
I was only referencing Husker - who insults people regularly and you don't ignore - and GG. Husker came back for seconds and that led to my second comment. I can see from the context where you might have thought I was referencing you in the first comment. That was not my intent.
Well you have been one of the most respectful people to people you disagree with

And that quite frankly is how it should be.
"Circle jerks" is inherently a group insult. It's not really a term that can be defined in isolation.

If you only meant to target one person, a different perjorative would be more appropriate.

Not intended in isolation, not sure how an attention to detailer missed - "No one who ignores him was included."

"Circle jerk" is accurate for the group @GoldenShower, @Fister Du, and @eatspole.....don't worry, I believe you're in the clear.
Not intended in isolation, not sure how an attention to detailer missed - "No one who ignores him was included."

"Circle jerk" is accurate for the group @GoldenShower, @Fister Du, and @eatspole.....don't worry, I believe you're in the clear.
Yes, this was my intent. When I went back and read my original comments, I could easily see how @dad4 could have thought I was including him. My fault for the ambiguity.
This guy roasted Hollywood right b4 the first wave of Rona hit our shores in Jan 2020. Hanks was the first "actor" to come down with Rona. He just happen to be in Australia, go figure.

Fauci crushed for saying it's 'disturbing' that a U.S. court can overrule the CDC
'Fauci may want to take a little time and review the Constitution and the case law.'

During the segment on the streaming show "Red & Blue," CBS anchor Robert Costa asked Fauci, "Do you personally agree or disagree with her interpretation of public health law?"

Fauci responded, "Well, I clearly disagree, I mean those types of things should be decided as a public health issue by the public health organizations, in this case the CDC. This is a public health matter, not a judicial matter."

"So, obviously the CDC will abide by the order of the court because it’s a legal obligation," he continued. "But one of the problems that we have there is that the principle of a court overruling a public health judgment by a qualified organization like the CDC is disturbing in the precedent in might send," Fauci concluded.


And now. It really makes one question why anyone should respect a person simply because they served in the military.

.View attachment 13344View attachment 13345
But the LORD said to Golden Gate, “Do not consider his appearance ((gained a few pounds)) or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things EOTL looks at. GG and other Elitists look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

TGIF buddy ol pal. Let's try and have some good debate without attacking dad's dd and those you fired because they didn;t take the jab. It hurts my heart but that is your heart on the inside of your soul.
But the LORD said to Golden Gate, “Do not consider his appearance ((gained a few pounds)) or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things EOTL looks at. GG and other Elitists look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

TGIF buddy ol pal. Let's try and have some good debate without attacking dad's dd and those you fired because they didn;t take the jab. It hurts my heart but that is your heart on the inside of your soul.

The Lord murdered Uzzah because he tried to keep the Ark of the covenant from falling over after his ox stumbled. The Lord told slaves to get their shit together and do what they're told no matter how perverse their owners. The Lord told people that the owners of sex slaves should be allowed to get their money back if the little girls didn't perform to their satisfaction. If you want to debate the Bible, how 'bout:

"If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat."

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever".

"Nor did we eat anyone's bread without paying for it, but with toil and labor we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you."
Self-aware much? “Your side” has someone celebrating firing someone. I mean, that poster is pretty obviously a broken person and making shit up but he is from “your side”. Best to stick with dealing with individuals.

From my perspective it’s not the difference of opinion that is bothering those who you refer to, it’s that someone else’s opinion/perspective is being forced upon them - by compulsive lying hypocrites no less (not you, our “leaders”).

I apologize for not providing a trigger warning before impeding on the anti-vax/mask safe space that you and your fellow snowflakes are looking for at this youth soccer forum.

Technically, I was celebrating unloading a terrible, insubordinate employee who lacked even the slightest amount of respect or concern for the well-being of her co-workers and their families. There are people in workplaces who are over 60 and/or who have real medical conditions that put them in real danger if they get Covid-19. There are people in the workplace who live with family members who can't get vaccinated for various reasons. Selfish, whiny Karens who don't care about their coworkers or their families can go f**k themselves, and they can do it without unemployment benefits. Like many selfish idiots before her, she gets to do what all of you have demanded that older people and those with serious health conditions do for the last two years, which is stay home. She can home school her kids because free public schools have been so mean to her and there is no gift horse too big for her and her fellow selfish clowns to look in the mouth. And, of course, home school is her only option because she can't afford the private anti-vax/mask ones because she's broke, unemployed and ineligible for unemployment. If she thought she could reap the benefits of society without accepting any of the responsibilities, she thought wrong.

What is it with people like you and your "me, me, me, it's all about me I don't care if my co-workers with cancer or who are over 70 die" mindset? If you don't want to wear a mask or get vaccinated either, great, do it somewhere else.
I apologize for not providing a trigger warning before impeding on the anti-vax/mask safe space that you and your fellow snowflakes are looking for at this youth soccer forum.

Technically, I was celebrating unloading a terrible, insubordinate employee who lacked even the slightest amount of respect or concern for the well-being of her co-workers and their families. There are people in workplaces who are over 60 and/or who have real medical conditions that put them in real danger if they get Covid-19. There are people in the workplace who live with family members who can't get vaccinated for various reasons. Selfish, whiny Karens who don't care about their coworkers or their families can go f**k themselves, and they can do it without unemployment benefits. Like many selfish idiots before her, she gets to do what all of you have demanded that older people and those with serious health conditions do for the last two years, which is stay home. She can home school her kids because free public schools have been so mean to her and there is no gift horse too big for her and her fellow selfish clowns to look in the mouth. And, of course, home school is her only option because she can't afford the private anti-vax/mask ones because she's broke, unemployed and ineligible for unemployment. If she thought she could reap the benefits of society without accepting any of the responsibilities, she thought wrong.

What is it with people like you and your "me, me, me, it's all about me I don't care if my co-workers with cancer or who are over 70 die" mindset? If you don't want to wear a mask or get vaccinated either, great, do it somewhere else.
such a hater. Maybe if you understood science and came back from 2020 you'd be less angry. In your mind masks work. And that's fine if it augments your coping skills. It's unfortunate there isn't an anti-clown vaccine, given on a regular schedule, much like ones given for allergies.

When was the last time you flew? simple question..
"If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat."

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever".
Did you and Espola go to church camp together as youths? Satan knows the scriptures better than any of us but he used tricks and deceit. He tried to get Yeshua but failed. Interesting choice of "cherry picking scriptures" but taking them out of context for todqy's man. Btw, I work every day taking care of my wife, my dd and ds. I am also providing care for my wife's parents, who both are in the middle stage of Alzheimer's. Soon that will be a full time "job" because my wife and I love them both. My faith says to honor your parents before almighty Dollar. 90% of the world takes care of their parents. We in America are too busy so we find "A Place For Mom" or "My Angel" to care for them. When did you join Club 33?
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