Right - my point is that it is hard for me to believe that athletic departments are going to go to great lengths, and that the university at large will support such efforts, to use endowed funds in this way. It's not just soccer, it's all sports, so the potential $$$ is not small even if it is compared to a university's endowment. I think the theory is really sound but, in practice, if the season is bagged and eligibility is extended (like for spring 2020 sports), there will be a train wreck in terms of numbers and we don't really know what will happen. But to think that there will be little impact on players who have not signed NLIs and are still a year or 3 from proving themselves at the college level strikes me as wishful. It is what I wish, to be honest, as there are a lot of HS-age players I care about, but it is not what I'd expect to play out. Hopefully this is a non-issue.