Bad News Thread

Take a look at the variant numbers for b.1.1.7 in EU states. It's over 70% in many places.

I think they are experiencing now what LA saw in December: A high transmission variant that overwhelms the policies which halfway worked for vanilla covid.

Hope the weather helps FL turn out better.

The implications of this is, though, if you are going to have a vaccine delay like in the eu, you would have been better off blowing out your cases earlier like spain, north Italy Belgium or Sweden than be Germany the Czech Republic or the uk, with high numbers and a population exhausted with lockdowns

Monday quarterbacking but the best strategy besides blow out your cases is go big with vaccines and for that both trump and fauci deserve some credit.
Well, here we are. Six weeks ago Osterholm stated that we were 6-14 weeks away from this.

“You and I are sitting on this beach, where it’s 70 degrees, perfectly blue skies, gentle breeze, but I see that hurricane — Category 5 or higher — 450 miles off shore,” Osterholm told host Chuck Todd. “Telling people to evacuate on the nice, blue sky day is going to be hard. But I can also tell you that the hurricane is coming.”

It's interesting that 6 weeks ago he described the situation as "70 degrees, perfectly blue skies, gentle breeze". To revisit, 6 weeks ago vs. today looks like this.

7-day averages
Cases: 6 weeks ago, 146K Now, 55K
--- 62% drop

Hospitalizations: 6 weeks ago, 105K Now, 44K
--- 58% drop

Deaths: 6 weeks ago, 3160 Now, 1419
--- 55% drop

It's not all good news. We have leveled off considerably, but are still trending down. More good news is that vaccinations are accelerating. We will likely see a few down days due to the storm, but we are showing that we have the capacity to handle more vaccines per day. For the past week, 3% more got their first shot. If J&J comes through as scheduled, we will likely be vaccinated at a rate of around 1% of the population per day in April. Also, the rate at which individuals are fully vaccinated will go up with the J&J shot.
You & Grace are classic. I have some news for you on April 1st. I do have RQ, which means you do not have to answer. Are both of you in the best health ever in your life? Physical, mental and just pure organic health and not eat any meat? My wife and I live this way and are super healthy. That should give us a pass, right?
Take a look at the variant numbers for b.1.1.7 in EU states. It's over 70% in many places.

I think they are experiencing now what LA saw in December: A high transmission variant that overwhelms the policies which halfway worked for vanilla covid.

Hope the weather helps FL turn out better.

I have to think FL has a significantly higher seroprevalence than the EU had when they "blew up" with cases, and they are definitely much further along on the vaccine than the EU. Maybe the weather will help as well.
Boucher's hate me too now but I must share. I'm not against a little red meat, little fish here and there but you better know where your fish or prime rib is coming from. Also, do they torture and beat the shit out of the animals most of their life? Basically, your eating meat from an animal that was abused and shot with so much homones you have no clue what the heck your eating these days. Meat lovers? Yikes!!! I also heard Mr Gates bought up the rest of America's farm land. Grace and Kicking, Bill's Burgers will have new meaning in the future. Be careful you guys, I really do love you.

You & Grace are classic. I have some news for you on April 1st. I do have RQ, which means you do not have to answer. Are both of you in the best health ever in your life? Physical, mental and just pure organic health and not eat any meat? My wife and I live this way and are super healthy. That should give us a pass, right?
Yes, death from COVID is definitely correlated to other health problems.

I'm in decent shape. I eat a lot of organic food and I don't eat meat except for fish, chicken, steak, and pork. Ok, I eat pretty much any meat, just not much of it - mostly chicken. No way am I giving up pork, and if I'm in Texas, I'm having some brisket. Fred's steak is nice every 2-3 months.
Yes, death from COVID is definitely correlated to other health problems.

I'm in decent shape. I eat a lot of organic food and I don't eat meat except for fish, chicken, steak, and pork. Ok, I eat pretty much any meat, just not much of it - mostly chicken. No way am I giving up pork, and if I'm in Texas, I'm having some brisket. Fred's steak is nice every 2-3 months.
Look bro, I was meat eater all my life and made fun of wife for years. When my dd was playing for Natty in 2017 in Frisco, I ate so much steak that week. In fact, it's all I eat come to think about it. I was starting to eat really bad right around this time. Life was hard that's all I can say. My wife was already eating like a rabbit and my food pantry proved it. She tried and I "acted" like I was behind non gmo and organic and their higher prices and no gluten. I just was gone on the road a lot and ate out at fast food. I had a nice per diem so dinner was steak and chicken or pizza. I was 218 and climbing. My drivers license made me look 230. Today, I'm 187. It's a slow process. I gave it all up right before the demic. My wife had wind of this scam a year or so before in early 2019 and warned me of their plan. When I saw the truth, I kneeled before my wife and told her I was wrong and to please tell me what I should do. Guess what the first thing she told me was and guess what the only thing she told me to do was?
Look bro, I was meat eater all my life and made fun of wife for years. When my dd was playing for Natty in 2017 in Frisco, I ate so much steak that week. In fact, it's all I eat come to think about it. I was starting to eat really bad right around this time. Life was hard that's all I can say. My wife was already eating like a rabbit and my food pantry proved it. She tried and I "acted" like I was behind non gmo and organic and their higher prices and no gluten. I just was gone on the road a lot and ate out at fast food. I had a nice per diem so dinner was steak and chicken or pizza. I was 218 and climbing. My drivers license made me look 230. Today, I'm 187. It's a slow process. I gave it all up right before the demic. My wife had wind of this scam a year or so before in early 2019 and warned me of their plan. When I saw the truth, I kneeled before my wife and told her I was wrong and to please tell me what I should do. Guess what the first thing she told me was and guess what the only thing she told me to do was?
Get up off your knees? ;)
Paging all my educated and smart parents on here. I know so many of you hold multiple degrees and many of you work in education and teach our kids math & science. I also know so many of you think I'm a moron, idiot and dam fool. So please smart ones, answer the following Q's for me and I will leave for good. To all my pro mask folks who mad dog me for not wearing one all the time over my nose, help me understand what is the truth. Since we all breath the same air, where are all the dead dogs & cats? Oh where, oh where are all the dead animals? Where are all the dead birds? Where oh where are all the dead homeless people who dont wear a mask? In fact, where are all the dead people who never wear a mask?
More Q's from dumb crush. Why is that when I walk into my pals Thai place that me and the wife have to wear a mask walking in but we can take mask off after we sit down? Does the Rona have respect when you sit down to eat and it goes away? Why is it you can sit in a full plane with 100s of folks but can't sit inside a church for an hour and a half? Why can Hound and I sit at a bar in AZ at 9:55pm for a drink but at 10:05pm, we have to leave? Rona comes out after 10:05pm? So many questions in my mind. Oh, and where did the flu go this year?
More news from Dr F

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday he wishes former President Donald Trump would use his popularity among Republicans to persuade his followers to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
Fauci said it would be a “game changer” for the country’s vaccine efforts if the former president used his “incredible influence” among Republicans.

“If he came out and said, ‘Go and get vaccinated. It’s really important for your health, the health of your family and the health of the country,’ it seems absolutely inevitable that the vast majority of people who are his close followers would listen to him,” Fauci told “Fox News Sunday.”

“What is the problem here? This is a vaccine that is going to be lifesaving for millions of people,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” He added: “I mean, I just can’t comprehend what the reason for that is when you have a vaccine that’s 94-95% effective and it is very safe. I just don’t get it.”

Dr F is way off and these comments are just like what my old pals said back in 2016. First off, I dont follow no one except myself and my God. Second, 94% effective is not good, MOO. I'm not sick, i'm super healthy and no risk of death by Rona. So why risk 5% of problem from vaccine like death, ED and other issues with reproduction organs? This guy keeps calling people like me T's followers who dont want to inject poison in my arm for obvious reasons, against abortion and want kids to be free. It is my God given right to say no to the man made bat virus that we know little of. What a crock!!!
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more from Chuck's interview on Sunday with Dr F.......

“I know there’s a lot of folks who think that due to climate change and due to the globalization in general, it’s inevitable, we’re going to deal with more and more viruses like this,” Todd declared. ((you see folks, it will NEVER end))

Fauci responded “Let’s take global to begin with. We have to have a better global health security network of interconnectivity, of communication, of transparency.”

“So that we are talking to each other all the time and know what’s going on. We also have to have a continued investment in the science,” he said, adding “remain global in our interactions. As I have said so many times, a global pandemic requires a global response.”
The last time I was sick was Jan 20th, 2020. I was over weight and depressed as well and i just got back from visiting Seattle and Pikes Place and I toured Amazon. At around the same time, the Rona had taken the first wave out of the China Sea and found another wave to hop on during a Pacific Swell that took the Rona up the Pacific Northwest Coast and right to Pikes, where I happen to be food tasting everything i could see with my eyes. I got coffee at original Starbucks as well. So tasty. I told everyone my plane coming home was a sick plane of the Rona i believe or one of the other 18 flu strains we got. I have not been sick since my trip to the PNW.

Light Bulb Question. If there was contraceptive vaccine and after taking the shot the doc said you still need to wear a condom to perform, would that make any sense?