
Berated you first? You made a provocative, political comment that had no place on the thread and you got called out for it.

View attachment 6860

And your response was typical for you, completely triggered and over the top.

View attachment 6861
My only question is whether "Outlaw" was beat up as a kid my an immigrant or minority, or whether it has to do with his employment. He does have a cute name, though, doesn't he? Its like half the Labrador Retrievers I know.
My only question is whether "Outlaw" was beat up as a kid my an immigrant or minority, or whether it has to do with his employment. He does have a cute name, though, doesn't he? Its like half the Labrador Retrievers I know.
Signs of childhood trauma and repression litter their posts as well as being evident in their monikers and avatars. They wear their subconscious on their sleeve in here.
Where does this system exist?
Anyone can get a drivers license or a State ID card in California.
It actually exists in a lot of circumstances and almost always disenfranchises the poor. Voting is a right, not a privilege (like driving, for example). Because voting is considered a “right” then any laws that mandate voter ID need to ensure that getting that ID doesn’t place an undue burden on citizens, and it must be free otherwise it could be considered a poll tax.

Not everyone lives the way many of us on this board do. Many people don’t have cars and must take mass transit, so any voter ID places would need to be easily accessible via mass transit. They would also need to be open extended hours to accommodate those who can’t afford to take even one day off of work to stand in line for a voter ID. The elderly are particularly negatively affected by voter ID as they often are immobile.

I too am not against voter ID, but it has to be easy to obtain, free, and not place an undue burden on anyone.
It actually exists in a lot of circumstances and almost always disenfranchises the poor. Voting is a right, not a privilege (like driving, for example). Because voting is considered a “right” then any laws that mandate voter ID need to ensure that getting that ID doesn’t place an undue burden on citizens, and it must be free otherwise it could be considered a poll tax.

Not everyone lives the way many of us on this board do. Many people don’t have cars and must take mass transit, so any voter ID places would need to be easily accessible via mass transit. They would also need to be open extended hours to accommodate those who can’t afford to take even one day off of work to stand in line for a voter ID. The elderly are particularly negatively affected by voter ID as they often are immobile.

I too am not against voter ID, but it has to be easy to obtain, free, and not place an undue burden on anyone.
All the things you list are all the things Republicans do all they can to restrict, especially the voting part.
Signs of childhood trauma and repression litter their posts as well as being evident in their monikers and avatars. They wear their subconscious on their sleeve in here.

You are one disgusting filthy piece of human trash.....your post only
represents what has most likely occurred in YOUR life, not others.
You are the poster who exposed inadequacies in his own childhood,
not others as you’ve tried too thru your own projections.....

Re evaluate your own life and who YOU support....ya lowlife.
You are one disgusting filthy piece of human trash.....your post only
represents what has most likely occurred in YOUR life, not others.
You are the poster who exposed inadequacies in his own childhood,
not others as you’ve tried too thru your own projections.....

Re evaluate your own life and who YOU support....ya lowlife.
Don't fall off your stool jethro! LOL!
God you're ignorant. Most voter ID laws are recent and there were ZERO photo ID requirements anywhere until 2006.

God you're full of shit and NEVER address the point. I don't give a fuck about 2006. It's 2020 where American citizens must show multiple forms of I.D. to fly on a commercial plane and liberals say it's racist to make illegals identify themselves to vote in an American election.
I'm not opposed to that. I am opposed to systems set up that require a voter ID and make it more difficult for some people to obtain such an ID than others.

And I'm opposed to open borders. I'm opposed to my tax dollars paying for healthcare given to illegals by calling it "government funded for immigrants". I'm opposed to creating an optional program for illegals and saying "they do pay taxes". I'm opposed to doing way with ICE like Bernie wants. I'm opposed to always going after wealthy people because liberals actually think money solves problems. And more that ANYTHING else we've talked about on this thread, I'm opposed to liberals pretending they won't do or promise anything if it betters the chances of removing Trump from office.
What does driving have to do with voting?

I just gave you the fucking link! So illegals being given a driver's license isn't bad enough. The liberals want to take away the requirement to show ANY identification when you vote. I travel for work every week. Guess what the hotels MAKE me show when I check in? You're a clown.
My only question is whether "Outlaw" was beat up as a kid my an immigrant or minority, or whether it has to do with his employment. He does have a cute name, though, doesn't he? Its like half the Labrador Retrievers I know.

And your name is like half the toddlers with dirty diapers and the other half that can't get their food all the way in their mouths.
One thing we know for sure...when this thing is over and thanks to the right and its followers, the rich will definitely get a lot richer. Just like '09.
It actually exists in a lot of circumstances and almost always disenfranchises the poor. Voting is a right, not a privilege (like driving, for example). Because voting is considered a “right” then any laws that mandate voter ID need to ensure that getting that ID doesn’t place an undue burden on citizens, and it must be free otherwise it could be considered a poll tax.

Not everyone lives the way many of us on this board do. Many people don’t have cars and must take mass transit, so any voter ID places would need to be easily accessible via mass transit. They would also need to be open extended hours to accommodate those who can’t afford to take even one day off of work to stand in line for a voter ID. The elderly are particularly negatively affected by voter ID as they often are immobile.

I too am not against voter ID, but it has to be easy to obtain, free, and not place an undue burden on anyone.

Apparently it doesn't disenfranchise the poor if illegal aliens can get them. Voting is a right... and illegal aliens have no right voting in our country anymore than I can vote in Canada or Mexico. You never gave a shit about voting until you realized you can't win any other way. Same reason you suddenly think it's unfair to show ID. Anybody can get an ID.