“partisan identity” to me reads like politics, as in E is saying he doesn’t judge a person or an idea based on the political slant of the source (i.e. a good idea is a good idea and a good person is a good person, and of course the contrary applies as well). Opinions are all we have to base judgement on online. We have no idea how people actually are in real life. So many people assume an alter ego online.
I voted for both Republicans and Democrats in the 2020 election. I even voted for someone I suspected I wouldn't like later because I knew his opponent well enough to know I didn't like him already.
As for posting on the web -- my longstanding policy is not to post anything I wouldn't want my mother to read.
And now for something that probably deserves its own thread -- there is still a political sign standing beside I8 east of Cajon proclaiming Darrell Issa to be a "Trump conservative". I find that ironic in the same vein as 2020 Trump supporters wearing "Make America Great Again" hats.