Bad News Thread

This one involves heavily masked Hungary against sparsely masked Sweden. Shouldn't these numbers be reversed?
As usual, no clear pro-Fauci story emerges from the charts -- as it darn well should if all the craziness and sacrifice had been genuinely necessary.
On ABC's This Week yesterday, Dr. Fauci said we could get "close" to normal by next Mother's Day, but that there were "some conditions to that" (e.g., the overwhelming majority of people getting vaccinated).

In state after state, life has returned to something close to normal, and if I show you the graphs you can't tell which states are which.

And yet Fauci still talks like this, and some people still listen.

If you're waiting for next Mother's Day to go back to normal, you're beyond hope.

I've been saying for a while that what we need is a quiz: here, everyone, try to guess on this graph which of these Midwestern states lifted their restrictions at the beginning of February.

Or: without any dates printed on the graph, can you tell me where Thanksgiving (which was supposed to be followed by a massive surge) is on this graph of Midwestern states?

Or: one of these two lines represents hospitalizations in the 25 strictest states, and the other represents hospitalizations in the 25 least strict states. Can you tell me which is which?

Or: where on this chart for such-and-such European country do you thinks masks started being widely used?

Nobody will get the answers right, because none of this did any good and the charts reflect that.

Well, I'll be launching that quiz this week. It's interactive, so you can click on your choice and the system will tell you if you're right or wrong.

If you can't clearly see a difference in case after case after case, can we start admitting that it's all been pointless?

Please watch your inbox. The link will be inside one of these emails this week (though it may not be obvious from the subject line).

Meanwhile, it's as if our alleged public-health experts haven't been observing any of this at all. Megan Ranney, a hysteric, issued this warning on April 14:
By now I'm sure you don't even need me to give you the answer. First it was the college football national championship, then the Super Bowl, and then that Texas Rangers game. The numbers fell after every single one of those.

Did that make them stop and think? Don't make me laugh.

Now back to Megan Ranney and her prediction of doom from nearly a month ago.

You'll never guess. The opposite happened, and in fact cases are down about 43 percent since:
Look at the pals talk it up as we all suffer. Amazing how some had it better than the rest of us.

"Then I told them if they all got vaccinated they could take their mask off."


Thanks for nothing. I will admit every single one of these politicians had me fooled at one time or another. I will admit I too got brainwashed during 9-11. I have seen that time just about every day for the last three years for some odd reason and now I really know why. Wake up folks, the dam is going to break. My pals will not force me to get jabbed because they respect my background and they all tell me dont take it. I'm sure Husker and Espola would love to pin me down and raffle off the lucky winner to put the jab in my arm. Some of you fathers make me ill just thinking who would do it. It's not too late to run and I mean run to the light and stay in the light. Confess and eat healthy and try and stop drinking alcohol. If you support cheating, lying, blackmail, retaliation, black balled, more bribes, cash for favors, kick backs, more cheating with murder then dont change. The choice is yours. No church, no bible, no 10%, no control, no religion and no control. Freedom for ALL!!! I recall Americans went livid when Trump threatened to deploy the military to quell the riots.....but in Australia its apparently o.k. to keep people in their homes.

My wife has a very good friend from Perth. She was crying last night because their hunting down folks who say, "no to jab." She is very very religious and helps kids all day who dont have a home. She is super, super healthy but the control freaks are not having it. No 1st, 2nd or 3rd amendments for those over there. You get what you vote for :( I saw a video of the strike force take two guys to the mat and give them the shot. I thought it was staged but after my wife's chat with Channin, it's real & horrible. Can you imagine the strike force going up to guys like Teddy? Omega & Alpha and Chi strains are coming in the next set of waves, 2022 & 2023. This wont end until we want to end. I'm afraid some men would gladly take a booster every 6 months so they can go back to the normal life, which some call the mask less life. If you want Husker, EOTL and Espola to be the boss of you, then sit back and take more jabs so you can have the normal life. The choice is getting clearer and clearer. I hope folks can see what I have been seeing for a long time.
Last edited: I recall Americans went livid when Trump threatened to deploy the military to quell the riots.....but in Australia its apparently o.k. to keep people in their homes.

Ummm, not even a close correlation. Keep trying though, the court is throughly amused, Sidney. I recall Americans went livid when Trump threatened to deploy the military to quell the riots.....but in Australia its apparently o.k. to keep people in their homes.

Soldiers will join police in virus hotspots to ensure people are following the rules, which include a 10km (6.2 miles) travel limit.
State Police Minister David Elliott said it would help because a small minority of Sydneysiders thought "the rules didn't apply to them".
Information provided by health officials indicates the virus is mainly spreading through permitted movement.
French police clash with anti-virus pass protesters in Paris
The marches drew some 204,000 people around the country

Hager Ameur, a 37-year-old nurse, said she resigned from her job, accusing the government of using a form of "blackmail."

"I think that we mustn’t be told what to do," she told The Associated Press, adding that French medical workers during the first wave of COVID-19 were quite mistreated. "And now, suddenly we are told that if we don’t get vaccinated it is our fault that people are contaminated. I think it is sickening."
We did air raid and nuclear attack drills in elementary school. The idea of imminent thermonuclear attack and that the desk above you is the last line of defense, even on young children, isn’t exactly settling . . . but we got through it.
I don't recall kids having to stay under their desks all day long, everyday.
Nope. As long as adults that can't handle their own business keep f'ing with kids I will continue to call it out. Particularly when it comes to teacher unions that couldn't care less about children. Of course that's what unions are for...adults that can't handle their own business.

You seem to have skipped a few steps ahead there. What are you rambling about now?
You seem to have skipped a few steps ahead there. What are you rambling about now?
Just a chance to bash workers right’s, human right’s. Seems the corporate propaganda machine covers many areas to put profit over the environment and people. We should all trust big corporate’s idea of how things are and should be . . .
Nope. As long as adults that can't handle their own business keep f'ing with kids I will continue to call it out. Particularly when it comes to teacher unions that couldn't care less about children. Of course that's what unions are for...adults that can't handle their own business.
If only people had to simply fend for themselves, if only the good self-promoters were able to thrive and the quiet hard workers were being taken better advantage of!
Nope. As long as adults that can't handle their own business keep f'ing with kids I will continue to call it out. Particularly when it comes to teacher unions that couldn't care less about children. Of course that's what unions are for...adults that can't handle their own business.
Now you get me Wat Fly. These little creeps will have their day bro. Look at how Husker ((Messy) and Espoal ((EOTL)) treat the kids. They actually have zero kids playing the game. 100% no DD and they both treat woman like shit. I said this three years ago. This country was asleep and so many had their heads in the sand. Good hearted dads working to pay for their life style. I get it! When we ALL see the truth about the what the monsters have been doing to the kids, we will ALL come together to help the kids and each other. Mark my words. This will never happen again.
If only people had to simply fend for themselves
Hey, what about the kids? Joey Bribes got you brainwashed dude. You and Espola are drinking way too much. Latest quote from the one you love:

"You a you you got the vaccinated? Are you a are you I mean, ok? Are you seem no it works or you know or or or or or mom and dad or or or or or the neighbor or when you go to church or no I I I I I really mean it, there are trusted interlocutors. Think of the people if if you're kid wanted to find out whether or not there were there was a man on the moon or or whatever you know something or you know whether those aliens are here or not. You know who are the people they talk to be on the kids who love talking about it?" Joey

"Are there people in the Republican Party who think we’re sucking the blood out of kids?"
If you get the jab, no more mask
I wiped my butt
I love you son
I really love you dd
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