
I don't need to. The article already did that. As I said, it's a very good a complete summary that basically goes through everything we already discussed on these forums (specifically as to this point, that we don't ask kids to sacrifice for adults and that's not how society is organized) and don't need to be beat any further considering where we are now.
Sure. And the article told you exactly what you want to hear, so it must be right.
Freedom of Speech brah :)
No problem with that. Now kindly address my question. You claim to want everyone to work together then you post neener-neener memes? I guess I don’t see how the two can coexist in your brain. “Hey let’s work together. Look! I tagged your car! Lol!” Doesn’t make sense. Are you bi-polar or have multiple personalities? Or are you just trying to be a dick to please the peanut gallery?
No problem with that. Now kindly address my question. You claim to want everyone to work together then you post neener-neener memes? I guess I don’t see how the two can coexist in your brain. “Hey let’s work together. Look! I tagged your car! Lol!” Doesn’t make sense. Are you bi-polar or have multiple personalities? Or are you just trying to be a dick to please the peanut gallery?
Equating posting memes on the internet and vandalizing a car?
Another post from the peanut gallery...
No problem with that. Now kindly address my question. You claim to want everyone to work together then you post neener-neener memes? I guess I don’t see how the two can coexist in your brain. “Hey let’s work together. Look! I tagged your car! Lol!” Doesn’t make sense. Are you bi-polar or have multiple personalities? Or are you just trying to be a dick to please the peanut gallery?
I am a comic at heart Husker and always use some humor and satire to poke and play with the bears on both sides. I want freedom of speech and fairness for all. I have many aspects to my personality and I share them with all. New Wave Dave ring a bell? I share my heart and deepest desires, my dreams, my visions and ideas with you and others in the peanut gallery. I am authentic, remember that. I was class clown dude, made everyone laugh and I got in trouble for it. You basically just called me a Dick and pi-polar. I can read between the lines. I am winning the debates when you go personal on me and lately, that's all you can and will be able to do moving forward. You lost bro, give it up and get on, "we the people" side. I just want all of us to be able to pursue and enjoy life and the pursuit of happiness, not just a small few who pay to play. I forgive you Husker, for you know not what you do.
I am a comic at heart Husker and always use some humor and satire to poke and play with the bears on both sides. I want freedom of speech and fairness for all. I have many aspects to my personality and I share them with all. New Wave Dave ring a bell? I share my heart and deepest desires, my dreams, my visions and ideas with you and others in the peanut gallery. I am authentic, remember that. I was class clown dude, made everyone laugh and I got in trouble for it. You basically just called me a Dick and pi-polar. I can read between the lines. I am winning the debates when you go personal on me and lately, that's all you can and will be able to do moving forward. You lost bro, give it up and get on, "we the people" side. I just want all of us to be able to pursue and enjoy life and the pursuit of happiness, not just a small few who pay to play. I forgive you Husker, for you know not what you do.
I actually am concerned for you. I hope you work everything out and live your best life. Just surprised by the, now seemingly faux, concern then the it’s all about pissing people off meme. If you want to be taken seriously, well maybe you don’t.
I notice you don’t want to talk about the elderly.

Happy to have a real discussion about the overall balance.

Not interested in having that discussion in some fantasyland where every single negative effect of covid was “baked in”.
...Ok, let's talk about the what age do you suggest men join "women and children first"?
I actually am concerned for you. I hope you work everything out and live your best life. Just surprised by the, now seemingly faux, concern then the it’s all about pissing people off meme. If you want to be taken seriously, well maybe you don’t.
Oh man, thanks for caring about me. I mean that 100% brother Husker. Life is 100% the best ever. It wasn't the best 6 years ago. Look, I post funny meme from time to time. I do not mean to piss you off. I was pissed off for losing everything because of the pandemic. My best pals lost their businesses and some I know got fired for no jab and some even died because of the pressure of taking the jab. Blood clots as well.
Even if masks worked in a controlled environment, mask mandates don't work in the real world. Public health policy needs to consider not only effectiveness in the lab but application and implementation for the general public. Mask mandates distracted from protecting the most vulnerable. Covid was treated as a one size fits all virus. As is typical with a one-size-fits-all approach, it ends up not fitting anyone that well.
Key word from Elon, "Authentic." Yay, finally we can all be humans and not bots or trolls. It's time to unlock the truth about the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us God :) Today is a wonderful day for freedom of speech. Yippie hooray. I love all you guys.

I actually am concerned for you. I hope you work everything out and live your best life. Just surprised by the, now seemingly faux, concern then the it’s all about pissing people off meme. If you want to be taken seriously, well maybe you don’t.
...concerning is psychoanalyzing a complete faceless stranger on a kids soccer forum...under the guise of being taken seriously, of all things.
Trump will not return to Twitter even as Elon Musk purchases platform, will begin using his own TRUTH Social
Trump said a Musk Twitter takeover would be a positive development, but he will stay with his own platform-to be continued......
Even if masks worked in a controlled environment, mask mandates don't work in the real world. Public health policy needs to consider not only effectiveness in the lab but application and implementation for the general public. Mask mandates distracted from protecting the most vulnerable. Covid was treated as a one size fits all virus. As is typical with a one-size-fits-all approach, it ends up not fitting anyone that well.

There will always be sociopaths that resist any public health measures. Hopefully, they will be dealt with more firmly in the next go-around.
There will always be sociopaths that resist any public health measures. Hopefully, they will be dealt with more firmly in the next go-around.
...and there will always be schizophrenics who blindly and uncritically accept public health measures. Hopefully, they will not control the levers of government in the next go-around
What does more firmly exactly mean? Like what was tried and failed miserably? Mandates based on "science"?
What he means is, he is in favor of gov arbitrarily taking away people's rights because he thinks a face diaper works. He was also a big fan of arbitrarily deciding which biz could be open and closed.

So you know...putting the thumb on the more authoritarian side of the scale.
What he means is, he is in favor of gov arbitrarily taking away people's rights because he thinks a face diaper works. He was also a big fan of arbitrarily deciding which biz could be open and closed.

So you know...putting the thumb on the more authoritarian side of the scale.
The pilots are now speaking out Hound. I empathize with people who took the jab to save their job and livelihood so they could buy and sell.
There will always be sociopaths that resist any public health measures. Hopefully, they will be dealt with more firmly in the next go-around.
Realistically, next time we won't try for broad public health measures.

When a large chunk of the population refuses to do their part, shared sacrifice is just not an option.

We will issue an advisory, half of us will comply, and half won't.

If the next round is similar to covid, that means a pandemic more like the original Imperial College forecasts, and less like the one we actually saw.