With a goalkeeper it takes a village to train them. Good and bad teams, regular coaches and keeper coaches. Private training and keeper camps.
My daughter has had multiple chances to move teams that may have been "better". She loves her current keeper coach thus wants to see him 3x a week. She loves her teammates thus wants to practice with them 2X a week and play a game with them every weekend. We have a great DOC that had her guest playing with the 02 team last year as an 05, plus spent an hour talking to her and us after a game about the game. We plan on attending ID camps where she can show off her skills compared to Big Club keepers.
My daughter has had multiple chances to move teams that may have been "better". She loves her current keeper coach thus wants to see him 3x a week. She loves her teammates thus wants to practice with them 2X a week and play a game with them every weekend. We have a great DOC that had her guest playing with the 02 team last year as an 05, plus spent an hour talking to her and us after a game about the game. We plan on attending ID camps where she can show off her skills compared to Big Club keepers.