Climate and Weather

The Obama picture is funny.
I will do about 150 miles this weekend.
Over Gibraltar tomorrow, then up to Isla Vista then down bike path back to SB.
Saturday the Ojai metric century.
Sunday morning ride in SB mountains.
Annual trip with friends (Half Moon Bay, SD and LA) I grew up with who really ride.
Sounds like a couple of you are very into it....I don’t blame you. Wish I did more.
The Obama picture is funny.
I will do about 150 miles this weekend.
Over Gibraltar tomorrow, then up to Isla Vista then down bike path back to SB.
Saturday the Ojai metric century.
Sunday morning ride in SB mountains.
Annual trip with friends (Half Moon Bay, SD and LA) I grew up with who really ride.
Sounds like a couple of you are very into it....I don’t blame you. Wish I did more.
Beats jogging, although I still enjoy a good barefoot beach run. I use to ride a lot, but now like with every other endeavor I'm no longer competitive minded . . . now just pleasure and maintenance, enjoy.
Beats jogging, although I still enjoy a good barefoot beach run. I use to ride a lot, but now like with every other endeavor I'm no longer competitive minded . . . now just pleasure and maintenance, enjoy.
Thanks. Iz thought my post was “funny.” I wonder why.
Maybe like his idol t he doesn't believe in exercise.

Laugh all you want Rodent, but it has to be a symbiotic relationship
that includes BOTH the mind and the body.....

You may exercise that plump body of yours, but you have left years
of low intellect markers on this and previous forums that clearly
indicate your lack of Intelligence......

As I've stated previously...You are VERY Jealous and Envious of
Donald J. Trump and his successes in life..not to mention his lovely
wife " Melania " ...!

Don't cry or beat on your keyboard, you chose your path in life up to
this point. Now it's time to accept defeat and support another Party
that isn't operated like a Criminal Empire....

The Power is between your ears Rodent....!!!
MAY 31, 2019
Clean Energy Has Questions to Answer
By Todd Royal
Xcel Energy out of Colorado is shutting down two coal-fired generating power plants in favor of the largest solar-plus storage project in the United States. This $2.5-billion "scheme" allowed only 11 companies to bid on the project out of 400 applicants. Pueblo County, Colorado originally had reservations over losing tax revenue from the former coal-fired power plants. Xcel wants zero emission electricity by 2050 without saying publicly how that will happen.

California billionaire coal-fired power plant investor turned environmentalist Tom Steyer assisted Xcel's decision to move toward taxpayer-subsidized renewable energy, which is the backbone of the clean energy economy. Colorado officials never questioned Mr. Steyer's intentions or asked if solar and wind farms can replace reliable, abundant, affordable, scalable, and flexible coal-fired generating capacity. Currently, renewables only make energy and electricity more expensive for rate-payers.

Maersk, the world's largest container shipping company, announced that it would cut CO2 emissions to zero by 2050, according to its CEO, Soren Toft. Mr. Toft reiterated, "This goal would require coming up with emissions-free engine technologies by 2030 and we will have to abandon fossil fuels."
MAY 31, 2019
Clean Energy Has Questions to Answer
By Todd Royal
Xcel Energy out of Colorado is shutting down two coal-fired generating power plants in favor of the largest solar-plus storage project in the United States. This $2.5-billion "scheme" allowed only 11 companies to bid on the project out of 400 applicants. Pueblo County, Colorado originally had reservations over losing tax revenue from the former coal-fired power plants. Xcel wants zero emission electricity by 2050 without saying publicly how that will happen.

California billionaire coal-fired power plant investor turned environmentalist Tom Steyer assisted Xcel's decision to move toward taxpayer-subsidized renewable energy, which is the backbone of the clean energy economy. Colorado officials never questioned Mr. Steyer's intentions or asked if solar and wind farms can replace reliable, abundant, affordable, scalable, and flexible coal-fired generating capacity. Currently, renewables only make energy and electricity more expensive for rate-payers.

Maersk, the world's largest container shipping company, announced that it would cut CO2 emissions to zero by 2050, according to its CEO, Soren Toft. Mr. Toft reiterated, "This goal would require coming up with emissions-free engine technologies by 2030 and we will have to abandon fossil fuels."

The “scheme” really allowed only 11 companies to bid on the largest such project in the US? That sounds like a dirty plot, doesn’t it, Joe?
The “scheme” really allowed only 11 companies to bid on the largest such project in the US? That sounds like a dirty plot, doesn’t it, Joe?

Tom Steyer is a Filthy Dirt Bag who is trying very very hard to
collapse certain aspects of the Fossil Fuel industry....