I've said it before and will say it again. What motivates males to achieve and perform is different than what motivates females. It's not about females being weak or lazy because they don't like male coaches trying to coach them like they do males. It doesn't work. It doesn't achieve excellence. The psychology is different and any coach that doesn't get that is either stupid or too lazy to figure it out. You can push female athletes and have high expectations for effort, performance, and discipline but it is how to go about it that makes the difference. Male athletes want to beat out their counterparts so pitting them against each other, yelling at them, threatening them seems to work. Females athletes are motivated by other factors so if you create this hunger games mentality it tears down their basic psychology and then they can't achieve their goals. Women are about the relationship, men are about acquiring something (internal/inter-relatedness vs external/independent achievement and acquisition).