The Farr curve is the first derivative of a sigmoid. AKA the solution to a logistics equation. It’s that shape you can’t get away from.
I like to hike. 6 feet is kind of close for hiking, even before covid. One person 10 feet behind the other is more common. Less space is needed when you pass opposing traffic, because time of exposure is so short. (All of which you already knew. Why ask?)
A health order closing restaurants is irrelevant if no one wants to eat out. I would have thought that was pretty obvious.
I don’t really care which word you use. You can call it NPI. You can call it changes to mobility. You can call it “Dad4’s evil authoritarian control system”. Semantics is boring. The interesting fact is that whatever we were doing in January and February was effective.
Like vaccinating people and having a large portion of the state already infected? Got it.