Does it really matter?
Here's something to try. Ask someone who was on the sidelines watching a game what the final score was and who made each goal 30 minutes after it completes.
Most people won't remember. The only thing they do remember is if the score allowed their team to advance because this typically means more games to play.
Hopefully your club can make up for other clubs "cheating" by playing down for wins by setting up friendlies with other teams.
If the MLS N player playing down on the NPL team is the one that scores all the goals - you can be sure that quite a few people will notice and remember. If the NL player playing down on the RL team is the one that scores all the goals - you can be sure that quite a few people will notice and remember. If the player playing down isn't impactful in the game - nobody notices, and nobody cares, as the whole intent of all of these rules and guidelines is to promote fairer competition.