
Obviously, dad did a Goggle search, and the first misleading link is at the top. Here is AP link.

By May, two rural vaccination clinics had opened at a fire station and a social services center, both familiar places to the Amish in Lancaster County. During the first six weeks, 400 people showed up. Only 12 were Amish.

The vaccination drive is lagging far behind in many Amish communities across the U.S. following a wave of virus outbreaks that swept through their churches and homes during the past year. In Ohio’s Holmes County, home to the nation’s largest concentration of Amish, just 14% of the county’s overall population is fully vaccinated.

Obviously, dad did a Goggle search, and the first misleading link is at the top. Here is AP link.

By May, two rural vaccination clinics had opened at a fire station and a social services center, both familiar places to the Amish in Lancaster County. During the first six weeks, 400 people showed up. Only 12 were Amish.

The vaccination drive is lagging far behind in many Amish communities across the U.S. following a wave of virus outbreaks that swept through their churches and homes during the past year. In Ohio’s Holmes County, home to the nation’s largest concentration of Amish, just 14% of the county’s overall population is fully vaccinated.

"Herd immunity" means that the weak have already been killed off, leaving only the "immune".

Think of the idiots that said follow the science, or trust the virologist. How has this guy not been charged with crimes against humanity? Masking kids was just straight up cruel.

Think of the idiots that said follow the science, or trust the virologist. How has this guy not been charged with crimes against humanity? Masking kids was just straight up cruel.
That doesn't include the fact that he went around Obama's directive to fund gain-of-function research that very likely led to millions of people dying.
Jesus, Fauci’s testimony was a disaster. What a lying slime ball. No doubt he will be found “too elderly” to prosecute. I suppose that qualifies him as Biden’s replacement should the Dems run out of diapers.
Jesus, Fauci’s testimony was a disaster. What a lying slime ball. No doubt he will be found “too elderly” to prosecute. I suppose that qualifies him as Biden’s replacement should the Dems run out of diapers.
I'm surprised that his pants didn't burst into flames. Our government is based on "checks and balances" and his power went unchecked. In part, because any challenge to his opinion was silenced, or the opposing opinions were vilified as "anti-science". In many cases, the opposing viewpoints were coming from treating physicians. Which the left holds in low regard as compared to the elite academics in their ivory towers.