1. The market seems to belie this point. As from the other thread, you have boys willing to take a futures or reserve slot at mls next with even the worst teams and huge ass commutes knowing they probably won’t get playtime or any significant amount of playtime. Mls next for that reason seems to have gone with a build it and they will come approach with the Red Bulls and lasc
2. as dad 4 points out in nor cal, geography is important. In SoCal there is a Latino triangle around downtown that had no Latino presence in ecnl as I’ve been informed by this forum, at least on the girls sde. The girls in this region as pointed out by the downtown la article are effectively locked out or have a long commute. Potentially opens up ecnl (mls next has 2 teams in that area but no real valley team) to a lawsuit particularly in A disparate impact jurisdiction. Even if they were to add a club it might not help as dad4 has pointed out ecnl tends to cluster in richer whiter areas
3. There are plenty of clubs with great leadership that are locked out for a variety of reasons. What those reasons are go to the legality. SoCal elite for instance has the winning teams but supposedly what happened in SoCal league counts against them (though winning is a hard justification if you take the Red Bulls….certainly SoCal elite has had more success than the Red Bulls on the boys side). There’s ayso United which has one of the largest player pool out there… no doubt the ayso philosophy not to mention some resentment that they’ve maintain a separate org goes into that. There’s downtown la which is the most obvious example particularly with great club leadership. And then there are small clubs, like power evolution, that couldn’t field a team at every level but who have had some success at turning out lower level pros and direct towards European and Mexican id. If visibility weren’t an issue I’d totally have put my kid in power evolution (I’m gonna get subpoenaed now too :-( )
On the boys side in NorCal, the ECNL map is actually pretty expansive. Definitely not the case on the girls side.