CA youth sports

CDC is cases per week. Ours is cases per day.

To put ours in cases per week,

CAyellow < 7 < CAorange < 28 < CAred < 49 < CApurple

CDC blue < 10 < CDCyellow < 50 < CDCorange < 100 < CDCred

So, the CDC blue means CA yellow. this is the one where cdc recommends play.

CDC yellow means CA orange or red.
CDC orange means CA purple.
CDC red means deep within CA purple

We are all in CDC red. Mid to late April for CDC yellow.
Well the other concerning thing is it’s the “best” tier. Like California there is no return to normal
Who said we will return to normal?

I just want my kids to be able to go to schools and play with their friends. If the CDC guidelines had put outdoor sports in yellow where they belong, I’d be cheering.
CDC is cases per week. Ours is cases per day.

To put ours in cases per week,

CAyellow < 7 < CAorange < 28 < CAred < 49 < CApurple

CDC blue < 10 < CDCyellow < 50 < CDCorange < 100 < CDCred

So, the CDC blue means CA yellow. this is the one where cdc recommends play.

CDC yellow means CA orange or red.
CDC orange means CA purple.
CDC red means deep within CA purple

We are all in CDC red. Mid to late April for CDC yellow.
Who said we will return to normal?

I just want my kids to be able to go to schools and play with their friends. If the CDC guidelines had put outdoor sports in yellow where they belong, I’d be cheering.
1. All the elderly will be vaccinated in 2 months. Everyone else adult that wants it by summer. If not now, when normal?
2. Agree on the yellow. If we get a third spring wave April Is unrealistic. We don’t know enough about the variants and spring seasonal effects to be sure but last year and your own math suggest it’s possible
3. None of this is pro science.
If CDPH switchs to the CDC guidance for school based athletics not sure we're any closer to playing in time for spring comps if it's still county based.

In the long run perhaps but monkey wrenches seem to come up in some form or another from the state.

However, they save face by saying we've "compromised" and we're just following the CDC guidance.. blah blah
If CDPH switchs to the CDC guidance for school based athletics not sure we're any closer to playing in time for spring comps if it's still county based.

In the long run perhaps but monkey wrenches seem to come up in some form or another from the state.

However, they save face by saying we've "compromised" and we're just following the CDC guidance.. blah blah
I think this is the key- if CDPH pivots to these new guidelines, well... that will suck and will probably have very little support.
If CDPH switchs to the CDC guidance for school based athletics not sure we're any closer to playing in time for spring comps if it's still county based.

In the long run perhaps but monkey wrenches seem to come up in some form or another from the state.

However, they save face by saying we've "compromised" and we're just following the CDC guidance.. blah blah

It's this exactly. Since, as Dad points out, the CDC numbers are calculated weekly while ours our daily, it gives him the excuse to say "see I"ve compromised....I'm not doing the more harsh CDC guidelines"
From what I'm reading in the commentary on this, the CDC guidelines would require the cancelling of contact sports being played in some 2700 out of the 2800 US counties where contact sports are being played right now. The sports recommendations are a huge step backwards from where the US is right now.
Came from surf sports park today for a lacrosse tourney. It was scheduled for Tucson, then Gallaway Downs, then last monday we get a blast that "the camp" will be in Del Mar. They called it a camp and scores are not being posted on Tourney Machine or anywhere else. Parents were kept in the lot. They took down the screens so we could watch through the chain link fence - same as the last AZ tourneys we played. The girls played teams from seattle and Northern California. Back tomorrow for more.

Anyways, our games were back to back, done at 10. As we were leaving I noticed several close to the el camino real exit were being filled with soccer games with parents on the field. It was business as usual except they did nor charge for parking, but the line to get in was still back to el camino.
Flag football email
Here's the latest. Yesterday, Governor Newsom said that with Covid numbers trending in the right direction new youth guidance will be announced "in the coming days," which probably means towards the end of next week. The assumption is we are going to see a relaxation of the rules, and allowance for competitive games sometime in the near future. How soon? That we don't know, but many high school football teams are now planning to resume practices, with a March 19th target for the start of their season.

We don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves, as the Governor has been reluctant to bend on youth sports for quite some time, so we are weary of what to expect. This may also be something that's geared toward high school tackle football, who has a drop dead date coming up before they have to cancel the whole season. They have already done away with pre-season and playoff games. However, if tackle football is allowed to resume, the belief is all high contact outdoor sports will also be reopened.

Until we have more details we do not want to set any exact target date, but if rules are relaxed we are most likely looking at a late-March/early April start.

We are suggesting to all players looking to play in the Spring that you don't wait too much longer to register. These new guidelines will potentially come with field limits and gathering restrictions. The challenge for a league like ours is the large amount of games taking place at one time creates a tournament like atmosphere, which we know will not be allowed. Significant adjustments will need to be made, and we will need to set a cap much lower than we have in the past.

That's where we are at. It feels like there is momentum to get kids back on the field, and we remain cautiously optimistic. We will e-mail everyone when the next update comes out.

Any questions please call Ryan Leinart at 949-422-5864.
Everyone give Ryan a call.
As Newsom mentioned he is working on a deal. Since sports are tied to school reopenings, I'm sure he needs the time to work out a deal with the large school unions. He now has pressure to push back against the unions because of the recall reaching the signature requirement and what's happening in other union controlled areas like Chicago, were Mayor Lightfoot has aggressively fought the unions (kudos to her for finally drawing a line). There will be a recall vote, but if he can pretend that he reopened schools and sports he may prevail in a recall election.

Don't hold your breath for anything material changing after two weeks. I hope it does, but...
Unfortunately, both are urinal mints in the same urinal.
Depends on what they mean by “the greatest extent possible” for keeping 6 feet apart.

It isn’t absolute. CDC yellow says “required”. Blue says “to the extent possible”. If they both meant required, they would both use the same language.

Means the CDC is saying no contact sports until under 1.4 cases per 100K per day. And no credit for extra testing. Ugh. But it’s not a ban.

Annoying that it draws no distinction between indoor and outdoor contact sports. CA guidelines are better in that respect.

If CA tightens to match CDC, I’ll start tracking the time until we hit 1.4. :(
1. "the greatest extent possible" means "two weeks to flatten the curve."

2. The only color that matters is green for recall.

3. Refs & whistles in OS today was glorious - time to say no mas!
Who said we will return to normal?

I just want my kids to be able to go to schools and play with their friends. If the CDC guidelines had put outdoor sports in yellow where they belong, I’d be cheering.
Maybe it's about time we all say it.
Maybe it's about time we all say it.
But it isn't time for normal.

Some things need to be open. Eg: outdoor recreation.

Others need to be closed. Eg: pro sports stadiums.

The policy question is determining which things are open and which are closed. There will be some of each.

Asking for normal ( everything open ) in a pandemic is simply ridiculous.
But it isn't time for normal.

Some things need to be open. Eg: outdoor recreation.

Others need to be closed. Eg: pro sports stadiums.

The policy question is determining which things are open and which are closed. There will be some of each.

Asking for normal ( everything open ) in a pandemic is simply ridiculous.
We are quickly moving from pandemic to endemic

right now (like yesterday) they need to remove measures targeted against kids and open the schools at least in hybrid and youth sports

when the elderly are vaccinated open up everything with restrictions such as crowd limitations on indoor dining and Disneyland and indoor offices

when teachers are vaccinated remove the restrictions in schools like hybrids and masks

when everyone else has been offered the vaccine open it all up. It’s not going to get any better and probably a little worse

we should be back to full normal in a matter of months not years. It’s not going away so we are going to have to learn to live with it
We are quickly moving from pandemic to endemic

right now (like yesterday) they need to remove measures targeted against kids and open the schools at least in hybrid and youth sports

when the elderly are vaccinated open up everything with restrictions such as crowd limitations on indoor dining and Disneyland and indoor offices

when teachers are vaccinated remove the restrictions in schools like hybrids and masks

when everyone else has been offered the vaccine open it all up. It’s not going to get any better and probably a little worse

we should be back to full normal in a matter of months not years. It’s not going away so we are going to have to learn to live with it
Do you honestly think March Madness with full stadiums and no masks is a good idea this year?

If the answer is no, then we agree that it is not time for “normal“. We are, instead, discussing what kind of abnormal is appropriate.

“Learning to live with it“ needs to involve some learning. Keep the smart rules, like masks and indoor dining closures. Lose the dumb rules, like closing outdoor recreation opportunities. It does not mean “stubbornly pretend nothing is wrong”.