Climate and Weather

We saved the planet.
I fixed climate change today and you fixed it yesterday.

The planet is not yet saved, but we are working on it.

I realize that you enjoy your role as the lovable contrarian here, but you know you're lying. Not only that, it is unethical for any parent with living children to follow your politics.
The planet is not yet saved, but we are working on it.

I realize that you enjoy your role as the lovable contrarian here, but you know you're lying. Not only that, it is unethical for any parent with living children to follow your politics.
I have raised two successful young men who think just like me and 1 young lady well on her way.

At this moment, the California electrical supply is derived from

64% renewable.....
12% nuclear......
15% large hydro....
4% natural gas
(the only fossil fuel noted,
although the 5% labeled imports might include some fossil sources).

Possibly sooner, but by 2015 Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Facility will
be gone....!
There goes your 15 %.
California imports 15 % of it's Total Hydro Electric Power....
269 plants is 85 % of the 15 %....
There goes another approx 6 % due to Importing.
Now we are at a 21 % deficit of total generating power.
Possibly sooner, but by 2015 Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Facility will
be gone....!
There goes your 15 %.
California imports 15 % of it's Total Hydro Electric Power....
269 plants is 85 % of the 15 %....
There goes another approx 6 % due to Importing.
Now we are at a 21 % deficit of total generating power.

By 2015, eh?
The planet is not yet saved, but we are working on it.

I realize that you enjoy your role as the lovable contrarian here, but you know you're lying. Not only that, it is unethical for any parent with living children to follow your politics.

Who's " we "......?

Not only that, it is unethical for Spola who has been proven to
be a LIAR and THIEF to allow ANYONE to follow in his Political footsteps....
Especially after Spola supported FILTHY FILNER....

Fidel and " Che " golfing................