Bad News Thread

“partisan identity” to me reads like politics, as in E is saying he doesn’t judge a person or an idea based on the political slant of the source (i.e. a good idea is a good idea and a good person is a good person, and of course the contrary applies as well). Opinions are all we have to base judgement on online. We have no idea how people actually are in real life. So many people assume an alter ego online.

I voted for both Republicans and Democrats in the 2020 election. I even voted for someone I suspected I wouldn't like later because I knew his opponent well enough to know I didn't like him already.

As for posting on the web -- my longstanding policy is not to post anything I wouldn't want my mother to read.

And now for something that probably deserves its own thread -- there is still a political sign standing beside I8 east of Cajon proclaiming Darrell Issa to be a "Trump conservative". I find that ironic in the same vein as 2020 Trump supporters wearing "Make America Great Again" hats.
I voted for both Republicans and Democrats in the 2020 election. I even voted for someone I suspected I wouldn't like later because I knew his opponent well enough to know I didn't like him already.

As for posting on the web -- my longstanding policy is not to post anything I wouldn't want my mother to read.

And now for something that probably deserves its own thread -- there is still a political sign standing beside I8 east of Cajon proclaiming Darrell Issa to be a "Trump conservative". I find that ironic in the same vein as 2020 Trump supporters wearing "Make America Great Again" hats.
The most ironic thing I've seen of late is Don Jr and his ilk calling life long GOPers RINO's.
The most ironic thing I've seen of late is Don Jr and his ilk calling life long GOPers RINO's.

Political parties are often founded on an ideal that evolves or disappears over time. The Republican Party got started when abolitionist Whigs were fed up with that party's endless compromising on the issue of slavery, and now it welcomes and supports the most racist politicians in the country.
“partisan identity” to me reads like politics, as in E is saying he doesn’t judge a person or an idea based on the political slant of the source (i.e. a good idea is a good idea and a good person is a good person, and of course the contrary applies as well). Opinions are all we have to base judgement on online. We have no idea how people actually are in real life. So many people assume an alter ego online.
I think we should start with the idea that most people here (including e but perhaps excluding a handful of notable exceptions on both extremes) are good people and are genuinely interested in soccer and soccer kids or they wouldn’t be here. Where it becomes suspect though is when a person views all pro lockdown/pro leftist ideas as “good ideas” and all anti lockdown/pro rightist ideas as “bad ideas” and vice versa...9/10 that’s just tribalism at work.
I think we should start with the idea that most people here (including e but perhaps excluding a handful of notable exceptions on both extremes) are good people and are genuinely interested in soccer and soccer kids or they wouldn’t be here. Where it becomes suspect though is when a person views all pro lockdown/pro leftist ideas as “good ideas” and all anti lockdown/pro rightist ideas as “bad ideas” and vice versa...9/10 that’s just tribalism at work.

It appears that in your world there are only two types of thought recognizable -- "pro lockdown/pro leftist ideas" and "anti lockdown/pro rightist ideas". I disagree with that rigid dichotomy.
It appears that in your world there are only two types of thought recognizable -- "pro lockdown/pro leftist ideas" and "anti lockdown/pro rightist ideas". I disagree with that rigid dichotomy.
All or nothing, for some it simplifies things, makes things easier. No brain no headache.
It appears that in your world there are only two types of thought recognizable -- "pro lockdown/pro leftist ideas" and "anti lockdown/pro rightist ideas". I disagree with that rigid dichotomy.

a. fair but it's just a shorthand. As I said before, Newsom and dad 4 are worlds apart more than dad 4 and I even though we are on different sides.
b. As to you yourself, see the second sentence of my post. You are classic example.
c. If you disagree with that, you are more than welcome to correct the record (3rd invite) and I'll take you at your word.
d. you are a hypocrite because this conversation began tarring me with the same brush (e.g., my position on trans athletes is more "woke" than dad4's)

1. It's pretty self-evident the 6 foot thing has been complete nonsense and is just guessing (considering standards around the world range from 3-12 feet). There's some data, but that data is very hard to apply to particular situations such as with indoor circulation. Add to that people yelling and heavy exercise breathing with closed windows and you are just asking for it.
2. Pretty shocking too some people came to class symptomatic. My guess is this is how a lot of non-resident spread takes places, and explains the differences in some nations like Germany and Japan where it's less acceptable to go out in public if you are sick.
3. Some people who caught it wore masks. Also not surprising. They aren't miracle products and in a situation like this, where the masks get wet from perspiration, the best you can hope for is reducing viral loads.
a. fair but it's just a shorthand. As I said before, Newsom and dad 4 are worlds apart more than dad 4 and I even though we are on different sides.
b. As to you yourself, see the second sentence of my post. You are classic example.
c. If you disagree with that, you are more than welcome to correct the record (3rd invite) and I'll take you at your word.
d. you are a hypocrite because this conversation began tarring me with the same brush (e.g., my position on trans athletes is more "woke" than dad4's)

You're babbling.
Do you nick pick the cause of death in all tragic events? How many 9/11 victims were directly murdered by the terrorists? Deaths were caused by illegal activities instigated by trump and his minions. Not to mention the thousands that needlessly died due to trumps lack of effort concerning COVID-19.

Silly argument. It's disgusting and shameful that the media used the story line that someone had their head violently bashed in with a fire extinguisher and died at the point of injury as a rallying cry. It was repeated over and over again. It was a lie and they knew it - but it sounded so cool and dramatic. Sounds so much better to say he had his head bashed in rather than an allergic reaction to pepper spray/mace. Which is interesting since most law enforcement undergo pepper spray training. We'll never really know since his body was cremated. I have some beachfront property in AZ to sell you if you think the yet to be released coroner reports will be truthful. Are you defending the media?

And all of the victims who died onboard airplanes and in buildings on 911 were murdered. That was the point.
Silly argument. It's disgusting and shameful that the media used the story line that someone had their head violently bashed in with a fire extinguisher and died at the point of injury as a rallying cry. It was repeated over and over again. It was a lie and they knew it - but it sounded so cool and dramatic. Sounds so much better to say he had his head bashed in rather than an allergic reaction to pepper spray/mace. Which is interesting since most law enforcement undergo pepper spray training. We'll never really know since his body was cremated. I have some beachfront property in AZ to sell you if you think the yet to be released coroner reports will be truthful. Are you defending the media?

And all of the victims who died onboard airplanes and in buildings on 911 were murdered. That was the point.

My thought when I heard "fire extinguisher" on the live broadcast was "where did they get that?". My latest conjecture is that the so-called "fire extinguisher" was actually a large canister of bear spray, several of which were observed being carried and used by the Capitol traitors that day.
My thought when I heard "fire extinguisher" on the live broadcast was "where did they get that?". My latest conjecture is that the so-called "fire extinguisher" was actually a large canister of bear spray, several of which were observed being carried and used by the Capitol traitors that day.
A large can of bear spray isn't very large and its pretty thin aluminum and very light weight even when filled. While I guess it might be possible I would put that odds at fairly unlikely that it could kill someone.

I did manage to shoot myself in the stomach with bear spray this summer in Yellowstone. That was a very unpleasant experience, but probably just punishment for my stupidity.
Silly argument. It's disgusting and shameful that the media used the story line that someone had their head violently bashed in with a fire extinguisher and died at the point of injury as a rallying cry. It was repeated over and over again. It was a lie and they knew it - but it sounded so cool and dramatic. Sounds so much better to say he had his head bashed in rather than an allergic reaction to pepper spray/mace. Which is interesting since most law enforcement undergo pepper spray training. We'll never really know since his body was cremated. I have some beachfront property in AZ to sell you if you think the yet to be released coroner reports will be truthful. Are you defending the media?

And all of the victims who died onboard airplanes and in buildings on 911 were murdered. That was the point.
I never heard that where were saying that? I never saw a news agency declare a cause of death until the report about the bear spray.
Silly argument. It's disgusting and shameful that the media used the story line that someone had their head violently bashed in with a fire extinguisher and died at the point of injury as a rallying cry. It was repeated over and over again. It was a lie and they knew it - but it sounded so cool and dramatic. Sounds so much better to say he had his head bashed in rather than an allergic reaction to pepper spray/mace. Which is interesting since most law enforcement undergo pepper spray training. We'll never really know since his body was cremated. I have some beachfront property in AZ to sell you if you think the yet to be released coroner reports will be truthful. Are you defending the media?

And all of the victims who died onboard airplanes and in buildings on 911 were murdered. That was the point.
How do you feel about the law enforcement officers that committed suicide? Do you feel the same about military and ex-military individuals that suffer from PTSD that commit suicide? How about the first responders that ran into the twin towers on 9/11 to try to save lives? Are these people just “suckers and losers” because they put their lives on the line for others?
How do you feel about the law enforcement officers that committed suicide? Do you feel the same about military and ex-military individuals that suffer from PTSD that commit suicide? How about the first responders that ran into the twin towers on 9/11 to try to save lives? Are these people just “suckers and losers” because they put their lives on the line for others?
Let me answer the first part of your nonsense by saying you don't know who you are talking to. At no point in my discussion did I denigrate law enforcement, military, and any other person who puts their lives on the line for those not in their immediate family. I don't know you and have no idea if you've ever earned the right to lead those types of men and women during your time on earth. You can take the time (or not) to review my post history and get a sense of my background. Your words are shameful and show an immense amount of disrespect. Stay on topic. Your talking points are weak.

My point in all of this is the media ran with a story that was patently false. And they did it at a high level of hysteria and glee. If you can't see that, then you are hopelessly lost in the political morass that is perpetuated by people like you.
I never heard that where were saying that? I never saw a news agency declare a cause of death until the report about the bear spray.
You are kidding right? Let's start with the NY Times, Capitol Police spokespeople, every major cable news network.

Many outlets have quietly gone back and corrected their stories. At the time, getting your head bashed in by a fire extinguisher by a trump supporter sounded much better that going back to the office, talking to family, mysteriously collapsing, transported to the hospital, then dying.

Lazy, sensational journalism. Works every time. Damage is done, move it along.
My thought when I heard "fire extinguisher" on the live broadcast was "where did they get that?". My latest conjecture is that the so-called "fire extinguisher" was actually a large canister of bear spray, several of which were observed being carried and used by the Capitol traitors that day.
Their's footage of a fire extinguisher getting pulled off the wall and thrown into a crowd. The point is that it sounds more dramatic than dying of an allergic reaction. Again, strange since "most" law enforcement training includes exposure to pepper spray/mace. You can develop allergies after the fact, so there is that.