Right wingers squirm when shown power that is why many are closet masocists. This is why they adore things like flag, anthem, religion, monarchy, race and military. The lower classes among them believe that their sacrifice is worth it as long as it is done for the good of the nation, race or religion. The poor right wing white guy is fine being poor as long as he is helping another white guy be rich. The ideal right winger is a facist.
Left wingers are the oppressed working class. They tend to hate power and wants all to be equal. They do not see racial war. Instead they see class warfare. The system is rigged that the lower classes will be exploited to serve the higher social class. They believe the lower class should unite to topple the ruling class and races should unite. Race warfare is a tool used by the ruling class to divide up the masses. The ideal left winger is a communist.
Thank God the USA sided with the Communists during WWII to defeat the fascists.
When it comes to kneeling during anthem you can be sure it will split based on ideological lines. Texas v Johnson already decided flag burning is first amendment. No way kneeling is not.