2006 - ODP Player Pool

It kinda is, actually. The evaluators ask the coaches, they don't take them all- but this is akin to nominations from coaches.

Asking a coach, or requesting information is much different from nomination. If you believe this is true, then the Blues w/ 2 teams in the top flight only had 4 girls selected, so are we to believe that Rennie doesn't care about accolades, winning or player recognition? Are there some coaches that push for this, of course, but that is the exception and not the rule.

At the State Cup games there were evaluators sitting, observing and taking notes. picking players is an inexact science, so with such limited exposure, expect a lot of good kids getting passed over and a lot of 'average' kids being selected. Subjective analysis from one watching 2-3 halves of play over a weekend. If your kid gets selected, celebrate their recognition for playing well with critical eyes on them. If they didn't, oh well, not the end of the world.
Respectfully disagree. Maybe thats how it is supposed to be but i know for a FACT that it isn't always the case. Ive seen it up close. A player not on the first list that comes out. A few calls later she's on the selection list. (happens to be one of the best in the age group even playing up) makes the final team. On the list '06 I know fact that there were phone calls. So what it is supposed to be and whats real are different. Like I said be happy for them but it isn't the end all be all at this age.

So, it's just like how your coach selected your DD's team then probably.. The majority of the girls earned their spots(let's call them the rule) and a 'couple'(let's call them the exception) had whiny parents who wouldn't relent on your coach.
Asking a coach, or requesting information is much different from nomination. If you believe this is true, then the Blues w/ 2 teams in the top flight only had 4 girls selected, so are we to believe that Rennie doesn't care about accolades, winning or player recognition? Are there some coaches that push for this, of course, but that is the exception and not the rule.

At the State Cup games there were evaluators sitting, observing and taking notes. picking players is an inexact science, so with such limited exposure, expect a lot of good kids getting passed over and a lot of 'average' kids being selected. Subjective analysis from one watching 2-3 halves of play over a weekend. If your kid gets selected, celebrate their recognition for playing well with critical eyes on them. If they didn't, oh well, not the end of the world.

No Rennie doesn't care nor does he call or nominate online from my experience actually. Guess why? Because they are 10 and 11.
You should be able to tell either by affiliation or by sheer number which coaches do. It's really obvious.
Reallllllly obvious ...
No Rennie doesn't care nor does he call or nominate online from my experience actually. Guess why? Because they are 10 and 11.
You should be able to tell either by affiliation or by sheer number which coaches do. It's really obvious.
Reallllllly obvious ...

He cares enough to call the parents of 7,8,9,10 year old kids!
No Rennie doesn't care nor does he call or nominate online from my experience actually. Guess why? Because they are 10 and 11.
You should be able to tell either by affiliation or by sheer number which coaches do. It's really obvious.
Reallllllly obvious ...
ESPN is correct, I believe Blues doesn't send Player nominations to the ODP staff.
Spoke to our coach and they said they never nominated any players but still got a lot of players selected based on state cup even though they didn't go far. Fantastic players made is, see some missed off but lots of years ahead!!
Uh master recruiter yes. Master manipulator I would say not. There is a difference.
Blues doesn't call- sorry to burst everyone's bubble here but they don't and again it's not part of who they are at that age.

You say that with such pride? If they were Master Developers I'd be impressed. Like you said, who they are, are master recruiters at this age. Is that really something to shout from the rooft top in youngers soccer?
You say that with such pride? If they were Master Developers I'd be impressed. Like you said, who they are, are master recruiters at this age. Is that really something to shout from the rooft top in youngers soccer?

I didn't realize I was coming off that way- if you have ever seen any post by me- which I know you have by the way because you have liked them - you would know I find the process and tactics abhorrent at best and unethical at worst.
But you see as usual people cast stones against a system that they promote by rushing off to the ranch, their endless fascination with rankings and "lists". How can you be mad for a person who takes advantage of this system?
Also, if you must be clear be clear to include Surf in this as well as they are both cut from the same cloth
If you get into the system then know what it is- blinders off. If you buy into parking lot recruitment know it will be done to you.
Is a simple concept not one that most parents want to understand (until they are on the wrong end of the transaction and then the coach becomes the worst thing in the world)
Since you have pivoted as well- let's get real here. 99 percent of your top five teams at 2006 are made by coaches from recruitment. I see all year how you guys forget that simple fact. How hard is it to win a State Cup at 2006 from a fully recruited team? Not hard.
Why are the Blues getting singled out for that? Seems a little hypocritical to me
Uh master recruiter yes. Master manipulator I would say not. There is a difference.
Blues doesn't call- sorry to burst everyone's bubble here but they don't and again it's not part of who they are at that age.
exactly recruiting pays the bills and odp doesn't
If you think Rennie is a master recruiter wait until the introduction of the Blues Baker to your age group next year. Buckle up everyone and enjoy the ride on the sidelines at 2006 next year
So, it's just like how your coach selected your DD's team then probably.. The majority of the girls earned their spots(let's call them the rule) and a 'couple'(let's call them the exception) had whiny parents who wouldn't relent on your coach.
not quite.....kids earn their spots but coaches don't relent on whiny parents. However, they may relent if the roster is not filled out and they need the money. ODP probably has a good idea of who is on their team. just based on the recruitment at games. They use the eyeball test. Then others are just fluff and reaching out to long held relationships. There might be a diamond they missed. Not bad it happens everywhere with everything.
but would you have your DD play for them? :)

Of course I would have my kid play for the Bakers! Little Susie is going to be on the National team plus they make sweet slideshows and videos about their teams. If this doesn't get you pumped up what will ?!
Of course I would have my kid play for the Bakers! Little Susie is going to be on the National team plus they make sweet slideshows and videos about their teams. If this doesn't get you pumped up what will ?!
and for the record i would too