
Not surprisingly, you fail again to understand basic facts. The original whistleblower did not have first hand knowledge concerning most of his account of the quid pro quo that Trump attempted to extort on Ukraine obtaining congressionally mandated military defense assistance.
Fortunately, many others do, and they have testified under oath before a bipartisan committee of congress on the now-undisputed quid pro quo scheme Trump initiated. Those witnesses will in the coming weeks testify in open session their first hand observations.
However, you may certainly continue to ignore these facts as you choose. The rest of the country will simply move forward with restoring constitutional authority.
Extortion? Quid pro quo? Did the Ukrainian official that President Trump was talking to back your assertions up?
Extortion? Quid pro quo? Did the Ukrainian official that President Trump was talking to back your assertions up?
Not sure about the Ukrainian official, but several respected American's have, including a decorated veteran who has first hand knowledge of the call--Lt. Col Alexander Vindman. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Trumps own ally, Sondland, acknowledged what Trump said in the call amounted to a quid pro quo.

"Sondland’s lawyer told the Wall Street Journal that the top diplomat specifically said that Ukraine agreeing to open up an investigation into 2016 election interference and a probe into a gas company where former vice president Joe Biden’s son once served on the board was a condition for a White House meeting between Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky. A lawmaker asked Sondland specifically whether that amounted to a quid pro quo. The diplomat specified that he wasn’t a lawyer but he believed the answer to that question was yes. "
If you truly believe that those opposed to your politics and your fetish over a certain prostitute’s feet, believe Trump is not a constitutionally elected president, you are dumber than we all give you credit.
Trump won the electoral college. Period.
Now he faces another constitutional principle, impeachment and trial.
He’s unlikely to be removed. The republican senators up re-election will not put country ahead of personal political interests.
You people were talking about impeachment right after he won, see the dumb whore auntie Maxine.
Extortion? Quid pro quo? Did the Ukrainian official that President Trump was talking to back your assertions up?
When you have a citation to any generally accepted authority for your baseless opinion that either extortion or a quid pro quo demand requires more than one actor to meet the mens rea, we are all ears. Good luck, Jim.
You people were talking about impeachment right after he won, see the dumb whore auntie Maxine.
Of course, you have written proof that us people made such scurrilous accusations in the months after the electoral college rules installed Trump as president, correct? Us people await your evidence with bated breath.
When you have a citation to any generally accepted authority for your baseless opinion that either extortion or a quid pro quo demand requires more than one actor to meet the mens rea, we are all ears. Good luck, Jim.
You just used about 6 words that neither Multi nor Iz understand, adding irony which is a concept that Multi isn’t at all familiar with. But no doubt it was worth it! Poor Multi is starting to choke on this stuff.
Iz threw in the towel on reality a long time ago.
Of course, you have written proof that us people made such scurrilous accusations in the months after the electoral college rules installed Trump as president, correct? Us people await your evidence with bated breath.
So are you trying to say you people did not?
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Maxine Waters Told You So
OCTOBER 11, 2019 6:00 AM

Maxine Waters
Maxine Waters knew it would come to this. Since 1990 she has represented California in the U.S. House of Representatives. In that time she has seen President Bill Clinton weather impeachment, President George Bush drag us into endless war, and President Barack Obama survive the scandal of his tan suit. In other words, she can distinguish between real and partisan horror. And she has sounded the alarm on this president for years.
In May 2017 she asked, “Why would we let…Trump, a con man, come in here and turn it all upside down with his lies and his disrespect?” She would keep at it, she promised, “until he’s impeached.” In September 2017, at comedian Dick Gregory’s funeral, Waters said, “When I get through with Donald Trump, he’s going to wish he had been impeached.” In November 2017 she led more than a thousand people in an “Impeach 45!” chant at Glamour’s Women of the Year Awards. It took some time, but the House of Representatives has begun to heed her call.
You just used about 6 words that neither Multi nor Iz understand, adding irony which is a concept that Multi isn’t at all familiar with. But no doubt it was worth it! Poor Multi is starting to choke on this stuff.
Iz threw in the towel on reality a long time ago.
The reality of 11/2016.
When you have a citation to any generally accepted authority for your baseless opinion that either extortion or a quid pro quo demand requires more than one actor to meet the mens rea, we are all ears. Good luck, Jim.

Of course, you have written proof that us people made such scurrilous accusations in the months after the electoral college rules installed Trump as president, correct? Us people await your evidence with bated breath.

Between you and the racist, it looks from your cashmere sweaters, it just got cold in here. Try wearing bras, ladies. You’re both giving the fairer sex a bad name.





Throuple for " Bob "...
Of course, you have written proof that us people made such scurrilous accusations in the months after the electoral college rules installed Trump as president, correct? Us people await your evidence with bated breath.
Who needs written proof when you can pull up the video yourself. Your beginning to act and sound a lot like Sunshine...
Not sure about the Ukrainian official, but several respected American's have, including a decorated veteran who has first hand knowledge of the call--Lt. Col Alexander Vindman. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Trumps own ally, Sondland, acknowledged what Trump said in the call amounted to a quid pro quo.

"Sondland’s lawyer told the Wall Street Journal that the top diplomat specifically said that Ukraine agreeing to open up an investigation into 2016 election interference and a probe into a gas company where former vice president Joe Biden’s son once served on the board was a condition for a White House meeting between Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky. A lawmaker asked Sondland specifically whether that amounted to a quid pro quo. The diplomat specified that he wasn’t a lawyer but he believed the answer to that question was yes. "
Was that recorded, like the phone call was? Or is this more information similar to the Steele dossier or SCOTUS accuser? You would have thought that with this being such a slam dunk for impeachment that ALL of the Democrats would have voted in favor of moving forward, right? But that didn't even happen...
Was that recorded, like the phone call was? Or is this more information similar to the Steele dossier or SCOTUS accuser? You would have thought that with this being such a slam dunk for impeachment that ALL of the Democrats would have voted in favor of moving forward, right? But that didn't even happen...
Huh? Impeachment proceedings, public, with facts. Deal with it, pumpkin.
Huh? Impeachment proceedings, public, with facts. Deal with it, pumpkin.

Man are YOU stupid.........

It's NOT an Impeachment ! ( It's a sham Impeachment inquiry )
It's NOT public unless EVERY DETAIL is made public....!
It has NO FACTS whatsoever .....It is a LIE ! Read the phone transcript.

Halloween was past @ 9:33 PM Jackass.....Deal with THE NEW DAY !