
Get well soon Herbie and I mean that 100%. I never knew anyone who got a blood clot before and now I know four people. This is not a joke and something has gone wrong.

Have noticed an increase in commercials about blood clots? I have..
I hear so many blood thinner radio commercials now. My teaching pal is afraid of the next clot around the corner and my nephew is super afraid of the "next one" that he stopped eating meat and is 100% vegan now.

I disagreed with your counterfactual thinking and didn't think that was funny. Maybe you are annoyed that someone is calling you out on your lack of self-awareness and finds it funny.

You have fallen into the habit of stating absolutes that are obviously BS - such as ignoring GG and accusing me of using humor "every time" I disagree with someone. Is that something we need more of or is that obnoxious?

So prove me wrong. Honestly talk about what would have happened if we had kept everything open and none of us wore masks.

Right now, it seems people here want to talk about the nice parts of keeping it all open, but completely ignore the unpleasant parts.
So prove me wrong. Honestly talk about what would have happened if we had kept everything open and none of us wore masks.

Right now, it seems people here want to talk about the nice parts of keeping it all open, but completely ignore the unpleasant parts.
Proof is already proven and you dad were 100% wrong. Your math was so off it looks like lies now. All you did was scare people with lies and what ifs.
So prove me wrong. Honestly talk about what would have happened if we had kept everything open and none of us wore masks.

Right now, it seems people here want to talk about the nice parts of keeping it all open, but completely ignore the unpleasant parts.
I detect a trend.
I detect a trend.
Husker Du and the crying babies. These babies cry when they!
Espola Du
Let me when you and Espola stop crying so we can have some real debate, as men not babies! Tell your side kick to be a man and start answering my questions. Both of you are the biggest disappointment of men I have ever known.
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So prove me wrong. Honestly talk about what would have happened if we had kept everything open and none of us wore masks.

Right now, it seems people here want to talk about the nice parts of keeping it all open, but completely ignore the unpleasant parts.
Well there are a variety of things you constantly overlook.

We see time and time again infection rates rise and fall in rather similar patterns across the world. And the thing that arises time and time again? That regardless of lockdowns or masks we see similar rises and falls in terms of infection rates. This information constantly gets put out there and you constantly avoid it time and time again.

When adjusting for age/health of populations we see rather similar results in all the states in the US.

You know what you don't see?

Any study showing masks make a difference.
Any study showing lockdowns made any difference in terms of stopping the virus.
Etc etc.

You know what you do see more and more of?

Studies showing kids were terribly impacted education wise.
Studies showing economically states locking down caused more unemployment vs states with lesser restrictions.
Studies showing how many businesses were harmed and or went out of business
Inflation at the highest level in 40 yrs due to spending by gov in order to fruitlessly try to stop the spread of the virus.
The harms caused by the terrible gov policies are easily seen all around us. We find more and more harms as the months go by.


We see people today running around in masks doing their stuff when A...the masks don't work and B the overwhelming majority of people have no real risk.

The only people who have had any real risk is the elderly and people with serious health conditions. That has been know since 1-3 months into this. And yet policy was blanket and we attempted to shutter everything and were told everyone is at RISK. Hell some places/schools are still trying or are masking kids in schools.

If there were a top cheerleader for all the bad ideas at the time...and one who largely today refuses to realize they were wrong it was and is you @dad4
The only people who have had any real risk is the elderly and people with serious health conditions.
And those who got fired for not obeying the Jab Masters. "Jab or get fired." Kids now have parents with no job or money to buy food. This has caused so much division and pain in the household. A family I know is now fighting with each other and putting blame on the brother who told everyone on FB that the bible told him to tell everyone that Jesus would have taken the jabs and if you want to be in good standing with the Lord, you must obey your earthly masters who watch over you. His sister listen to her big bro and is now dead from adverse reactions from her first and last jab. You can't make this up.
Now we know why she was crying yesterday. They blocked the Lap top from hell, why Husker Du and Espola?

Elon Musk condemns Twitter censorship of NY Post’s Hunter laptop story: ‘Obviously incredibly inappropriate’
Top Twitter executive Vijaya Gadde was said to be responsible for the decision in 2020
Hunter went off on Bill in Emails. KA$H say's to sit back and watch these fools shoot each other in the back. They will destroy each other and we the people will be set free :)

Hunter Biden ripped Bill Clinton as ‘a--hole’ who ‘looks like s---,' said Clinton aides are 'greedy': Emails
'Petty, Greedy, Venal, Low Rent bulls--t is what it is,' Hunter Biden said about Clinton aides double dipping on salaries
That is one of the most tragic, hideous and cruel things our politicians and "experts" cowering in their labs did during the pandemic. What kind of POS do you have to be to think that is an appropriate thing to do. Talk about selfish.
Evil and selfish go hand and hand bro. I live by Leisure World. The fear I see on old people faces is super sad. Who wants to be 85 and dying all alone after building a family and working your ass off only to die alone? Hospitals made over $100,000 per patient that tested positive for Covid as well as stroke. Look wat fly, I have no idea about the truth of life after death. I read and go by what my brain and heart tell me, which you and all the others should take with a grain of salt. I will say I think I am right based on my experience of testing the spirits. I will say we have been lied to 100% about why were here on the planet. I dont trust anyone. I poke people with Christ because it has a reaction that I find fascinating. You mention Jesus or Yeshua to certain people and they freak out over that name. No other name causes people to lash out and go nuts.
Think through it. We had almost a million people die from covid, even though most infections happened after the vaccine was available.

Fortunately, Omicron was far less lethal than prime or delta. Kinda need to factor that in on both sides as well… sometimes you get lucky, but that doesn’t mean we ‘saved’ that many lives or that masks were that ineffective. Goes both ways.
Get used to things you don't like. I get to fire anti-vaxxers/maskers for the sport

So when you ‘fire’ folks for sport (why does that make me picture ‘The Apprentice’) do you fraudulently dispute their unemployment claims? Seems like that’s what you’ve said more than once.
So prove me wrong. Honestly talk about what would have happened if we had kept everything open and none of us wore masks.

Right now, it seems people here want to talk about the nice parts of keeping it all open, but completely ignore the unpleasant parts.

I don't think any government and only the most extreme people on team reason were saying it should all be open with no restrictions pre-vaccine. You have a sample to see what would happen with moderate restrictions and which could have been improved upon: Sweden (could have isolated nursing homes better too and substantially lowered their numbers), Florida, Arizona (could have done better if the border wasn't an issue and if better care had been given on native american reservations), Georgia, Russia, Iowa, South Carolina, Georgia (the country), Utah, South Dakota, Norway (stricter restrictions, less restrictive on masks)
So prove me wrong. Honestly talk about what would have happened if we had kept everything open and none of us wore masks.

Right now, it seems people here want to talk about the nice parts of keeping it all open, but completely ignore the unpleasant parts.
There's no "proof" - just a bunch of counterfactuals. I'm surprised someone with such a deep understanding of mathematics would use that word for what we are doing. You will imagine your outcome and I will imagine mine.

The urban vs. rural graph you identify supports my counterfactual beyond the similar magnitude. It also shows the timing of surges was identical - mask mandate or no mask mandate. It wasn't as if suddenly people stopped or started to wear masks. That indicates that masks are only marginally helpful, at best. Then we have "real world" examples. Florida schools opened - no spike, TX dropped its mask mandate, - no spike - GA dropped the mask mandate - no spike. These aren't lab studies. This is what happened.

Do you mean a non-mask mandate? I'm not for that either. The point is many would have behaved the same way - mandate or not. People can, and do still, wear masks. We closed down parks here in SC County (and LA county) despite the evidence that the risk was small and the benefit for children is immense. We closed down open space areas where the walking trails allowed adults to get out and escape for a while. It was lunacy, really - no science to support it just a bunch of irrationally fearful adults. I was waiting to hear about the risk of getting the virus because someone is out surfing again. Fortunately, we have moved beyond that. The biggest problem with mandates is that they will always divide people. The less justified they are by evidence, the more they will divide. Here we are.
There's no "proof" - just a bunch of counterfactuals. I'm surprised someone with such a deep understanding of mathematics would use that word for what we are doing. You will imagine your outcome and I will imagine mine.

The urban vs. rural graph you identify supports my counterfactual beyond the similar magnitude. It also shows the timing of surges was identical - mask mandate or no mask mandate. It wasn't as if suddenly people stopped or started to wear masks. That indicates that masks are only marginally helpful, at best. Then we have "real world" examples. Florida schools opened - no spike, TX dropped its mask mandate, - no spike - GA dropped the mask mandate - no spike. These aren't lab studies. This is what happened.

Do you mean a non-mask mandate? I'm not for that either. The point is many would have behaved the same way - mandate or not. People can, and do still, wear masks. We closed down parks here in SC County (and LA county) despite the evidence that the risk was small and the benefit for children is immense. We closed down open space areas where the walking trails allowed adults to get out and escape for a while. It was lunacy, really - no science to support it just a bunch of irrationally fearful adults. I was waiting to hear about the risk of getting the virus because someone is out surfing again. Fortunately, we have moved beyond that. The biggest problem with mandates is that they will always divide people. The less justified they are by evidence, the more they will divide. Here we are.
This was all planned to destroy our country, especially small business, mom and pop pubs, eat places where people chat about the latest going ons. They forced 6 feet back away from me rules and put a mask on. No visits to see dying parents and no visits for holidays. Pure evil is plain to see now so we can all choose our bed to sleep in finally. Look at San Francisco. 100,000+ people have left that city in the last 12 months. People are going poo poo on the street and then breaking into cars after they take their dump. My dd friend was all set to go to SFSU this year until her car got broken into on her visit. Now she's going to Santa Cruz instead. I have to go to Venice on Saturday for a very special night with my wife and a few close friends. Were going early to see how I can help those in need. I will take some pics and put on here.