1. Reliable people like Campbell are great for helping make sense of the data for those of us you regard as STEM morons that you always looked down upon. Oh yeah, I remember, trust the experts, but only those that have the dad4 seal of approval.
2. It's funny how far back your line has fallen back to that you are now at "kept me out of the hospital". If that's the point we are at, then there was no point in vaccinating people who had already had it since their prior infection would "keep them out of the hospital" for the second.
3. It also means there's no point in boosting with the original shot, except in very limited instances of the very elderly and immunocompromised (and I don't mean I have asthma that means I'm immunocompromised....in like I'm in active chemo treatment or have AIDS immocompromised). It also means there was never any point in vaccinating the under 20, and serious consideration should have been given to the 20-30 who were immunonaive.
4. I truly wonder, seeing what's happening in China, and having one domino fall after another (whether the kids in schools, the vaccines, the masks, the inflation, where Sweden/Florida ended up, the wipe down theater) and seeing what's the thought process in your head. It really does fascinate me, because you usually don't see it outside of the context of religion, and having had a ton of conversations with believers, and having encountered some I was never able to get to question, I never really understood it. Now that's something I would pay dollars to understand how the brain can actually do it. I understand the trolls like espola and busker and what motivates them. But even though I don't have a comprehension of it, a little bit of me admires the faithful too.