
Making policy based on the assumption that everyone could be sick is a high cost/low benefit approach aka bad policy. It also takes the focus away from those far more likely to spread the virus.
Excellent come back bro and I like that Husker engages you and me others. The focus the last two years was simple. Scare the shit out of people first and foremost and cause chaos and confusion and then force people to obey or else and then steal the election from t so they can single handily steal the American Dream from us regular folks. Buckle up cowboy because the ride is going to be a rough one and you have no saddle bro.

But please continue. No one expects anything better from you at this point.
@Desert Hound this is how Espola started with me years ago. "Nonsense" and then a few "Coo Coo." If you continue on a roll and trigger him even past Coo Coo, then he will go low blow and personal, use other Avatars to speak through his true feelings and then he will ignore you. Husker Du has 36 on ignore and I'm not one of them, imagine that. Love you Hound Dog :)
If my daughter was in public school or if she would have been in college, I would have gladly made myself available to teach HS on campus after getting my vaccine if it would have gotten the kids back in school sooner. I would have accepted wearing a mask inside if required as well.

This goes to a different approach that I believe, historically, is much more suited to our culture than enforcing mandates. Ask people to problem-solve - don't force things on them. Allow people to be part of the solution instead of using an authoritarian approach which was the antithesis of our country's foundation.
Cuz some won’t cooperate anyways right? Some militantly so . . .
Your last line reminded me of this from second grade history: The Continental Army was the army of the Thirteen Colonies and the Revolutionary-era United States. It was formed by the Second Continental Congress after the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, and was established by a resolution of Congress on June 14, 1775.
Dr. F just announced were out of the pandemic stage and we can all go back to the way things were. Yay and yippie all in one :) I feel safe now and feel like the worst is all behind us. This is amazing news and I hope we can all get along now, mask or no mask and jab or no jab. Let's hire those people back who got fired. Pay them for their losses. No more masks, so stoked. My buddy is all bent and out of his mind today.
In other news, some truckers decided to take their protest to Oakland.

They found out it’s a bad idea to blow your horn non-stop when your truck is next to a grocery store which sells eggs.

I figure some here will defend the constant horn honking, and others will defend the egg throwers. This is not a good direction for us. There are basic standards of behavior, and we are abandoning them for the joy of feeling righteous.
Sums up the behaviour of politicians, CEOs and political public health "officials" the last 18-24 months. Hey you, 5 yr old, wear a mask.. hey you, healthy 20 year old, vaxxed and boosted please. The Drake meme comes to mind.
If you believe that the vaccine reduces deaths, then what happens if we all get sick before the vaccine exists?

This isn’t a difficult question. But you don’t like the answer, so you word spam.
Your problem is you live in this black and white world. Plenty of things contributed to people, dying, they always do. A novel virus killed plenty of people. They were likley going to die anyway. American society is obese and unhealthy, prime hunting ground for viruses.. This one more so than others before it. Cardio vascular unhealthyness led to mass deaths. ISending people home and telling them to call back if they got sicker killed people. Not providing early intervention with available treatment killed people. Plenty of blame to go around...novel viruses tend to do that. Did vaccines save lives...sure, Did masking..maybe. Did isolation for two weeks help,'s a novel virus. Did ventilators kill people..yep. We literally killed people thinkiging we were saving them. Turns out in many cases, non invasive venting would have been the way to go. So many things to disect.

Linear approaches to this kind of stuff is rather silly. Lockdown are always effective until they are not - lockdowns are always short lived and are counterproductive to society when they go long. Mutation is what "saved" us, not vaccines, not masks, not lockdowns.
Hey you, 5 yr old, wear a mask.. hey you, healthy 20 year old, vaxxed and boosted please. The Drake meme comes to mind.
Master of the Universe: Hey husband and father of two with bills to pay and pressure to make a boat load of $$$ so you can pay to play on the planet

The Man: You talking to me?

Master: Yes

The Man: What up master

Master: You must wear a mask and take jabs of unknown substance into your blood stream or you can't work for me anymore

The Man ((me)): Never!!!
Your problem is you live in this black and white world. Plenty of things contributed to people, dying, they always do. A novel virus killed plenty of people. They were likley going to die anyway. American society is obese and unhealthy, prime hunting ground for viruses.. This one more so than others before it. Cardio vascular unhealthyness led to mass deaths. ISending people home and telling them to call back if they got sicker killed people. Not providing early intervention with available treatment killed people. Plenty of blame to go around...novel viruses tend to do that. Did vaccines save lives...sure, Did masking..maybe. Did isolation for two weeks help,'s a novel virus. Did ventilators kill people..yep. We literally killed people thinkiging we were saving them. Turns out in many cases, non invasive venting would have been the way to go. So many things to disect.

Linear approaches to this kind of stuff is rather silly. Lockdown are always effective until they are not - lockdowns are always short lived and are counterproductive to society when they go long. Mutation is what "saved" us, not vaccines, not masks, not lockdowns.

"Likely going to die anyway" is a pretty loose excuse that can be used in almost any situation.

Shame on you.

With time the facts start to trickle out...and it makes the gov and the maskers/lockdowners look worse and worse.
Another black eye for those agencies where credibility is paramount. It's sad.

With time the facts start to trickle out...and it makes the gov and the maskers/lockdowners look worse and worse.
Not to be that guy but it refers mostly to pressure from the Trump administration.
"Likely going to die anyway" is a pretty loose excuse that can be used in almost any situation.

Shame on you.
in this case i was referring to likley going to die from covid-19 once infected with SARs-COV2, not just from any situation. My bad if I didn't specify.

Are you not able to handle reality? Unfortunately many that died were soon to die anyway. Whether it was from covid-19 or another virus.
in this case i was referring to likley going to die from covid-19 once infected with SARs-COV2, not just from any situation. My bad if I didn't specify.

Are you not able to handle reality? Unfortunately many that died were soon to die anyway. Whether it was from covid-19 or another virus.
Yup. Let's all not forget two years ago when gun shot victim to the head, brain dead stroke victim and all the other ER visits were counted as died from((with)) Covid? Why? For more money, that's why.
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in this case i was referring to likley going to die from covid-19 once infected with SARs-COV2, not just from any situation. My bad if I didn't specify.

Are you not able to handle reality? Unfortunately many that died were soon to die anyway. Whether it was from covid-19 or another virus.

That excuse can be used for any risk. Seatbelts? Air traffic control? Asbestos filters on cigarettes? Those people were going to die anyway.
Not to be that guy but it refers mostly to pressure from the Trump administration.
You are not that guy.

The article just shows these agencies bowed to political pressure. We know they certainly did as well under the Biden admin as it relates to the teachers union helping to adjust rules.

The whole process has been political from day one. Which is why so many things didn't make any sense.
Fauci clarifies 'the pandemic is not over' on NPR podcast

"The pandemic is not over. Don’t anyone think that," he insisted.
That excuse can be used for any risk. Seatbelts? Air traffic control? Asbestos filters on cigarettes? Those people were going to die anyway.
you aren't even in the same zip code and you are emotionally missing my point. I'm not giving you excuses, they are reasons.

This virus was/is going to be fatal to many people, mainly to the unhealthy and elderly demographic. Mutation is leading cause of mitigation, not masking, not vaccines, even though vaccination certainly helped to reduce mortality. I would even agree that lockdowns mitigated mortality, to some degree. Isolation always works. As a society, we did many things wrong, many. Some for the right reasons, some for the wrong reasons. The right reason was our lack of understanding, treating based on what happened last time or working off of a dated playbook. The wrong reasons were driven by politics.
you aren't even in the same zip code and you are emotionally missing my point. I'm not giving you excuses, they are reasons.

This virus was/is going to be fatal to many people, mainly to the unhealthy and elderly demographic. Mutation is leading cause of mitigation, not masking, not vaccines, even though vaccination certainly helped to reduce mortality. I would even agree that lockdowns mitigated mortality, to some degree. Isolation always works. As a society, we did many things wrong, many. Some for the right reasons, some for the wrong reasons. The right reason was our lack of understanding, treating based on what happened last time or working off of a dated playbook. The wrong reasons were driven by politics.
People who die in car accidents typically don't have 4 other contributing causes of death.