I apologize for not providing a trigger warning before impeding on the anti-vax/mask safe space that you and your fellow snowflakes are looking for at this youth soccer forum.
Technically, I was celebrating unloading a terrible, insubordinate employee who lacked even the slightest amount of respect or concern for the well-being of her co-workers and their families. There are people in workplaces who are over 60 and/or who have real medical conditions that put them in real danger if they get Covid-19. There are people in the workplace who live with family members who can't get vaccinated for various reasons. Selfish, whiny Karens who don't care about their coworkers or their families can go f**k themselves, and they can do it without unemployment benefits. Like many selfish idiots before her, she gets to do what all of you have demanded that older people and those with serious health conditions do for the last two years, which is stay home. She can home school her kids because free public schools have been so mean to her and there is no gift horse too big for her and her fellow selfish clowns to look in the mouth. And, of course, home school is her only option because she can't afford the private anti-vax/mask ones because she's broke, unemployed and ineligible for unemployment. If she thought she could reap the benefits of society without accepting any of the responsibilities, she thought wrong.
What is it with people like you and your "me, me, me, it's all about me I don't care if my co-workers with cancer or who are over 70 die" mindset? If you don't want to wear a mask or get vaccinated either, great, do it somewhere else.