Colin Powell said their were WMD as did Hillary. What Joe have to say about war bro? Obama took us to more war. War=death to many families. War=$$$ for businessman. Bolton? Flake? I think you can see the truth, no? Come on!!! Happy July 5th bro

BTW, what % today you give Joe to win? WHO will he pick as VP? Experience republicans and lifetime Democrats who hold office forever are 100% moving away from t. I will say t has been trying bring troops home and not go fight, right? Bolton was all pissed off at t because he wouldnt bomb countries. Can we at least give t a little credit for saving lives? t said no to Iraq war and death and Hillary and Joe was all for war.
“I do not believe this is a rush to war,” Biden
said a few days before the vote. “I believe it is a march to peace and security. I believe that failure to overwhelmingly support this resolution is likely to enhance the prospects that war will occur …”
But he had a power much greater than his own words. He was able to choose all 18 witnesses in the main Senate hearings on Iraq. And he mainly chose people who supported a pro-war position. They argued in favor of “
regime change as the stated US policy” and warned of “
a nuclear-armed Saddam sometime in this decade”. That Iraqis would “
welcome the United States as liberators” And that Iraq “permits known al-Qaida members to live and
move freely about in Iraq” and that “they are
being supported”.
More than
4,500 US soldiers, and nearly as many US military contractors, lost their lives; tens of thousands were wounded, with hundreds of thousands more suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Estimates of Iraqi deaths run as high as 1 million.
At the very least Messy, Joe should explain why he played such a major role in winning the authorization from Congress for President Bush to wage this disastrous war.