They should clarify by birth year to make it clear.
Sure girls are U12, or "under 12", but they are 11 year olds. Rule is defined by age, not UXX. They should clarify by birth year to make it clear.
They can't define it by Birth year because it slides up each year. Headers are allowed at u12, last year that was '05, this year '06. That is just how US Soccer is defining it. Hell, my 12 yr old is going to be considered u14...

* Surf Cup and WCFC Classic have passed and the roster freeze is in effect until after Thanksgiving.

* There shouldn't be any debate as to the header rule now.

* I'm looking forward to the result of Albion vs LAGSB on Saturday and Albion vs Legends on Sunday.

* Some teams had poor showings in Surf Cup and WCFC Classic. How will they bounce back?

* Fall season is on the horizon. Will CRL teams benefit from playing a higher level of competition in the weeks leading up to the start?
Your daughter will be well prepared for SC playing 05 CRL. BTW-What are her stats these days? Is she coming in at 5'7?
Big sis has taken a break at 5'8", awaiting her next growth spurt, but my Keeper is safely at 5'6", last check up we were told she'll most likely top out at 6'0". Mom's genetics are a big plus. Glad she's been able to have good training since day 1, she has the height but zero issues playing low, setting a good "A" frame and covering all angles.

She's excited / nervous about playing her old teammates who are now at Legends in the back half of CRL schedule.
Big sis has taken a break at 5'8", awaiting her next growth spurt, but my Keeper is safely at 5'6", last check up we were told she'll most likely top out at 6'0". Mom's genetics are a big plus. Glad she's been able to have good training since day 1, she has the height but zero issues playing low, setting a good "A" frame and covering all angles.

She's excited / nervous about playing her old teammates who are now at Legends in the back half of CRL schedule.
Dang! It's been a few months since I last saw her. She's grown an inch or two since summer. My 05 is 5'4 and has height in her family, but 6'0! You've done things the right way. That's why she's a good kid and continuously developing.
It was a great game! However, the final goal was called off by the AR and overturned by the head ref. Goalie had the ball on the ground with both hands on it and Legends player tapped it between her hands. Girls heard the AR saying that goalie had ‘control’ over the ball. All players had also stopped at that point except the girl who put the ball in. I guess it just shows you dont ever quit. Sad way for the game to end.

Rough weekend for Galaxy but girls really touched it out. Most frustrating was that the Galaxy goalie was told she had a ‘concussion’ by a trainer after being kicked in the head by a Surf player. After visiting a physician at home on Saturday and being cleared there was no one who could be contacted at Cal South to clear the player. Galaxy played their weekend games with a field player at goal (who did an amazing job!). Sad that CalSouth administrators weren’t even accessible on a big weekend with CRL going on.