And how's that real estate looking these days? How much have you lost?d
It was all disposed of long ago.
And how's that real estate looking these days? How much have you lost?d
What the hell are you talking about? Good lord you must be on another bender...Your type people, angry, spiteful, always aggrieved and constantly acting the victim of some vast left wing conspiracy.
The harassment went beyond the digital realm. Trump supporters broke into the home of Raffensperger's daughter-in-law, who is a widow with two children, Raffensperger testified.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said his wife received 'disgusting' sexualized texts after he refused to cave to Trump's election pressure
The Georgia official testified to the January 6 committee that the former president's supporters also broke into his daughter-in-law's
So no 401k, no property, maybe an IRA and "other" financial instruments. Sounds like a great way to retire... said no one ever.It was all disposed of long ago.
And what the hell is "your type people"? I know you like to disparage women but now your a racist too?Your type people, angry, spiteful, always aggrieved and constantly acting the victim of some vast left wing conspiracy.
The harassment went beyond the digital realm. Trump supporters broke into the home of Raffensperger's daughter-in-law, who is a widow with two children, Raffensperger testified.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said his wife received 'disgusting' sexualized texts after he refused to cave to Trump's election pressure
The Georgia official testified to the January 6 committee that the former president's supporters also broke into his daughter-in-law's
No house payments, no car payments, credit cards paid off every month, affordable and complete medical insurance, and money in the bank. I never imagined it would be this simple.So no 401k, no property, maybe an IRA and "other" financial instruments. Sounds like a great way to retire... said no one ever.
So you sold your property prior to this current (2021) real estate climate. I guess your timing was off.. and if your living off of savings your losing money to inflation. Again..not a good plan. But having your house paid off ( if I recall you're in a condo) is rarely a bad thing...No house payments, no car payments, credit cards paid off every month, affordable and complete medical insurance, and money in the bank. I never imagined it would be this simple.
Even the IRS has backed away (at least for now) on their claims for more taxes on my 2017 income.
I agree with the sentiment, but when exactly were those days? I think the internet has lifted the curtain on what was already there.
The concept of taking the high road seems to be a lost in today's society.
"your type people"....?Your type people, angry, spiteful, always aggrieved and constantly acting the victim of some vast left wing conspiracy.
The harassment went beyond the digital realm. Trump supporters broke into the home of Raffensperger's daughter-in-law, who is a widow with two children, Raffensperger testified.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said his wife received 'disgusting' sexualized texts after he refused to cave to Trump's election pressure
The Georgia official testified to the January 6 committee that the former president's supporters also broke into his daughter-in-law's
I can't point to an exact date, but sometime in the 90's... the typical American POV on the 1st Amendment went from being a right Americans saw as sacred; into the boring / dusty thing, that folks today think is ruining the internet.
And how's that real estate looking these days? How much have you lost?
I have many family members who are heavily involved in the real estate market. My nephew in Austin has said that his repeat customers is down 40/50% as people have stopped investing in houses. A few of the guys I ride with are also real estate investors but are now trying to liquidate some of their holdings but are not seeing much action, even with them lowering their properties substantially. One of the common feelings is that we are nowhere near the bottom, but that when that bottom is reached it's the people with cash that will be doing all the buying.It's interesting. I heard from my first supervisee a few days ago. Left the law to go into real estate almost 15 years ago now. He specializes is UMC DINK mini mansion housing. He's calling everyone he knows to try and drum up business. Haven't spoken since prepandemic so we got to may just be his particular market but he basically says the bottom has dropped out and it's generally much much worse than the media has acknowledged and he's far more worried than he was in 2008. Again, might just be given his market sliver but his sense of it is the middle middle class market is getting hit just as's like the titanic where the iceberg has hit but people still don't see it going down....will when those adjustables start defaulting he says.
It was actually partially the right's fault when they went to the Supreme Court to get an exemption for the flag to protect flag burning and when they came out against movies, like The Last Temptation, which they thought were blasphemous. On the left there was Al Gore's wife and the rap records.
As they's either all o.k., or none of it is.
They need to keep us occupied blaming each other to save their own skin.Haha... Al and Tipper. Now they are divorced and Prince (I think it was his song lyrics?) is now considered a national treasure. The world works in mysterious ways.
I do think you're onto something with the Supreme Court rulings having an influence Grace. I was also going to blame the end of the cold war. Freedom of speech is wildly more important when there is a threat of someone taking it away. Where as in an American dominated world where freedom rings... well 'freedom of speech' is just another 'right' that folks feel they are owed.
Here we have freedom of speech, and with the power of the internet now can the ability share thoughts and ideas across boarders and time zones; and the best we seem to be able to do with it is scream and yell at each other. What a waste.
Well only certain people have freedom of speech on the internet. They other people get fact checked...Haha... Al and Tipper. Now they are divorced and Prince (I think it was his song lyrics?) is now considered a national treasure. The world works in mysterious ways.
I do think you're onto something with the Supreme Court rulings having an influence Grace. I was also going to blame the end of the cold war. Freedom of speech is wildly more important when there is a threat of someone taking it away. Where as in an American dominated world where freedom rings... well 'freedom of speech' is just another 'right' that folks feel they are owed.
Here we have freedom of speech, and with the power of the internet now can the ability share thoughts and ideas across boarders and time zones; and the best we seem to be able to do with it is scream and yell at each other. What a waste.
Is that you on the left? That's a rhetorical question.. we know you're on the left.
I don’t always vote Republican, but when I do they are the right person for the job . . . not the person I want to put on shirts, hats, flags, banners, tattooed on me and praise as if they were the second coming.Is that you on the left? That's a rhetorical question.. we know you're on the left.
While the internet does provide a easy and anonymous forum to scream and yell at each other, the access to information (even if some of it is misinformation) far outweighs the negative impact of public conflict. Misinformation and conflict has always been out there it just used to spread a lot slower and maybe not get in the mainstream. This biggest issue I see is that the right to free speech has been superseded by the right "not to be offended" which I can't seem to find in the Constitution. I'm a free speech absolutist, they way I look at is if someone is burning an American flag or waving a Nazi flag, I want them out in the public and not hiding in the shadows. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Of course there is a discussion to be had about rights vs. responsibilities.Here we have freedom of speech, and with the power of the internet now can the ability share thoughts and ideas across boarders and time zones; and the best we seem to be able to do with it is scream and yell at each other. What a waste.