If my kid were not playing soccer, I'd have her take a gap year, b/c I would not want to pay full freight for something that may not "look like" college. I am not sure that she'd be any safer at home - she'd be more bored, restless, etc. - than she will be at school where she probably will have better access to testing, more structure and, in many ways, more active support than a home environment can provide. It also will not be a typical "gap year" for kids who do that b/c if college is not perceived as safe, what else will be? That is, would I be comfortable with my kid working abroad for a year or getting a job or doing public service here? As of now, my kid's school (in the Pac12) will have in-person instruction and likely remote learning as well. Like everyone else, we are waiting to hear what the sports situation will be and expect that it will be something a bit more truncated than what we'd have expected. Though I think that I'd prefer a truncated season to no season, even if eligibility is fully maintained. If the season is shit-canned, I anticipate that a LOT of HS class of 2021 verbals will be pulled and/or deferred (which will have a cascading effect) since the HS class of 2020 now have signed NLIs, binding agreements that require scholarship levels be maintained.