
People have bad days. Some people are not up to the task of the job they are applying for. The facts are pretty self evident. His lack of an apology shows that I was right, he is an asshole. An unstable asshole.
I think I will start calling you the "jumper".
Too Funny,
Unity Tour: DNC Gets Blamed for Montana Loss
The Democratic Party squandered a winnable election in Montana, progressives are screaming Friday after their guy Rob Quist lost to Republican Greg Gianforte. Gianforte’s last-minute scandal, when he reportedly body slammed an eager Guardian reporter Wednesday, gave Democrats a prime opportunity to take the House seat. Yet, the Democratic National Committee’s lackluster efforts helped assure a Republican win.
The left is losing the rest of their minds,
If it's no big deal why all the fuss?

Newest Center For Medical Progress Video Removed From YouTube; Threatened With Contempt Charge

Posted: May 26, 2017 12:20 PM
video has been removed from YouTube at the request of a judge. The video, which showed abortionists describing questionably legal abortion techniques as well as extremely callous behavior at the discussion of fetal remains, can still be found on LiveLeak.

U.S. District Judge William Orrick threatened CMP lead investigator David Daleiden with a contempt charge for releasing the newest video. He's been ordered to appear at a hearing on June 14.

From the L.A. Times:

A federal judge said Thursday that he would consider holding the leader of an antiabortion group in contempt after links to videos that the judge had barred from release appeared on the website of the man's attorneys.

U.S. District Judge William Orrick ordered David Daleiden and his attorneys Steve Cooley and Brentford J. Ferreira to appear at a June 14 hearing to consider contempt sanctions.

The video disappeared from YouTube shortly thereafter.

Orrick is the same judge who issued the initial injunction that delayed the release of the footage from the National Abortion Federation's annual meeting last April.
I think this guy is a lib,
SICK: President Of Manhattan Young Democrats Arrested For Disturbing Crime
Posted at 5:30 pm on May 26, 2017 by Susan Wright

This is probably the most sickening (and infuriating) thing you’ll see today.

This is the kind of thing that makes even the most gentle hearted of us see red.

A young employee of New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio was recently arrested for possessing a massive stash of child pornography, and not even his father can say he’s innocent of the charges.

The New York Post put the story out there earlier Friday.

Jacob Schwartz, 29, was busted for allegedly keeping more than 3,000 disgusting images and 89 videos on a laptop after downloading the filth from the internet.

The illegal smut shows “young nude females between the approximate ages of 6 months and 16, engaging in sexual conduct… on an adult male,” court papers say.

This isn’t just the kind of stuff you stumble on while looking for cat memes or surfing YouTube for cooking videos.

You have to be actively searching for this kind of depravity, out of some deep level of soul sickness that the rest of us can’t understand (nor do we want to).

And I completely get that our children can disappoint us. At 29, Schwartz should have been long out of the care of his parents. That being said, you don’t suddenly develop a taste for child porn. This is something that has been brewing for many years.

Schwartz’ father — labor lawyer and Democratic insider Arthur Schwartz — called his son’s case “a personal tragedy.”

“I understand these are serious charges,” said the elder Schwartz, who watched his son get arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court on Thursday night.

“He’s already in therapy for this.”
Ads are getting weird. Especially since I am on my phone. First NRA ad. Then electronic testing equipment. Then mature women porn and finally met men in Ontario. What has my phone been doing?