An amazing case for reducing gun ownership in America

Tons of red flags, this was a total system failure, hopefully we learn from. Race based hate crimes are up huge since dump got on the scene and that's appears to be getting worse. Not sure these killings were race related but the anger was likely encouraged by our leader.

That and I hear he was on some shitty meds too...
Let's just deal with facts...opinion and speculation do no good...
We know the guy was adopted & his name is Nicolas.
Now let's speculate... he was sent here from Russia as a child to wreck havoc once Trump was elected by the Russians.....
Let's just deal with facts...opinion and speculation do no good...
We know the guy was adopted & his name is Nicolas.
Now let's speculate... he was sent here from Russia as a child to wreck havoc once Trump was elected by the Russians.....

Did you have a point? The kid was angry enough to shoot up a school and is allegedly involved in white supremacy and that is the demographic being encouraged by dump and his alt-right followers.

They had a parade about it in Charlottesville with wonderful people in attendance.
Tons of red flags, this was a total system failure, hopefully we learn from. Race based hate crimes are up huge since dump got on the scene and that's appears to be getting worse. Not sure these killings were race related but the anger was likely encouraged by our leader.

That and I hear he was on some shitty meds too...
Hopefully, Appears, Not Sure and Likely.
This is a shit post even by your standards, shitface.
Did you have a point? The kid was angry enough to shoot up a school and is allegedly involved in white supremacy and that is the demographic being encouraged by dump and his alt-right followers.

They had a parade about it in Charlottesville with wonderful people in attendance.
Thank you for your speculation and opinion Wez.
Did you have a point? The kid was angry enough to shoot up a school and is allegedly involved in white supremacy and that is the demographic being encouraged by dump and his alt-right followers.

They had a parade about it in Charlottesville with wonderful people in attendance.

Brilliant post...The angry kid is a white supremacist (allegedly) and goes and kills 17 kids randomly in a prominently white school. Yes wez you're amazing at connecting the dots. Oh what a tingled web we weave...
Brilliant post...The angry kid is a white supremacist (allegedly) and goes and kills 17 kids randomly in a prominently white school. Yes wez you're amazing at connecting the dots. Oh what a tingled web we weave...

Don't shoot the messenger.
I had another right wing friend say he was antifa. That's the exact kind of shit that Russian propaganda machines foist on us... Making psycho murders a political thing to further divide us and stoke the flames of hate.

Wez, Today at 7:39 AM Report

What's your point, he wasn't antifa, turns out he was an alty, I'm not like you and calling you a diseased depraved sicko because you lean right, like you do here everyday about liberals. Fuck yourself racist pos.
What's your point, he wasn't antifa, turns out he was an alty, I'm not like you and calling you a diseased depraved sicko because you lean right, like you do here everyday about liberals. Fuck yourself racist pos.
Likely, probably, maybe, could be, possibly and might, just using words you understand.
Hey, I am not the person who molested you and turned you into a lib, so don't be mad at me.
Shit happens. Now it's time for you to man up and put the past behind you.
BTW diseased, depraved sicko are not my words, but they seem to fit you, so thanks.
Did you have a point? The kid was angry enough to shoot up a school and is allegedly involved in white supremacy and that is the demographic being encouraged by dump and his alt-right followers.

They had a parade about it in Charlottesville with wonderful people in attendance.

The 19 year old was a registered Democrat.....
The whole Charlottesville Violence was contrived and executed by
Look in the mirror and condemn the Party you support.
What's your point, he wasn't antifa, turns out he was an alty, I'm not like you and calling you a diseased depraved sicko because you lean right, like you do here everyday about liberals. Fuck yourself racist pos.

You don't have the Balls to say that in PERSON !
Did you have a point? The kid was angry enough to shoot up a school and is allegedly involved in white supremacy and that is the demographic being encouraged by dump and his alt-right followers.

They had a parade about it in Charlottesville with wonderful people in attendance.