
Tucker also said his biggest regret as a media person was supporting that stupid war in Iraq and not listening to others. This is called eating crow folks.

"Show me a school that I shut down and show me a factory that I shut down. Never. I never did," Fauci said when asked about the consequences of "heavy-handed" public health policies in a New York Times interview published Tuesday. "I gave a public-health recommendation that echoed the CDC’s recommendation, and people made a decision based on that. But I never criticized the people who had to make the decisions one way or the other." Dr. Fauci today

Scary as well. I don't listen to Walsh but this was interesting. Look brother, you know me and what I and my dd had to go through with soccer. I got dox DM here a few times (one avatar said he was just giving me a heads up) letting me know "they" know where I live and it's best to STFU. I was told on numerous occasions that I better STFU or my dd would be blacklisted. This is not funny and it happened. I got threaten by you know who and other fathers on here. I will NEVER STFU when it comes to how our girls are going to treated. I'm not tooth fairy either. This is not a time for fun & games. These people are sick and they pay people to play along their evil games. Most parents are clueless and good people just trying to be their best and work hard to provide a loving home for their kids. However, when the big salary is offered with bonus pay to as told, well you got yourself a recipe for disaster. Then the bribes and blackmail kick in. I think it's going to get very intense. Now their saying some bio weapon was stolen from Sudan and that liar over at the WHO is sending his warning about another pandemic. They always give us a heads up because those are the rules in the game of nature. They tell you so you can't complain that you never knew. Buckle up brah, it's going to get very bumpy. Love you man and I appreciate your support over the years, even though we don;t agree on much. I know we do agree on treating girls with respect. BTW, love your idea for big time soccer matches.
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Randi Weingarten crushed for pushing school lockdowns in live debate: 'No remorse whatsoever'
Weingarten once claimed that DeSantis' COVID policies would cause 'millions' of deaths
Trump/Kennedy for Unity & Peace? I'm down with that. I know Trump is divisive (allegedly) to those who traffic kids for a living and use folks to make a buck, but this could bring our country together. I know T is so mean to the left with his words and to those WHO play with the left in "Pay for Play" schemes. General Flynn is a fan of RFK Jr and I really like RFK Jr. He's hard to understand but so was I when I was a young kid who stuttered all day and night. Teachers and smart rich folk would just stair at me and hope I could come out with a word. I actually felt bad for the person staring at me because I could read his/her/they/them body language and inpatients in there're eyes. One time, I begged for paper to write my speech and my asshat teacher said, "no, this is oral test. Spit it out, I can wait." This dude hated me as well because I caught him in a big lie and told on him. Long story and no one would believe me. Man, adults can sure be mean to kids. Make them wear mask, stand 6 feet away and force them to take all jabs to go to school. Sick world we lived in. LIVED is the key word. Buckle up folks, it's about to get gnarly and this new earth will not be for most of you. YOU will need to change.
