The "adults" in this situation let the kids down. Call-South and their lack of transparency has created a situation that leaves us all shocked, confused, and upset. As I understand it, Cal-South is a governing body that did not follow their own rules. If they followed their rules, then they should issue a statement high-lighting the rules, the process and how the rules worked. Since it does not appear that Cal-South is going to be forthcoming without being prodded, I referred this story to a reporter that I know. Maybe there is something here, maybe not. At this point no one knows (which is the heart of the matter). Hopefully light shined on this situation will clear AS and the girl (and all parties involved) of all wrongdoing and we can all go on with our lives.
I encourage us all to be respectful of the fact that all of the players are someone's daughter. We should leave the girls out of this, and do out level best to be civilized to each other.
PS My heart goes out to the LAGSB team that went to bed thinking they were playing the next day only to wake to find out they were not playing.
I understand CalSouth is considering clarifying the rule in line with the proposed interpretive guidance, but that there's currently internal debate on whether to adopt that guidance or just substitute the 30+ page rules manual and pages of noted revisions over the years to a more simple two line pronouncement of "Gaming rules shall be set and modified from time to time by CalSouth in consultation with megaclubs and counsel and notified to member clubs and participants at the convenience of CalSouth" in order to avoid pesky issues like this."
Of course it's the adults and organization that bear the blame and provide fodder for onlookers. At least kids don't play on these boards (I hope).
If the reporter isn't interested, try Judge Judy (although I think she requires that the parties not be represented by counsel, so that might be a non-starter).