No Soccer OK for Trump Supporters

It's China, you dick. It's not a democracy, that kind of stuff is to be expected. The Chinese government will take out your house to build a freeway, no questions asked. It's China.
But this is America, land of the free... until now under Trump. Land of the free... free to discriminate.
Ever visited a country with one religion? Here's a hint. Everyone else is screwed.
It's China, you dick. It's not a democracy, that kind of stuff is to be expected. The Chinese government will take out your house to build a freeway, no questions asked. It's China.
But this is America, land of the free... until now under Trump. Land of the free... free to discriminate.
Ever visited a country with one religion? Here's a hint. Everyone else is screwed.
Hey, why are you so emotional? You're the dumbass who asked what a chicom is.
I am just educating you.
You are welcome.
More to come.
Whereas most people (hereinafter referred to as, “normals”) have a universal understanding that facts should generally be accepted true until disproven, Trump supporters see scientists, doctors, reporters, historians, mathematicians, statisticians, and economists, not as arbiters of fact and fiction, but as partisan hacks, all on George Soros’ payroll, spewing anti-Trump lies, designed to make America crummy, again.

Therefore, any presentation of factual information to a Trump supporter will instantly trigger a massive reflexive recoil, as though you’ve just tossed an angry rattlesnake in his lap. His response will be instantaneous, indignantly pointing out the Soros connection that you missed, and laughing out loud (LOL’ing) at your childish naivety and lack of understanding the real world. Using facts is not only a no-win tactic, we normals actually lose the argument because, obviously, we’re chumps who don’t understand what’s really going on.

The second rule of talking sense to Trump supporters is that you cannot discuss Trump’s promises or policies and how they will adversely affect the Trump supporters. We normals see Trump’s signature health care and tax bills, and his billionaire, CEO, banker, and corporate lobbyist cabinet picks, for what they are, political tools designed to help the wealthy and their corporations, at the expense of the poor and middle classes. We see his many broken promises and outright reversals as meaningless campaign rhetoric intended to sucker voters into thinking Trump really cared about their tiny little lives. But Trump supporters don’t really know, much less, understand what his policies are. Heck, even Trump doesn’t know what they are, admitting last week: “I don’t stand by anything.”

To his supporters, Trump truly moves in mysterious ways. No matter the travail, they remain ever faithful, wearing their inexplicable steadfastness as a badge of honor. Biblical Job didn’t get an explanation from God for all his heartaches, so why should they be so presumptuous?

Ethnic cleansing makes a comeback — in China

by Josh Rogin Columnist August 2 at 7:29 PM Email the author

If ethnic cleansing takes place in China and nobody is able to hear it, does it make a sound? That’s what millions of Muslims inside the People’s Republic are asking as they watch the Chinese government expand a network of internment camps and systematic human rights abuses designed to stamp out their peoples’ religion and culture.

Since last year, hundreds of thousands — and perhaps millions — of innocent Uighurs and other ethnic minorities in the Xinjiang region in northwest China have been unjustly arrested and imprisoned in what the Chinese government calls “political re-education camps.” Thousands have disappeared. There are credible reports of torture and death among the prisoners. The government says it is fighting “terrorism” and “religious extremism.” Uighurs say they are resisting a campaign to crush religious and cultural freedom in China. The international community has largely reacted with silence.

Horrific as they are, the camps constitute just one part of Beijing’s effort. The government has destroyed thousands of religious buildings. It has banned long beards and many Muslim names. People are forced to eat pork against their beliefs. The Chinese government’s persecution of innocents continues even after their death. Crematoria are being built to literally extinguish the Uighur funeral tradition, which insists on burials
Ethnic cleansing makes a comeback — in China

by Josh Rogin Columnist August 2 at 7:29 PM Email the author

If ethnic cleansing takes place in China and nobody is able to hear it, does it make a sound? That’s what millions of Muslims inside the People’s Republic are asking as they watch the Chinese government expand a network of internment camps and systematic human rights abuses designed to stamp out their peoples’ religion and culture.

Since last year, hundreds of thousands — and perhaps millions — of innocent Uighurs and other ethnic minorities in the Xinjiang region in northwest China have been unjustly arrested and imprisoned in what the Chinese government calls “political re-education camps.” Thousands have disappeared. There are credible reports of torture and death among the prisoners. The government says it is fighting “terrorism” and “religious extremism.” Uighurs say they are resisting a campaign to crush religious and cultural freedom in China. The international community has largely reacted with silence.

Horrific as they are, the camps constitute just one part of Beijing’s effort. The government has destroyed thousands of religious buildings. It has banned long beards and many Muslim names. People are forced to eat pork against their beliefs. The Chinese government’s persecution of innocents continues even after their death. Crematoria are being built to literally extinguish the Uighur funeral tradition, which insists on burials
Since when do you care about ethnic cleansing? The Trump Administration is doing that now by cracking down on muslims in the same way. Part of being American is being critical of our own government. What you're doing is the opposite by ignoring the facts.
Since when do you care about ethnic cleansing? The Trump Administration is doing that now by cracking down on muslims in the same way. Part of being American is being critical of our own government. What you're doing is the opposite by ignoring the facts.
It is ok if it is muslims that want to destroy our country and that is probably most of them.
Since when do you care about ethnic cleansing? The Trump Administration is doing that now by cracking down on muslims in the same way. Part of being American is being critical of our own government. What you're doing is the opposite by ignoring the facts.
Blaming others for their own perceived personal struggles is what some people have been convinced is right. They have always been there grumbling about the government, minorities, intellectuals, etc. Trump, being the oopurtunist he is, simply co-opted that sentiment and brought those people out to the forefront. Some of their gripes are legitimately based and others are so far fetched that us looking from the outside can't believe they see them as true. But the Pied Piper is leading them there.
I was wondering if the recent absence of plumber Ricky was because he got interned after he forgot his ID at the grocery store.

Perhaps the laughter got to be too much for him. His last post was "Goo -goo-gaa-gaa." and his website is listed as "Parked" by GoDaddy.
It's China, you dick. It's not a democracy, that kind of stuff is to be expected. The Chinese government will take out your house to build a freeway, no questions asked. It's China.
But this is America, land of the free... until now under Trump. Land of the free... free to discriminate.
Ever visited a country with one religion? Here's a hint. Everyone else is screwed. of the FREE and we will discriminate against the Chicoms.....
When they want to play fair, so will we.....
In America we fly " Old Glory " Flags freely .....
Now what Beoooootch...