I haven't seen what Tucker Carlson said about CRT. Again, its not a topic that interests me. CRT has a very defined and limited explanation. What seems to be going on though is the right is labelling every racial theory as "CRT" in an attempt to create a boogeyman, even though such racial theory may not technically be CRT. But the left is doing the same and saying "oh we aren't pushing CRT....CRT is this very specific thing...we just want to make sure history talks about racism", which is a disingenuous shell game since they aren't just pushing facts about historical racism but very specific philosophies (there's more than 1 at play here but they are all related) related to how to view the world through a post-modernist framework.
I'm not sure I follow. When Tucker and his friends make an ignorant or deliberately dishonest statement about CRT, and "the left" point out the error, then "the left" is doing the same?
It's not hard to see where your sympathies lie.