
ha..classic. conflating two things. Like many half assed and deperate studies done over the last two years, the bangladeshi mask study is right up there with the argentine ivermectin study. Never mind the vaccine(s) debacle around studies, trials, omittance, etc.

Living your life believing everything you are told is a pretty basic existence. Masks kinda work, sorta, if you have the right one,know how to wear one, when to wear one....vaccines kinda work more than masks, especially for certain populations. Smart people are able to put their own mitigation plans into place.

The pharma document dumps are pretty disturbing, you should read them. They are likely to piss off plenty of parents who were led astray, especially parents of girl child. Leaving stuff out isn't cool, especially when you know you'll eventually have to disclose. Aren't you the least bit concerned about the lack of accountability for pharma companies? They can jab away and not be overly concerned about their livelihoods. Very interesting, in a sad sort of way...they continue to be allowed to advertise, sponsor, etc. shameful.
Yeah, natural gas isn’t clean, recycling is mostly a farce and clean energy isn’t that clean, yet we persist.
Dr. Gates on our future. How this guy became the leading authority for vaccines is insane. This dude comes up with BS and then spews to us. Of course 99% of you believe this guy because he's so smart and rich.

I'm telling you all that people like this lady are real and are very very pissed off and full of rage and anger. They want to kill so bad, they can taste it. I have never seen so much anger from the left. They hated t because t was going to bring in pro-life judges and he did what he promised. t said he would end human trafficking. You all hear me? t said he would end it once and for all and he also said these people are sick. The people voted for t and t won fair and square. When HRC lost, these same people went bat shit crazy on all of us. They ((the left)) went on SM platforms and went full Husker Du and Espola on us and put redlines on friendships. I said it then and I will say it again. It's all about the kids and who controls the kids. Think about it. They ((The left)) want to kill kids before their born up to before birth. Our wonderful state of CA allows abortion up to 6 months. So crazy that were even debating this online. What a place that kills their own offspring. 63,000,000 and counting since 1973. Roe btw was not raped like they said she was. Total liars. I agree that this should be left up to each State to decide. The misinformation spewing hate right now is all designed to cause chaos because that is what they ((the left)) do when they ((the left)) lose. They ((the left)) also want to mask all kids. They also want to force jab our kids or no access. My kid can;t even go to in person JC without being fully jabbed. My other friends son just got his booster after telling me he was done. Why booster? The Big U he is enrolling in won;t let him enroll unless he is "fully" jabbed + all the boosters. The kids and the unborn babies need our help. Calling all fence sitters: We need help down here. They ((the left)) want total control of everything and if you don;t like it, F off!!! This poor kid is trying to help his parents as well. Long story but dad lost his job and mom passed a way years ago. The dad sold things so son can go to college. Son was all set and then told, "boosters or no school for you." So he took the boosters and now is all in. He will do whatever the school tells him to do.
If you want to pay to play in the lefts world and have fellowship with them and be in their space, then you must allow and support abortion right up until birth, wear mask when told, take all jabs and boosters forever, support Ukraine and be willing to send your owns kids to Kiev and fight along the great warriors of Ukraine and help take down Vladimir and his army of thugs. After the support of all wars, you must also support all Transgender males who say at a dimes notice that they are now females. They can compete in all NCAA women sports and take showers with the girls. What a wonderful world we live in. The light has shined on the darkness and the darkness is angry!!!

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Breaking Crush News: WEF top dog Mr. Klaus is now telling all his followers that it's time to "accelerate" the 2030 Agenda. Basically, things are not going as planned and it's time to speed things up. Remember, Klaus said you will own nothing and be happy. The 2022 Mid Terms is now only about abortion and nothing else. No more talk about lockdowns, mask, jabs, supply chain, Diesal prices going through the roof and food processing plants having planes crashing into them like bombs and mystery fires taking them out of business. t told everyone two things when he ran in 2016. #1. He would appoint pro-life judges. How many did t appoint? That's correct Husker Du, 3 and those three voted ((according to the draft that was leaked)) to over turn Jane Roe and they are. #2 t said he would end Human Trafficking. Look at all the arrows pointed at him for the last 6 years. The truth is now for all to see. They want to kill babies deeply and madly, they want to teach the children their way of killing others and their way of life and they want to force jab + boosters in order to go to be taught at the next level. They are trying to also pay you so they can brainwash you. You have to get the jab for in person brainwashing. Crazy bats.......
The UK is showing vaccine and booster effectiveness is reducing to nothing or next to nothing depending on the vax against symptomatic infection around 20 weeks out. Other than boosting the most elderly or the most vulnerable, not sure what they are trying to accomplish at this point beyond pharma profits.

The UK is showing vaccine and booster effectiveness is reducing to nothing or next to nothing depending on the vax against symptomatic infection around 20 weeks out. Other than boosting the most elderly or the most vulnerable, not sure what they are trying to accomplish at this point beyond pharma profits.

At what point in Dr. Campbell's video does he mention "pharma profits"?
The UK is showing vaccine and booster effectiveness is reducing to nothing or next to nothing depending on the vax against symptomatic infection around 20 weeks out. Other than boosting the most elderly or the most vulnerable, not sure what they are trying to accomplish at this point beyond pharma profits.

Welcome back Grace T. This is a weird way to control people. My best pal is fully jabbed and has all boosters. He is sick a lot and is not in the best health, moo. Today, he is so angry about the leaked draft that Roe vs Wade will be sent to hell and be no more. The State and it's people will decide the laws of life and death and the pursuit of happiness for all life, born or unborn.
Pics from the 2000 Mules Premier in Fl. I don't have the desire to watch it so if anyone does see it, please PM me what you think, thanks

The UK is showing vaccine and booster effectiveness is reducing to nothing or next to nothing depending on the vax against symptomatic infection around 20 weeks out. Other than boosting the most elderly or the most vulnerable, not sure what they are trying to accomplish at this point beyond pharma profits.

You tube is a horrible way to distribute information for discussion.

Text source is below. Scroll down for the charts labelled “vaccine effectiveness”.

The chart there is for symptomatic infection. You need to use hospitalization numbers if you want to make your “it’s only for Pharma” argument. I don’t feel like a Pharma dupe if the jab let me test positive but kept me out of the hospital.