I am aware we live in a dark and light spirit realm in each of us and all have the right to be free to express our darkest side ((within reason and within the rule of law)) and our light side as who we truly are. They come together as a package for each human

I liked the meme and it made a lot of sense in my brain. BTW, the www is one big dark web and full of deep evil. It has to be wiped clean and then replaced with something new. This is one of the reasons Space Force was put in place. Be patient and you will see. After 9/11 and all the wars before the war in Ukraine, most of my Lib pals were anti war, anti 1% rich, anti big pharma, hate all the Bushes, hate the Mav and hate all war. t was the only one against those wars and the only President not to be in a war. t was a big fat no and he was right. I was lied to by the liars on Tel A Vision, Sean, Fox and their friends. We were all lied to Husker. I was born to fight in wars and die in them. If their are past lives for all of us Husker, I bet I fought in all the wars. I remember playing war games as a kid like Cowboys vs Indians, USA vs Japan, USA vs Germany. I played capture the flag and so many other war games. It's so in my blood. My life coach and my wife have both said that I came this time to rest and play. I tried to go in the Marines at 18 but the Creator and Mother Earth blocked it from happening back in 85'. It was divine how it was blocked, just like how I was born and not killed. In fact, how I was able to be born is insane and you wouldn;t believe me if I told you. Blood line was, is and will be very important in the future success ((abundance)) of the human race. We will all find out the truth of why were here in the first place and what our role will be in the future. Trust me, Bill Gates and Klause will not be in charge of the planet and neither will Elon. The Christ Consciousness will reign supreme for 1000 years. The only other option for the human race will be to live as an Anti-Christ. I am anti-Vax and some are anti-Christ. This truth will blow the socks off of every atheist and agnostic left on the earth. I can't wait to see the look on their faces. It will be amazing and beautiful and I mean that. I don't want no more war and fighting, only peace, fairness, honesty and freedom to be whatever you want to be. I want us all to get a long and allow each human to be truly free and not a slave anymore. It's going to happen I believe. Happy week after Easter Husker and thanks for engaging me.