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Published 7 hours ago
Daniel Turner: Stealth AOC ‘Green New Deal’ now the law in New Mexico, voters be damned

By now, the public is well aware of the “Green New Deal” proposed by freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. They have not responded well to calls for forced veganism and banning airplanes, let alone giving up the American way of life made possible by cheap energy.

But while Ocasio-Cortez has taken the brunt of the media focus, environmental groups have developed a new strategy to get their way: pass a type of “Green New Deal” state by state.


It’s a smart tactic. They get friendly, left-leaning state legislators and governors, most of whom they financially backed in the past election, to do their dirty work. While the media is watching AOC marveling over garbage disposals and rejecting the racism of cauliflower, no one is reporting about bad laws taking shape in secret.

That’s exactly how radical green groups want it.

Their latest attempt was in New Mexico, and unfortunately, it succeeded. Newly-elected Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed the “Energy Transition Act” in March. This law requires that New Mexico move to 100 percent carbon-free energy – the same long-term goal as the “Green New Deal.”

This destructive law is essentially a hidden carbon tax and will threaten the jobs of thousands of energy workers, raise utility rates, cut state revenue, and make green energy companies rich at the taxpayers’ expense.
How much federal funding does New Mexico get?
Published 7 hours ago
Daniel Turner: Stealth AOC ‘Green New Deal’ now the law in New Mexico, voters be damned

By now, the public is well aware of the “Green New Deal” proposed by freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. They have not responded well to calls for forced veganism and banning airplanes, let alone giving up the American way of life made possible by cheap energy.

But while Ocasio-Cortez has taken the brunt of the media focus, environmental groups have developed a new strategy to get their way: pass a type of “Green New Deal” state by state.


It’s a smart tactic. They get friendly, left-leaning state legislators and governors, most of whom they financially backed in the past election, to do their dirty work. While the media is watching AOC marveling over garbage disposals and rejecting the racism of cauliflower, no one is reporting about bad laws taking shape in secret.

That’s exactly how radical green groups want it.

Their latest attempt was in New Mexico, and unfortunately, it succeeded. Newly-elected Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed the “Energy Transition Act” in March. This law requires that New Mexico move to 100 percent carbon-free energy – the same long-term goal as the “Green New Deal.”

This destructive law is essentially a hidden carbon tax and will threaten the jobs of thousands of energy workers, raise utility rates, cut state revenue, and make green energy companies rich at the taxpayers’ expense.
Why do they need to “transition”?
How long?


You have a " shrinkage " problem and you ask how long.
I think Izzy and Ricky are angry about climate change and the fact that guns are used for mass daily slaughter of Americans.

These are just simple need to be so angry and sarcastic about them.

You being in favor of them is your right, because America!
I think Izzy and Ricky are angry about climate change and the fact that guns are used for mass daily slaughter of Americans.

These are just simple need to be so angry and sarcastic about them.

You being in favor of them is your right, because America!
How many times did you fix climate change today?
How many times did you fix climate change today?
Zero times. Rode a bike to do some errands, though.
Don't be mad about it...where we live in So Cal, the huge effects won't be seen for a while.
Other places are already drastically changing...they're building "fake" glaciers in Ladakh (India) to get water later into the year.
Zero times. Rode a bike to do some errands, though.
Don't be mad about it...where we live in So Cal, the huge effects won't be seen for a while.
Other places are already drastically changing...they're building "fake" glaciers in Ladakh (India) to get water later into the year.
You rode a bike? Do tell..
That's not a fair question for Messy... you have to ask Wez.

Messy doesn't believe his actions has any consequences on the environment . How do I know? He posted that himself. Now maybe Wez feels differently but I doubt that loser Legend does.
I predicted a long, long time ago that these fruit balls would take credit for saving the climate when they started to realize they weren't changing the climate in the first place.
I'm just getting ahead of the curve so I can band wagon some of the credit too.
Really? At this moment, the California electrical supply is derived from 64% renewables, 12% nuclear, 15% large hydro, and only 4% natural gas (the only fossil fuel noted, although the 5% labeled imports might include some fossil sources).
Yes I’m glad that you finally acknowledged the aggregate of sources required to replace fossil fuels. And that, only in mega watts, not mega watt hours. Fries U! What a deal?