I was thinking this morning about this. I have never ever heard someone tell me high school basketball sucks and it's too dangerous or talent-less. I have heard people say their basketball team sucks because they have no talent, but not, "basketball sucks in High School." I played baseball in the South Coast League in the early 80s. I would never have said, "high school baseball sucks and the players who play high school baseball suck. The scouts only watch travel ball games." The truth is our school was in the wrong league and we got killed by the likes of Capo Valley HS, Mission Viejo, San Clemente, to name a few of the giants. We would lose 23-2, no joke. I got my chance to hit with MLB scouts in the stands with their MPH guns. I went up against guys like Lee Plemel from Laguna Hills, the Call bros from Capo and some top draft pick named Dobbs from Capo beach. I also hit against Paul Abbott out of Sunny Hills. I struck out against all of them. Abbott and Dobbs were in the 90s with a nasty change up and curve ball. 1, 2 3 and my dream was over. I did not stand their looking and went out swinging foolishly in front of the scouts. Big wake up call for me that I was not big league material. So I went for being a pro surfer instead. EOTL thinks I was pro and I never said that. My bros were but not me. My best chance of pro was baseball and I smoked way too much weed in High School. I'm all for it for medical purposes for those over 50 with bad back but no flower for teens.