Climate and Weather

Maybe the guys who doctored the Pelosi video to make her look drunk and/or stupid can "fix" some t videos to make him look smart.
So you think Pelosi is a sharp lady? She's got it together? You willing to ride that horse till the end?
The planet is not yet saved, but we are working on it.

I realize that you enjoy your role as the lovable contrarian here, but you know you're lying. Not only that, it is unethical for any parent with living children to follow your politics.
Who is "we"? I thought you were retired? Oh snap.. did you have to go back to work? What's wrong with his politics?
Possibly sooner, but by 2015 Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Facility will
be gone....!
There goes your 15 %.
California imports 15 % of it's Total Hydro Electric Power....
269 plants is 85 % of the 15 %....
There goes another approx 6 % due to Importing.
Now we are at a 21 % deficit of total generating power.

You mustn’t bother the climate nutters with such details. Espola’s son Husker is just as ignorant as his father.
Anger is for the uneducated folk that are too chicken to calculate their own ROA and ROE that they claim to be earning. Fries U! What a deal!

I have no idea what those letters mean. I'm like Ben Carson.
All we both know about this stuff is that i have much more money, real estate and net worth than you. And I'm not in the real estate business.
Don't be so mad, bruh. Earth is heating up, Trump's tax returns will soon be viewed, and I'm much wealthier than you.
I predicted a long, long time ago that these fruit balls would take credit for saving the climate when they started to realize they weren't changing the climate in the first place.
I'm just getting ahead of the curve so I can band wagon some of the credit too.
You still haven't explained your anger about global warming. You always seem pissed off about it.
I have no idea what those letters mean. I'm like Ben Carson.
All we both know about this stuff is that i have much more money, real estate and net worth than you. And I'm not in the real estate business.
Don't be so mad, bruh. Earth is heating up, Trump's tax returns will soon be viewed, and I'm much wealthier than you.
I have no idea what those letters mean. I'm like Ben Carson.
All we both know about this stuff is that i have much more money, real estate and net worth than you. And I'm not in the real estate business.
Don't be so mad, bruh. Earth is heating up, Trump's tax returns will soon be viewed, and I'm much wealthier than you.
Gosh! When was the last time Big Bear snowed on Memorial Day?