
Basically what you said.
But you have people who are scared of those who are different (aren’t there a bunch of Twilight Zone episodes about that?) and you also have people such as “Outlaw” whose pseudo-macho personae hide their deep insecurities about their own sexuality...and the hatred kicks in.

Outlaw doesn't give a fuck about chicks with dicks wanting to be something they're not. Men don't belong in women's sports, locker rooms or bathrooms. And I'll say it again... if you putting on heels and a wig helps you pretend you're a woman, I'll pretend to treat you like one when I drag your ass into the parking lot.
Except when a man wearing lipstick and a dress follows my little girl into the bathroom at Target. Someone is leaving on HIS own or with my assistance.

Yeah yeah yeah. I suppose there are psychos everywhere and in every group. There is no getting around that. But again, we have police and a court system that handle those people. In fact rule of law is one of the things that makes living in a 1st world country pretty awesome. I'm not sure why gay folks shouldn't be more or less trusted then any other group?

I mean how does that old poem go.... "first they came for the communists and I said nothing. Then they came for the Jews..."
Outlaw doesn't give a fuck about chicks with dicks wanting to be something they're not. Men don't belong in women's sports, locker rooms or bathrooms. And I'll say it again... if you putting on heels and a wig helps you pretend you're a woman, I'll pretend to treat you like one when I drag your ass into the parking lot.
You seem super eager to get your hands on a cross-dresser. This is your second post in a row with that fantasy.
Maybe think about that...
Basically what you said.
But you have people who are scared of those who are different (aren’t there a bunch of Twilight Zone episodes about that?) and you also have people such as “Outlaw” whose pseudo-macho personae hide their deep insecurities about their own sexuality...and the hatred kicks in.

It seems like all there is on tv is a bunch of re-runs. Have you seen the tv ratings of caravel barking prime-time cable news? There is nothing else on. Folks are sitting home and watching 2 or 3 hours of hate every night while sitting in their living room.Folks are starting to lose it.
It seems like all there is on tv is a bunch of re-runs. Have you seen the tv ratings of caravel barking prime-time cable news? There is nothing else on. Folks are sitting home and watching 2 or 3 hours of hate every night while sitting in their living room.Folks are starting to lose it.
Totally. Those cable news shows are freak shows. All of ‘em.
I watch about 1/2 hour of local news and I get garcetti and Newsom and weather, then NBC Nightly for 30 minutes. I read the LA Times every day.
But cnn, fox and all that cable nonsense drives me crazy...
And you’re right, there’s nothing else on. Like Springsteen said, “57 channels and nothing’s on.”
Yeah yeah yeah. I suppose there are psychos everywhere and in every group. There is no getting around that. But again, we have police and a court system that handle those people. In fact rule of law is one of the things that makes living in a 1st world country pretty awesome. I'm not sure why gay folks shouldn't be more or less trusted then any other group?

I mean how does that old poem go.... "first they came for the communists and I said nothing. Then they came for the Jews..."
Because they are touched in the head.
Yeah yeah yeah. I suppose there are psychos everywhere and in every group. There is no getting around that. But again, we have police and a court system that handle those people. In fact rule of law is one of the things that makes living in a 1st world country pretty awesome. I'm not sure why gay folks shouldn't be more or less trusted then any other group?

I mean how does that old poem go.... "first they came for the communists and I said nothing. Then they came for the Jews..."

Normally I would agree with you, but not in 2020. Store employees aren't even allowed to confront someone walking out of the store with $900 worth of stolen merchandise. Sorry... I'll ask nicely, one time, and then I'll use whatever force is necessary to protect my child. Same thing if your protest somehow entitles you to block my vehicle. You get 1 warning and about 10 seconds to avoid being a hood ornament.
Normally I would agree with you, but not in 2020. Store employees aren't even allowed to confront someone walking out of the store with $900 worth of stolen merchandise. Sorry... I'll ask nicely, one time, and then I'll use whatever force is necessary to protect my child. Same thing if your protest somehow entitles you to block my vehicle. You get 1 warning and about 10 seconds to avoid being a hood ornament.

What threat exactly are you protecting your child from? As crazy as the news has been lately, you'd still think a wave of transvestite crime would cut through...
Because they are touched in the head.

I suppose again some of them are sexual weirdos, just like everyone else.
Then again some people use guns to commit crimes. What does that mean to all responsible gun owners rights? You alright with letting the government step in and sort that one out for you?
I do, however, support their right to do so.
If someone wants to run around and pretend they are what they are not have at it. Doesn't bother me in the least. Their life they can do as they please.

However it does bother me when they want me to also pretend they are something they are not.

You can run around telling yourself the sun is really the moon, but do not expect me to follow along or call me moonphobic when I refuse to play along.
If someone wants to run around and pretend they are what they are not have at it. Doesn't bother me in the least. Their life they can do as they please.

However it does bother me when they want me to also pretend they are something they are not.

You can run around telling yourself the sun is really the moon, but do not expect me to follow along or call me moonphobic when I refuse to play along.
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players . . .
If someone wants to run around and pretend they are what they are not have at it. Doesn't bother me in the least. Their life they can do as they please.

However it does bother me when they want me to also pretend they are something they are not.

You can run around telling yourself the sun is really the moon, but do not expect me to follow along or call me moonphobic when I refuse to play along.
You would prefer the conflict of saying “I don’t care, you’re a dude?”
What threat exactly are you protecting your child from? As crazy as the news has been lately, you'd still think a wave of transvestite crime would cut through...
It’s his fantasy...he wants to get in close with a transvestite. Let him dream, I say.
You would prefer the conflict of saying “I don’t care, you’re a dude?”
I prefer dealing with reality and not pretending regarding something.

I suspect for instance you are fine with guys playing on girls teams. You prefer "avoiding the conflict" and letting them play where they don't belong for instance. Rather than saying...hey we have boys/mens teams and girls/womens teams for a reason go play on the correct one.
What threat exactly are you protecting your child from? As crazy as the news has been lately, you'd still think a wave of transvestite crime would cut through...

Men belong in men's bathrooms. You think there aren't pedophiles that will dress like a woman so they can be alone with a 12-year old girl in a restroom?