Bad News Thread

Ok here we go with masks again.

Remember the CDC has studies for decades showing they don't work in stopping the spread of influenza.

Over the past year a number of experts have made the point that the virus is very small and that the mask filtration is too large to prevent the virus from going through the mask.

What did Fauci say on the matter?

"Other emails show that in February 2020, Fauci was advising a colleague not to wear face masks, which he said were "not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material."

At some point maybe people will wake up to the fact that the usage of masks was political and not based on science. Why masks? Because the gov wanted to appear to have a solution. Many people also wanted the gov to do something. So you end up with having masks being required in many places despite the guys in charge knowing that the virus is so small that is passes through masks.

The effect of the ruling was to gut reasonable health precautions. Churches were in exactly the same group as similar secular activities, like theaters. The only way the court got its ruling was to assert that churches are similar in risk to retail. This goes completely against the science, and you don’t even pretend to defend it.

If you think the court was right to equate risk from retail to risk from theater seating, make your case. But there is none to be made.

no it didn’t. The main core of the Supreme Court rulings has been the govt declared certain businesses essential and religion not. It can’t do that. The govt was free to advance another distinguishing principle (such as level of risk) but it didn’t because they knew that meant shutting down Costco on Saturday afternoon, or even worse, the meat packing plants and factories.
no it didn’t. The main core of the Supreme Court rulings has been the govt declared certain businesses essential and religion not. It can’t do that. The govt was free to advance another distinguishing principle (such as level of risk) but it didn’t because they knew that meant shutting down Costco on Saturday afternoon, or even worse, the meat packing plants and factories.
no it didn’t. The main core of the Supreme Court rulings has been the govt declared certain businesses essential and religion not. It can’t do that. The govt was free to advance another distinguishing principle (such as level of risk) but it didn’t because they knew that meant shutting down Costco on Saturday afternoon, or even worse, the meat packing plants and factories.
Btw we now know because of the incidents in and studies of hotel quaratines that hotels, apartments and condos with indoor hallways are super risky...maybe even more than churches, indoor dining and factories.
@dad4 Young brave men would lie about their age so they could fight for their country. Now cartoons and little meme's hurt little dads feelings like you. You will go down as the biggest dad loser ever unless you confess to all of us how wrong you and your three headed monster head have been. I will be the first to give you a virtual hug. If you don't confess, well then, you will live with that decision all the way to death bed. Camp Justice is open 24/7 and never closes.
no it didn’t. The main core of the Supreme Court rulings has been the govt declared certain businesses essential and religion not. It can’t do that. The govt was free to advance another distinguishing principle (such as level of risk) but it didn’t because they knew that meant shutting down Costco on Saturday afternoon, or even worse, the meat packing plants and factories.
Any defense of the court’s linkage to fire codes?

I find it very hard to see that as reasonable. They are putting forth a scientifically invalid standard which just coincidentally has the effect of greatly increasing the allowable occupancy for the churches which backed Justice Barrett’s confirmation.

So, why did they name fire codes instead of square footage or ventilation?

Simple. Listening to a couple of expert witnesses does not make you a scientist any more than watching Judge Judy makes me a lawyer. The court had no clue what they were proposing. They only knew that it achieved the pro-religion result that Barrett wanted.
Any defense of the court’s linkage to fire codes?

I find it very hard to see that as reasonable. They are putting forth a scientifically invalid standard which just coincidentally has the effect of greatly increasing the allowable occupancy for the churches which backed Justice Barrett’s confirmation.

So, why did they name fire codes instead of square footage or ventilation?

Simple. Listening to a couple of expert witnesses does not make you a scientist any more than watching Judge Judy makes me a lawyer. The court had no clue what they were proposing. They only knew that it achieved the pro-religion result that Barrett wanted.

They can't go any father than the evidence in front of them. They can't go off willy nilly and go off the record and do their own research. Thats not allowed under the rules of evidence. If the government had wanted a square footage or ventilation standard it could have advanced one. I can guess one of the reasons they didn't: both factories and schools would still be shut.
I will say this, if given the choice I'd rather have a Judge render an opinion on "science" than a politician.

In other (predictably) bad news:

Politicians did render opinions on the science. One told us it would be over by Easter, and suggested we investigate the merits of injecting disinfectant.

Which proves your point, I suppose.
They can't go any father than the evidence in front of them. They can't go off willy nilly and go off the record and do their own research. Thats not allowed under the rules of evidence. If the government had wanted a square footage or ventilation standard it could have advanced one. I can guess one of the reasons they didn't: both factories and schools would still be shut.

Oh and BTW, once you take into account the entry hall, various levels, pastor's office, nursery, reception hall, chapel, corridors, and steeple, my church is probably open (as well as my old Catholic church) with a restricted no. per worship if square footage is the test. It's certainly larger than a costco when that's taken into account.
Politicians did render opinions on the science. One told us it would be over by Easter, and suggested we investigate the merits of injecting disinfectant.

Which proves your point, I suppose.
None of this is partisan for me, not sure why your making it such. I will say that some politicians have a better track record than others, but generally I'd prefer reasonable parties from all different expertise to determine public health policy, and certainly not just epidemiologists.

I'm just razzing you, but maybe you'd be more comfortable here:

What's crazy is this parody was prophetic in many ways, particularly when it comes to police.
Oh and BTW, once you take into account the entry hall, various levels, pastor's office, nursery, reception hall, chapel, corridors, and steeple, my church is probably open (as well as my old Catholic church) with a restricted no. per worship if square footage is the test. It's certainly larger than a costco when that's taken into account.
There's not test you can construct here that gives you the result you want (churches closed; schools, factories, meat packing plants open) beyond the unconstitutional essential test. As I said, at the time I think if they had limited essential to medical (hospitals, doctors, medical equipment, pharmacies), food (markets, plants), police, fire, power and water, maybe even wifi, it would have passed the test at the time. Then probably again if they opened up all outdoor activities (including worship and outdoor school) but kept the indoor ones restricted. But the moment they allowed the dispenseries, liquor stores, breweries, and take out to remain open, that was game over.
What a f'ing shit show. Good luck getting anyone to listen during the next pandemic.
As if the Q's needed more ammunition.


A small group within the State Department’s Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance bureau had been studying the Institute for months. The group had recently acquired classified intelligence suggesting that three WIV researchers conducting gain-of-function experiments on coronavirus samples had fallen ill in the autumn of 2019, before the COVID-19 outbreak was known to have started.

As officials at the meeting discussed what they could share with the public, they were advised by Christopher Park, the director of the State Department’s Biological Policy Staff in the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, not to say anything that would point to the U.S. government’s own role in gain-of-function research, according to documentation of the meeting obtained by Vanity Fair.

Some of the attendees were “absolutely floored,” said an official familiar with the proceedings. That someone in the U.S. government could “make an argument that is so nakedly against transparency, in light of the unfolding catastrophe, was…shocking and disturbing.”

Park, who in 2017 had been involved in lifting a U.S. government moratorium on funding for gain-of-function research, was not the only official to warn the State Department investigators against digging in sensitive places. As the group probed the lab-leak scenario, among other possibilities, its members were repeatedly advised not to open a “Pandora’s box,” said four former State Department officials interviewed by Vanity Fair. The admonitions “smelled like a cover-up,” said Thomas DiNanno, “and I wasn’t going to be part of it.”
As if the Q's needed more ammunition.


A small group within the State Department’s Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance bureau had been studying the Institute for months. The group had recently acquired classified intelligence suggesting that three WIV researchers conducting gain-of-function experiments on coronavirus samples had fallen ill in the autumn of 2019, before the COVID-19 outbreak was known to have started.

As officials at the meeting discussed what they could share with the public, they were advised by Christopher Park, the director of the State Department’s Biological Policy Staff in the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, not to say anything that would point to the U.S. government’s own role in gain-of-function research, according to documentation of the meeting obtained by Vanity Fair.

Some of the attendees were “absolutely floored,” said an official familiar with the proceedings. That someone in the U.S. government could “make an argument that is so nakedly against transparency, in light of the unfolding catastrophe, was…shocking and disturbing.”

Park, who in 2017 had been involved in lifting a U.S. government moratorium on funding for gain-of-function research, was not the only official to warn the State Department investigators against digging in sensitive places. As the group probed the lab-leak scenario, among other possibilities, its members were repeatedly advised not to open a “Pandora’s box,” said four former State Department officials interviewed by Vanity Fair. The admonitions “smelled like a cover-up,” said Thomas DiNanno, “and I wasn’t going to be part of it.”
Is it any surprise that gov always takes the route of putting out info that puts it in a good lights and/or suppresses bad news about what it is doing?

There is a long history of this. And this is why I always am skeptical of gov to be honest. Their impulse is to protect the institution. Truth be dammed. And this occurs across political parties.
None of this is partisan for me, not sure why your making it such. I will say that some politicians have a better track record than others, but generally I'd prefer reasonable parties from all different expertise to determine public health policy, and certainly not just epidemiologists.

I'm just razzing you, but maybe you'd be more comfortable here:

What's crazy is this parody was prophetic in many ways, particularly when it comes to police.
Completely agree that there are bad examples on both sides. Cuomo and Levine come to mind.

The list of Republicans who have behaved honorably on this is disturbingly short, and they tend to be on the centrist fringe of the party.

If you think about it, it is pretty bad that I can write “centrist fringe”, and know my meaning will be clear. Those two words should not have a combined meaning for a major institution.
Cal osha seems set to rule masks into 2022 unless everyone in the work space (tbd) is vaccinated. 2 futures possible: offices to remain remote in California into 2022, everyone ignores it and companies have to employ mask police.
The list of Republicans who have behaved honorably on this is disturbingly short, and they tend to be on the centrist fringe of the party.
Your definition of honorably is Covid myopic and going hard on lockdown. My definition of honorable is balancing health, education and business...aka balancing the needs of all your citizens. Under my definition DeSantis far and away surpassed any other Governor if you look at the overall results. Significantly lower unemployment, open schools, protected the elderly all while experiencing a comparable rate of death. You compare Florida to the results of California and its no contest, DeSantis destroyed Newsom. Even more impressive when you consider the that fact that Florida relies on tourism (2nd only to Nevada) and that NY'rs fled to Florida.

We could both make arguments using our own yardsticks to fit a partisan narrative. But like I said before this isn't a partisan issue for me, its a common sense issue. Its's extremely disturbing that our Governor made having kids in school a political/power issue (and if you don't believe that, your entitled to your opinion, but you're an idiot). Its unforgivable that our children were used as pawns in the Covid battle.
Cal osha seems set to rule masks into 2022 unless everyone in the work space (tbd) is vaccinated. 2 futures possible: offices to remain remote in California into 2022, everyone ignores it and companies have to employ mask police.
Voluntary reporting of vaccine status has already begun. And masked opening of offices has begun as well.

No mask police, though. It’s all social. Showing up without a mask just would not be viewed as acceptable by your coworkers.
worse and worse....

Some random thoughts. Does this article even come out if Biden doesn't reopen the investigation? They obviously had worked on this article for months. Why didn't it come out earlier instead of just a few days after Biden's comments?

Absent the biased editorial side comments (which are unfounded and irrelevant) this article would qualify for real journalism.