I am a comic at heart Husker and always use some humor and satire to poke and play with the bears on both sides. I want freedom of speech and fairness for all. I have many aspects to my personality and I share them with all. New Wave Dave ring a bell? I share my heart and deepest desires, my dreams, my visions and ideas with you and others in the peanut gallery. I am authentic, remember that. I was class clown dude, made everyone laugh and I got in trouble for it. You basically just called me a Dick and pi-polar. I can read between the lines. I am winning the debates when you go personal on me and lately, that's all you can and will be able to do moving forward. You lost bro, give it up and get on, "we the people" side. I just want all of us to be able to pursue and enjoy life and the pursuit of happiness, not just a small few who pay to play. I forgive you Husker, for you know not what you do.