Coach Movement and 2018 Assignments

Guy Newman? That would be huge since he was the director. He is no longer listed on the Express website. Can anyone confirm where he went.

I was told he is leaving but I don’t know where he is going though.
In response to your post:
I don't see Carlsbad caving, hopefully nor SDSC at least until they see how things work out for West Coast.
I am sick of the buzzword "pathway." That is a bunch of bull. There has always been pathways for players that are worthy. This "pathway" nonsense is just marketing for the ill-informed parents that think their child is extra special. Moreover this "pathway" is not for all players at Surf. You have said it yourself that they would rather bring someone in from outside the club than promote a B or C team player. Can you explain the "pathway" for these kids other than just selling a dream.
What is the Bayern GPS model that is so different than any other "pathway?"
Actually Surf does not do things in line with US Soccer and this is one of the reasons PD will be gone.
I have been wondering for the last year why when Surf worked so hard to keep out other ECNL teams in San Diego, they let their closest competitor get ECNL last year. I have been speculating some type of relationship.
Normally, economies of scale are great for the consumer, but in this case, all Surf has managed to do is increase their prices and reduce service as they have been expanding. Moreover, most but not all of the coaches make less than they could elsewhere and this would get worse with less clubs. It would be horrible for San Diego to give them any more control. If the Presidio clubs put aside their differences, they have the ability to stop this steamroller.
@TCD if I were you I would not like Strikers theory, your favorite coaches did not leave Surf on good terms and I believe they would be run out of town if Surf had their way.

There is a lot to unpack here. Let me start by saying my hypothesis is simply a hypothesis.

I will also start by saying I believe Presidio is basically AYSO and acts like it and looks like it. I think peopl would be better served staying with local rec leagues in neighborhoods for as long as they could, and picking identified talent for the next level. It's too diluted. Crazy wish huh? Yes I will prep for the onslaught.

I do not know if any Surf coaches for sure leaving except Gabe who already did. Rumors yes but not for sure. If the rumored coaches are in fact leaving is this happening in Jan?

Pathway paragraph- I agree with you. I am simply parroting the soccer websites. The end goal is MLS and US soccer in control. Here is my question to you though- what is wrong with concentrating the top identified talent at the DA or MLS level? What is wrong with ending the notion that little Ryan at Express who wants to play D1 is going to "make it".
Do you not think that once a special player was identified at Oranje or Express or Albion South that we should funnel them to people like Keith Miller or Benoit or Ryan Guy?

I believe strongly that on the girls side this is a major issue. We have a few that understand girls and know what it takes to coach them. Shannon is in fact one. I happen to believe that elite players should play with other ones and there should be a funnel to get them there.

Maybe it's not Surf- but they deserve better than what they are getting. If someone wants to improve that process and concentrate Ryan Marquez, Gabe, Shannon and people like this all in the same place then I applaud that. I can't comment on anything other than that because I don't know about PD.
Word is within the week the club they are all going to is announcing

Tryouts are coming within the next couple of weeks for these clubs. Announcements better come sooner rather than later! There is a lot of coach movement this year. If PD leaves that is two DA coaches leaving halfway through the DA season.
Tryouts are coming within the next couple of weeks for these clubs. Announcements better come sooner rather than later! There is a lot of coach movement this year. If PD leaves that is two DA coaches leaving halfway through the DA season.

Not a rumor I had heard- but am extremely interested in this.
Louis Hunt for Surf 04 Da next year I hear.
Albion no idea.
Who is at LAGSD?
Wouldn't San Diego be better served to have let's say 3-4 proven pathways to an end dream of MLS/D1 soccer? Why is that such a bad thing?

So you are talking about the 1% to 5% of players that will play in college or at the professional level. What about the other 95% to 99% of the other players? My DD played at smaller clubs from 9 to 18 years old and Presidio/SDDA until she was 15 than played SCDSL and CSL. She ended up with a $14,000 college soccer scholarship and several of her teammates from that small club playing CSL also received substantial scholarships. All of the players on DD last team that wanted to play in college went on to play college at some level.

I would think that it would be a better business model to provide a product to 100% of available customers instead of just 1% to 5% of the available customers.
Had heard Hunt 04. This is new info. I thought tonks was ECNL only?
Who is doing 04 ECNL? Gary for the third year same team?
I also ask you a simple question Surfref who is he one selling the fantasy? A low level Presidio club who takes the money and whose parents believe its high level? Or a verified high level high exposure club?

Let me tell you a funny story. Yesterday while out I had the pleasure of over hearing two soccer moms in deep conversation. Their 12 year old girls were "soccer stars" and they were so good at soccer that they could not play other sports. They were so involved with soccer that they even had a hard time completing volunteer hours. So naturally I was at this point quite curious as to what high level team was being discussed .
It was PYSL Blast.

Who is selling a dream?
If you are a parent who doesn't know what Coast, DA, ECNL is who is the one selling the dream? It's not Surf or Blues!

I am not at all discouraging play or inclusion. What I am pointing out is that the big bad wolf isn't always the mega club with the good record. It's not Surf, or Gins, or Blues or Dugan. Open your mind up a little.
I also ask you a simple question Surfref who is he one selling the fantasy? A low level Presidio club who takes the money and whose parents believe its high level? Or a verified high level high exposure club?

Let me tell you a funny story. Yesterday while out I had the pleasure of over hearing two soccer moms in deep conversation. Their 12 year old girls were "soccer stars" and they were so good at soccer that they could not play other sports. They were so involved with soccer that they even had a hard time completing volunteer hours. So naturally I was at this point quite curious as to what high level team was being discussed .
It was PYSL Blast.

Who is selling a dream?
If you are a parent who doesn't know what Coast, DA, ECNL is who is the one selling the dream? It's not Surf or Blues!

I am not at all discouraging play or inclusion. What I am pointing out is that the big bad wolf isn't always the mega club with the good record. It's not Surf, or Gins, or Blues or Dugan. Open your mind up a little.

Incredible..seriously brilliant. It’s darn near child abuse to make a kid do privates, keep them away from other sports, musical instruments, make them play in far away tournaments in the summer heat...all to say your DD is a star and plays competitive soccer on the mission hills brewers or whatever other random club pops up.
I read this conversation as surf trying to start their own league for both spring and fall. I see the advantage of north county teams being able to stay close to home, especially at the younger ages.

Fact, I always thought you were a surf homer. I was wrong!
I am my families' homer. Having older kids and seeing family deal with this mess, I can stand back and look at it objectively and I don't like what I see.
I also ask you a simple question Surfref who is he one selling the fantasy? A low level Presidio club who takes the money and whose parents believe its high level? Or a verified high level high exposure club?

Let me tell you a funny story. Yesterday while out I had the pleasure of over hearing two soccer moms in deep conversation. Their 12 year old girls were "soccer stars" and they were so good at soccer that they could not play other sports. They were so involved with soccer that they even had a hard time completing volunteer hours. So naturally I was at this point quite curious as to what high level team was being discussed .
It was PYSL Blast.

Who is selling a dream?
If you are a parent who doesn't know what Coast, DA, ECNL is who is the one selling the dream? It's not Surf or Blues!

I am not at all discouraging play or inclusion. What I am pointing out is that the big bad wolf isn't always the mega club with the good record. It's not Surf, or Gins, or Blues or Dugan. Open your mind up a little.
I had to look up Blast. They have over 20 teams. So while not a large club, they are doing something right to keep players. And who are you to say that these 2 12 year old girls are not top players. I have known many players over the years that choose to stay at their small club despite Surf trying to recruit them. Their parents did not have a clue about club soccer but it worked out for them in the end.
I also ask you a simple question Surfref who is he one selling the fantasy? A low level Presidio club who takes the money and whose parents believe its high level? Or a verified high level high exposure club?

Let me tell you a funny story. Yesterday while out I had the pleasure of over hearing two soccer moms in deep conversation. Their 12 year old girls were "soccer stars" and they were so good at soccer that they could not play other sports. They were so involved with soccer that they even had a hard time completing volunteer hours. So naturally I was at this point quite curious as to what high level team was being discussed .
It was PYSL Blast.

Who is selling a dream?
If you are a parent who doesn't know what Coast, DA, ECNL is who is the one selling the dream? It's not Surf or Blues!

I am not at all discouraging play or inclusion. What I am pointing out is that the big bad wolf isn't always the mega club with the good record. It's not Surf, or Gins, or Blues or Dugan. Open your mind up a little.

That's an interesting fairy tale, but the reality of the last few decades is that Surf club management behavior and attitude have alienated most of the clubs and leagues in Southern California, and perceptive parents have realized they don't need to pay service to the Surf fables in order to succeed.
These coaches we are mentioning are in the top pay group so it is not hard to figure out where they are going since only a few clubs can afford them.

Happy New Years.

Happy New years to you too! I appreciate all your insights and help on this thread.
That's an interesting fairy tale, but the reality of the last few decades is that Surf club management behavior and attitude have alienated most of the clubs and leagues in Southern California, and perceptive parents have realized they don't need to pay service to the Surf fables in order to succeed.

Take Surf out of the equation. Make sure you say Blues, Surf, Slammers. It's not all about Surf.
Please point me to the success of Presidio 14-18 year olds and committments. I would like to educate myself since I am apparently missing a huge subset of talented players who have moved on.
I am not an elitist or "mean" because I am saying a child has a greater chance of success with Surf or Blues. It's statistically relevant.
Take Surf out of the equation. Make sure you say Blues, Surf, Slammers. It's not all about Surf.
Please point me to the success of Presidio 14-18 year olds and committments. I would like to educate myself since I am apparently missing a huge subset of talented players who have moved on.
I am not an elitist or "mean" because I am saying a child has a greater chance of success with Surf or Blues. It's statistically relevant.

I'm only familiar with the Surf issues. Are the other clubs just as bad?