
So a jackass with a gun a Surf Cup represents a danger to me and mine, are we agreed?

Does Surf test for Jackassery before allowing entry?
Does Surf check for "jackassery" before they allow teams to drive down the 5?
42000 to 600...
And that my friend, is what the discussion really is all about and why it goes nowhere. People who are obsessed with the "good-guy-with-a-gun-fantasy" will never bend.
600 to 42000....the numbers don't explain the obsessed hysterical reaction that someone with a gun might be in the stall next to you....

Now if you wanted to argue that some guy in the stall next to you at Surf Cup might commit suicide, with a gun, because they lost at Surf Cup, you might be onto sumthin...
600 to 42000....the numbers don't explain the obsessed hysterical reaction that someone with a gun might be in the stall next to you....

You mean 42000 "+" 600 and that's just accidents. What if the guy in the stall flips his lid, then we can add homicide numbers to the formula.
Aetna (AET) is sharply cutting its participation in Obamacare exchanges for 2017.

The health insurer said it will offer individual Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchange plans in just four states, down from 15 this year, in an effort to reduce its losses.
"As a strong supporter of public exchanges as a means to meet the needs of the uninsured, we regret having to make this decision," Marc Bertolini, Aetna chairman and CEO, said in a statement.

The insurance giant says it will offer ACA exchange plans in Delaware, Iowa, Nebraska and Virginia, slashing its Obamacare footprint by 70 percent next year. It will offer ACA plans in just 242 counties, nationally, down from nearly 780 this year.

Aetna's announcement comes two weeks after the company booked $200 million in ACA-related pre-tax losses in its Q2 earnings report and nearly one month after the Department of Justice's anti-trust division sued to block the health insurer's acquisition of rival Humana (HUM).

Humana has also announced it will cut back sharply from the exchanges. Their pullback, in the wake of UnitedHealth (UNH)'s departure from all but a handful of exchanges, means that hundreds of thousands of Obamacare plan members will no longer have access to plans from the nation's three major insurers in 2017.


Now what?
This was the best piece of legislation this administration produced.
What went wrong?
You mean 42000 "+" 600 and that's just accidents. What if the guy in the stall flips his lid, then we can add homicide numbers to the formula.

I gave you the possibility of the guy flippin out and eating a .38 caliber sandwich...
Life is pretty scary especially when one considers everything that might/could possibly happen.
Makes one wonder how one leaves the house in the morning?

Lions and tigers and bears...OH MY!
What if....????
"Possibilities are endless"

That's exactly what you are doing by mentioning auto accidents in the context of a gun control discussion. The fact that you can die in ways other than by an idiot with a gun, doesn't reduce the ridiculousness of dying unnecessarily by a person insistent on carrying a gun. Each gun death is unnecessary. You gotta drive, you gotta fly, etc.
That's exactly what you are doing by mentioning auto accidents in the context of a gun control discussion. The fact that you can die in ways other than by an idiot with a gun, doesn't reduce the ridiculousness of dying unnecessarily by a person insistent on carrying a gun. Each gun death is unnecessary. You gotta drive, you gotta fly, etc.

And flying and driving is much more dangerous than accidental gun deaths...but just ignore that fact.
Homicide by gun is around 11,000, so even with your buddy in the stall at Surf, your still 4 times as likely to be killed on the highway.
My suggestion is stay out of Chicago and you'll probably be fine.
Try keeping your eyes on the guy in the stall next to you at Surf...see how that goes.....
What does the UK healthcare system have to do with my comment?
Not much... about the same relevance as the reference to the UK's "entire economy"...
Who cares? Obamacare was to be his legacy.
This piece of legislation was suppose to stop and reverse the cost of health care in America, making it "affordable" for everyone.
So far, so good. Pffff.....
Why worry about cost, effectiveness or the lies told to the American people.
And flying and driving is much more dangerous than accidental gun deaths...but just ignore that fact.
Homicide by gun is around 11,000, so even with your buddy in the stall at Surf, your still 4 times as likely to be killed on the highway.

Ignore it? I've restated it with my every response.

Follow along Lion, I'll go slow....

I have to drive to Surf Cup. Nobody has to bring a gun to Surf Cup. Someone is choosing to bring a deadly weapon that puts me and mine at an extra risk of injury or death....for what, for self-defense? Statistically you're more likely to kill yourself or an innocent, with that gun you are wearing...
Not much... about the same relevance as the reference to the UK's "entire economy"...

You're so concerned with your own agenda, you miss the point of the article I posted. It was to frame the size of our Healthcare problem in America. You may not recognize it as a problem, but millions of people do.

This piece of legislation was suppose to stop and reverse the cost of health care in America

So far, all you've done is show how it's hurting Healthcare company profits, "OH THE HUMANITY!"
Ignore it? I've restated it with my every response.

Follow along Lion, I'll go slow....

I have to drive to Surf Cup. Nobody has to bring a gun to Surf Cup. Someone is choosing to bring a deadly weapon that puts me and mine at an extra risk of injury or death....for what, for self-defense? Statistically you're more likely to kill yourself or an innocent, with that gun you are wearing...

Again for the umpteen time...420o0 to 600 which means you're something like....what? 70 times more likely to be killed on the freeway than by accidental shootings...
As far as this imaginary person with a concealed weapons permit...
If someone has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, everyone from retired police officers, judges, district attorneys, folks like jewel dealers, some doctors, some couriers, some folks with restraining orders against a spouse or stalker, all who qualify for the concealed weapons permit, went through back ground exams and must qualify with the weapon that they are going to carry. They are already on the sidelines, the guns are already there. These folks don't flash their guns or draw attention to them. But they are there. Count on it. They're in the grocery store & Costco standing in line with you...at the bank and everywhere you go...even church.
So if a nut with a gun shoots you in the toilet at Surf Cup, better hope one of these concealed carriers is standing in line just outside the door, cause chances are the cops won't be there for quite some time.

But if it helps you to function, just tell yourself it can't be so....
You're so concerned with your own agenda, you miss the point of the article I posted. It was to frame the size of our Healthcare problem in America. You may not recognize it as a problem, but millions of people do.

So far, all you've done is show how it's hurting Healthcare company profits, "OH THE HUMANITY!"
This bill was supposed to fix all the health care problems, bring down costs and you could keep your doctor and health care.
Costs have gone up, consumers that once had many providers now have less and you believe this fine.
Health care is now more expensive with less options. That is the problem for millions of people.
If your client posted 200 million in losses, what would you advise them to do?
This bill was supposed to fix all the health care problems, bring down costs and you could keep your doctor and health care.

It did fix the biggest problem our Country faced, millions of people left out in the cold with no healthcare. Now we can continue to evolve it to make it better instead of seek to destroy it at every turn, which is what has been happening.
Again for the umpteen time...420o0 to 600 which means you're something like....what? 70 times more likely to be killed on the freeway than by accidental shootings...

And for the umpteen time, the fact that you can die in ways other then a jackass with a gun, doesn't change the fact that you bringing a gun around me and mine exposes us to your bad decision.

...and I also realize it's the law and that's why I think the laws should change.