Bad News Thread

How many minutes of Fauci's time do you want to spend on a 76K international subcontract over which he has no direct control? Or do you want him to have some underling dive deep into PRC obfuscation on the contract? That’s fine. But it won't help any.

This has nothing to do with accountability. For better or worse, no one expects international partnerships like this to have accountability. You don’t even want him to try to make it accountable, because that would be a complete waste of time. PRC does not turn over their real documents just because US bureaucrats ask nicely and talk about accountability.

If someone asks agency heads about 76K indirect subcontracts through international agencies, it isn’t because they think the US Congress can get accountability. It means they are playing gotcha and the goal is political payback for some other offense.
There’s no upside to this for the rs. There’s plenty more for them to attack on. They have their own house in order problems with Cheney and trump. This isn’t even about fauci personally (though like the buck stop here attacks against trump fauci would be equally responsible). And the media will move to protect him. It’s about the us making any investment in China at a lab with know past problems in a country that isn’t transparent and has a bad track record for accidents. It shouldn’t happen.
"There are now more connections emerging from the Wuhan Institute that should be explored further. These connections involve the United States government, the National Institutes of Health and Dr Anthony Fauci -- and he should have to explain them before Congress.

These questions could of course pose complications to the mainstream media storyline that Fauci is a great hero, a man lionized, even fetishized by the political left for being the antithesis to then-president Donald Trump. If the NIH and Anthony Fauci played any role in financing or assisting the Wuhan Institute, including outsourcing the study of BSL-4 novel coronaviruses, the good doctor should have to answer for it.

To boil things down: the United States was outsourcing the study of novel coronaviruses to a group called EcoHealth Alliance, a group which according to NPR was doing the bulk of collection of coronavirus samples from bats and transferring those samples and research to the Wuhan Institute.

The original grant money provided to EcoHealth was $3.7 million, $76,000 of which was slated for the Wuhan Institute. This funding was approved with the backing of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the agency that Anthony Fauci heads, according to Newsweek.

That contract was canceled in April 2020. Those grants were approved by the National Institute of Health. According to a blockbuster piece in New York magazine, one of the first outlets to take the lab leak hypothesis seriously, EcoHealth Alliance 'has channeled money from the National Institutes of Health to Shi Zhengli's laboratory in Wuhan, allowing the lab to carry on recombinant research into diseases of bats and humans'."

Old news spun for those desperate for validation of their paranoid hysteria, of which you are the poster child around here.
Just found out today about the cancellation, were trying to get her signed up to take it in Prescott. Thank god for Arizona :cool:. Despite how I've made fun of Zonies in the past, they seem to have much more common sense than Californians.
When you see the guy in the truck with “flat” painted on it along with “NASA is a con” and “the moon landing was faked” you are in Prescott (pronounced press-kit so you don’t sound like an outsider, lol!). If you golf check out Stoneridge.
I've decided to post good news in the bad news section. I'm a free man and i can do WTHIW so STFU! Remember, my "F" = Freaking

Orange County won’t develop digital record for showing vaccination
As county supervisors focus their efforts on further boosting vaccination rates among residents, they made official on Tuesday pausing all work on developing an opt-in digital vaccine record people could show providing verification to a third party, saying the public debate had become "counterproductive" to the goal of encouraging more people to take the shot.

I would like to see the word, "ending" instead of "pausing." However, a pause is better than moving forward with this BS. How would some of you Vaxxers feel if you were asked at the door the following stupid question:

Door Guard ((DG)): "Sir, did you get the shot from X Y and Z?"
Potential Customer ((PC)): "Yes"
DG: I'm sorry, you can;t come in our place because
PC: But I got X Y and Z
DG: Oh dear, I am sorry to hear that. Did you not hear the latest on X Y and Z?
PC: Hear what?
DG: Oh dear, you must leave now before I call the cops!!!
"Even now there is “not a single documented Covid infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on a street or eating at a nearby table,” Leonhardt notes, which makes the CDC’s recommendations seem ridiculous, not simply over-cautious."


"But the CDC’s estimate about the risk of outdoor COVID-19 transmission was exaggerated, according to a bombshell report from the New York Times, which says the risk of COVID-19 transmission is actually less than 1 percent."

“Media organizations repeated the statistic, and it quickly became a standard description of the frequency of outdoor transmission,” noted the New York Times.

“It appears to be based partly on a misclassification of some Covid transmission that actually took place in enclosed spaces,” the report explains. “An even bigger issue is the extreme caution of C.D.C. officials, who picked a benchmark — 10 percent — so high that nobody could reasonably dispute it.”

"That benchmark “seems to be a huge exaggeration,” as Dr. Muge Cevik, a virologist at the University of St. Andrews, said. In truth, the share of transmission that has occurred outdoors seems to be below 1 percent and may be below 0.1 percent, multiple epidemiologists told me. The rare outdoor transmission that has happened almost all seems to have involved crowded places or close conversation.

Saying that less than 10 percent of Covid transmission occurs outdoors is akin to saying that sharks attack fewer than 20,000 swimmers a year. (The actual worldwide number is around 150.) It’s both true and deceiving."

"Even now there is “not a single documented Covid infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on a street or eating at a nearby table,” Leonhardt notes, which makes the CDC’s recommendations seem ridiculous, not simply over-cautious."


"But the CDC’s estimate about the risk of outdoor COVID-19 transmission was exaggerated, according to a bombshell report from the New York Times, which says the risk of COVID-19 transmission is actually less than 1 percent."

“Media organizations repeated the statistic, and it quickly became a standard description of the frequency of outdoor transmission,” noted the New York Times.

“It appears to be based partly on a misclassification of some Covid transmission that actually took place in enclosed spaces,” the report explains. “An even bigger issue is the extreme caution of C.D.C. officials, who picked a benchmark — 10 percent — so high that nobody could reasonably dispute it.”

"That benchmark “seems to be a huge exaggeration,” as Dr. Muge Cevik, a virologist at the University of St. Andrews, said. In truth, the share of transmission that has occurred outdoors seems to be below 1 percent and may be below 0.1 percent, multiple epidemiologists told me. The rare outdoor transmission that has happened almost all seems to have involved crowded places or close conversation.

Saying that less than 10 percent of Covid transmission occurs outdoors is akin to saying that sharks attack fewer than 20,000 swimmers a year. (The actual worldwide number is around 150.) It’s both true and deceiving."

Old news spun for those desperate for validation of their paranoid hysteria, of which you are the poster child around here.
It isn't old news. Quite frankly the vast majority of news orgs are still running with the story is debunked as of early last year.

In other words they have not changed or updated their reporting to show that there is serious doubt that the virus was naturally occurring.

Whether or not the US funded it or not, it is a HUGE story if the virus was man made.

Unfortunately sheep like you are not interested in the least. Zero curiosity it seems. You are stuck looking at everything through a political lens vs wondering what the actual truth is.

If the virus is man made it neither hurts Trump, helps Trump, hurts Biden, helps Biden, etc. It isn't a R vs D thing.

So grow up and take off your partisan lenses to everything you see or talk about. Or keep on telling us what you have been spoon fed. Your call.
"Even now there is “not a single documented Covid infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on a street or eating at a nearby table,” Leonhardt notes, which makes the CDC’s recommendations seem ridiculous, not simply over-cautious."


"But the CDC’s estimate about the risk of outdoor COVID-19 transmission was exaggerated, according to a bombshell report from the New York Times, which says the risk of COVID-19 transmission is actually less than 1 percent."

“Media organizations repeated the statistic, and it quickly became a standard description of the frequency of outdoor transmission,” noted the New York Times.

“It appears to be based partly on a misclassification of some Covid transmission that actually took place in enclosed spaces,” the report explains. “An even bigger issue is the extreme caution of C.D.C. officials, who picked a benchmark — 10 percent — so high that nobody could reasonably dispute it.”

"That benchmark “seems to be a huge exaggeration,” as Dr. Muge Cevik, a virologist at the University of St. Andrews, said. In truth, the share of transmission that has occurred outdoors seems to be below 1 percent and may be below 0.1 percent, multiple epidemiologists told me. The rare outdoor transmission that has happened almost all seems to have involved crowded places or close conversation.

Saying that less than 10 percent of Covid transmission occurs outdoors is akin to saying that sharks attack fewer than 20,000 swimmers a year. (The actual worldwide number is around 150.) It’s both true and deceiving."

I knew a rightwing rag would take that report and spin it to appease the desperate for validation crew. Erring on the side of public safety isn’t all that horrible. Outside was always said to be better, outside with distance even more so. Concerts and large gatherings is what they were clumsily trying to dissuade.
I knew a rightwing rag would take that report and spin it to appease the desperate for validation crew. Erring on the side of public safety isn’t all that horrible. Outside was always said to be better, outside with distance even more so. Concerts and large gatherings is what they were clumsily trying to dissuade.
I didn't know the NY Times was a right wing rag. But I will chalk it up to your lack of reading comprehension which is on display day after day on these boards.

""But the CDC’s estimate about the risk of outdoor COVID-19 transmission was exaggerated, according to a bombshell report from the New York Times, which says the risk of COVID-19 transmission is actually less than 1 percent."
It isn't old news. Quite frankly the vast majority of news orgs are still running with the story is debunked as of early last year.

In other words they have not changed or updated their reporting to show that there is serious doubt that the virus was naturally occurring.

Whether or not the US funded it or not, it is a HUGE story if the virus was man made.

Unfortunately sheep like you are not interested in the least. Zero curiosity it seems. You are stuck looking at everything through a political lens vs wondering what the actual truth is.

If the virus is man made it neither hurts Trump, helps Trump, hurts Biden, helps Biden, etc. It isn't a R vs D thing.

So grow up and take off your partisan lenses to everything you see or talk about. Or keep on telling us what you have been spoon fed. Your call.
We are fortunate if the virus truly is a gain of function virus that the ifr was only .4% and it didn’t hit the young hard. Even with that we got the scenes in India. If the ifr had really been 2% like we thought at the beginning, given the massive reaction in the world, we would have gotten something closer to seen in the movie Contagion. If it had been 25% like in the movie society would have just power, no police, no internet and food only as long as the few days mres last. And all from a self inflicted harm because proper precautions were not followed in heightened danger experiments. If this happened, we need to know that so it doesn’t happen again. And if foreign governments are doing it, if us money is being used (and we should so we maintain leverage) proper due diligence needs to be done in the future. Faucis argument that an intermediary and not his org did it merely means enhanced due diligence is needed when dealing with these intermediaries and these experiments. The fact that they ordered the money stopped after the outbreak also indicates they didn’t have zero control...they just had a failing in their oversight
Faucis argument that an intermediary and not his org did it merely means enhanced due diligence is needed when dealing with these intermediaries and these experiments. The fact that they ordered the money stopped after the outbreak also indicates they didn’t have zero control...they just had a failing in their oversight

Which is why this is very worthwhile to look at.
I didn't know the NY Times was a right wing rag. But I will chalk it up to your lack of reading comprehension which is on display day after day on these boards.

""But the CDC’s estimate about the risk of outdoor COVID-19 transmission was exaggerated, according to a bombshell report from the New York Times, which says the risk of COVID-19 transmission is actually less than 1 percent."
What’s PJ Media? The NYT published the report they didn’t spin it for your desperate needs.
To understand the masks, put one on and try to blow out a birthday candle.

That is most of what the mask does. It keeps your breath from travelling very far as you exhale. If you can’t blow out the candle, you can’t blow as much virus into someone else’s face.
I didn't know the NY Times was a right wing rag. But I will chalk it up to your lack of reading comprehension which is on display day after day on these boards.

""But the CDC’s estimate about the risk of outdoor COVID-19 transmission was exaggerated, according to a bombshell report from the New York Times, which says the risk of COVID-19 transmission is actually less than 1 percent."
Oh found it:

Overall, we rate PJ Media to be Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as numerous failed fact checks.
What’s PJ Media? The NYT published the report they didn’t spin it for your desperate needs.
NYT is also saying that 10% is completely misleading. They put it closer to 0.1%. That’s consistent with the half dozen or so research papers I’ve read that touch on it.

Right and left agree this time. CDC should have done a better job getting the word out that outdoors is safe.
To understand the masks, put one on and try to blow out a birthday candle.

That is most of what the mask does. It keeps your breath from travelling very far as you exhale. If you can’t blow out the candle, you can’t blow as much virus into someone else’s face.
Ok now stand in a field outside 18 yard from someone smoking. Can you smell it even in the open air? If so with aerosolized particles the holes (especially on the side of the mask) aren’t doing much to keep you protected and while stopping you from directly blowing in someone’s face are still filling up a poorly circulated room with virus particles.

more interesting (kids just did this for a science experiment in middle school btw) take a cherry throat lozenge, put a mask on, stand six feet away from someone, put a mask on yourself. Can you smell it?
NYT is also saying that 10% is completely misleading. They put it closer to 0.1%. That’s consistent with the half dozen or so research papers I’ve read that touch on it.

Right and left agree this time. CDC should have done a better job getting the word out that outdoors is safe.
There you go with absolutes. Absolutely it’s safe for casually bumping into each other. Youth sports outside with kids moving around absolutely safe. It’s safe if two asymptomatic people meet and chat in a park, particularly if both are wearing masks and it’s for a prolonged time. But stand next to someone showing symptoms in close conversation for a half hour and you are going to get sick outdoors or not, cloth masks or not.

it’s not a question of mask or no mask. It’s not a question of outdoors or indoors. It’s not 6 ft or 3ft. It’s not as simple as your religious slogans.