Need help with a forfeit.

Sounds like it. Looks like our coach might get a chance to meet the CSL board to discuss. Protest might not have been proper, plus the referees were good with what was supplied to them. Our coach will state his case. With the way CSL promotes and demotes based on record, wins sometimes take more importance then maybe they should. Sad that both teams girls have to go through this because for some reason this coach wants (or needs?) this win. I know I wouldn't be happy to get the win after losing based off of a technicality. Still happy with that game. My kid did some new things that she hadn't as a keeper, just keep on growing as a player.
It seems to be as important to your team to get the “W” since your coach is trying to meet up with CSL
There’s always a moron that will blame the system. The coaches, admins and refs should pay attention to something so important. Simply put, the admins/coaches should always check before walking off.
Yep, it is important to punish the children for the mistakes of the adults.
Yep, it is important to punish the children for the mistakes of the adults.
Turn into a learning experience for the kids. Let them know how important it is to take an additional 10seconds to double check your cards when you get them back. Get creative and turn it into something good