So the pattern at least fits with a substantial life protective effect in high vax Western countries although we're clearly arm chair quarterbacking with a small subset of data. Encouraging though. As the data emerges, things epidemiologists will be wondering in making policy recommendations include: so we got a mixture of people who appear to be more resistant to at least the Covid19 part of Cov-2, likely as a result of acquired immunity through previous infection, through vaxx, or both. We've also got a higher burst variant that's coming on strong. For those that test positive by PCR (which I assume largely = cases), maybe show a range of non-life threatening symptoms, what sort of viral titer are they producing? Its possible that the numbers right now could mean that the increase in viral production associated with the delta variant basically just cause people that would have been asymptomatic to now feel low level symptoms and therefore go get tested and get scored as cases, even though their lives were never in any danger. In that case the data might indicate that with delta we are just going more effective sampling. Or it could be that with vaxx there is now just a longer lag between cases and morbidity in susceptible people, especially if we bin the mortality data by age or other co-morbities. How much protection are the most susceptible segments of the population getting? Stuff like that. Everyone's really tired of this but we're just now starting to get a look at what the vaccines might be doing out there in the real world.
Best case scenario would be that the most effective vaccines not only save peoples lives but also substantially lower the amount of virus produced during an infection.