Hasty conclusion my friend. If you bring soccer balls to my hood, kids are gonna play basketball or football with them. These kids have no concept of soccer. They have never even heard of Messi, Ronaldo, & Newymar. I am almost embarrassed to admit that I knew absolutely nothing about soccer until my daughter introduced me to the game. You see, in the US descendants of slaves see basketball, football, and baseball as a way out of the ghetto. I think this is mostly because basketball, football, and baseball are what kids in the US have been exposed to.
To further illustrate my point lets look at Brazil. Brazil controlled the slave trade. Approximately 85% of African-Americans are From Brazil. After the abolition of slavery Brazil gave the descendants of slaves soccer balls and this is why Brazil is a great soccer nation. Also, I suspect that if you took a bag of basketballs to a favella in Brazil the kids would play soccer with them because most have no concept of basketball.