The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

‘Wow!’ Sharyl Attkisson shares Devin Nunes’ nutshelling of the #ComeyMemos in a ‘must-read thread’

Sharyl Attkisson


2-Statement from Republican chairmen: "These [Comey} memos are significant for both what is in them and what is not...[They] show the President made clear he wanted allegations of collusion, coordination, and conspiracy between his campaign and Russia fully investigated." (cont)

6:37 PM - Apr 19, 2018
7 hours ago
Listen... John Barron is here!!!!!! And he's with Wendy Wasserman Shultz!!! It's happening. I know it is Slim Shadey Comy is going down right after HRC. And I'm gonna get the pix!!!! Easy street for Friesland! I'm so bank I can taste it.