I bet that plane could fly non-stop to Saudi Arabia.Check out the pre-perp walk perp walk.
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I bet that plane could fly non-stop to Saudi Arabia.Check out the pre-perp walk perp walk.
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You and the losers on here always go with the last cards you got, anti-semitism or white privilege card. Listen up traitor to the Untited States of America. You project the very thing you are. I am an orphan at birth. Went through foster care and was later adopted. I love all races and all people. I even love you and Espola and I'm willing to speak the truth in love to you both. The Truth hurts like hell you losers. Your both disgusting pigs. I have a business meeting to attend and then I have a meeting with some lawyers. Talk later you sicko. I can't wait to see you fall hard on your ass loser!!!
You’ve made that classic mistake of assuming he knows of all these facts as part of the indictment. He knows none of them. Any of the facts within the four corners of the indictment have been scrubbed and retooled into a sausage of fake news and liberal wishes. Even the fact that the entire collection of damning facts are from incontrovertible sources: (a) Trump himself on tape and through admissions on CNN, et. al., (b) his own lawyers’ grand jury testimony and notes, and (c) Trump’s current batch of trusted aides and accomplices. No “RINOS”, Trump haters, Never Trumpers, dems, deep state, turncoat “rats”, ad nauseam.To whom did Don the Con show US plans to attack Iran? I mean, he admits he had the plans, he admits he knew they were secret, he admits he could have declassified them but did not, he admits he shouldn’t be showing them to people, and then he admits that he was doing so anyway. So who all did he show them to?
You’ve made that classic mistake of assuming he knows of all these facts as part of the indictment. He knows none of them. Any of the facts within the four corners of the indictment have been scrubbed and retooled into a sausage of fake news and liberal wishes. Even the fact that the entire collection of damning facts are from incontrovertible sources: (a) Trump himself on tape and through admissions on CNN, et. al., (b) his own lawyers’ grand jury testimony and notes, and (c) Trump’s current batch of trusted aides and accomplices. No “RINOS”, Trump haters, Never Trumpers, dems, deep state, turncoat “rats”, ad nauseam.
Even Trump doesn’t seem to realize the timeline of events and photos of boxes in very secured facilities at Maralago are from his aide’s cellphone images and texts, not the FBI.
I took a quick break from meeting with the lawyers. Surf Futbol is losing it today, my gosh. Espola is the nicer version of your twisted mind. You are 100% his dark shadow where he can vent and lie about me and Trump. You're one pathetic loser daddy. Daddy paid "big time" insure his daughter made the A Team. Surf Futbol say's I pimped out my daughter in 2016, what a liar. You sound like Fact and few other asshold fathers that lied about me years ago. I know you losers use fake accounts. You sir are the biggest cheater in all of youth soccer. I never once pimped my daughter out for free soccer. You and your lawyer pals tried to buy her. Legends, Slammers, Pats, Surf and LA Galaxy all reached out to me because the Girls Development Academy preached fully funded for the top players in SoCal and every single one of these Docs called me and offered free soccer. The rich parents like you paid the clubs to get the guarantee 25% start for your kid. How much did you pay sucker? Watch this video of Trump going to fly on Trump Force One today. Does this guy look scared? Is he alone fool? Donald J Trump is the Commander In Chief of the Military stupid. You're one dumb dad. Get ready to eat crow Traitor!
The calm before The Storm.
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Grassley: Burisma executive who allegedly paid Biden has audio recordings of conversations with Joe, Hunter
Biden was allegedly paid $5M by a high-level Burisma executive as part of a bribery scheme
Joe and Hunter got paid to play and sell our country out for $$$. Pay for Play, just like Surf Futbol. He paid "Big Time" to get all the goodies and prizes for his daughter.
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Take the offer. Plead no contest. Accept the reduced sentence. You’ll get daily credit for good behavior, if you can behave. And then look to early release. Your disparaging remarks about Newsom won’t earn you any favors. He reads these posts daily and knows all about you.I took a quick break from meeting with the lawyers. Surf Futbol is …
still with the mansplaining and woman hating. never mind your infatuation with large orange colored men with weird hair. oh,,,let's not forget your obsession with daughters of posters.Check out whiny Karen who is over-reacting and ignoring that the NCAA changed its rules, which allows her to continue not getting medals since she is too slow even without trans athletes. So scary that Biden is “erasing women” through an NCAA rule that he had nothing to do with and that does not even exist anymore.
Is this is the same whiny Karen who lied about getting “assaulted”?
still with the mansplaining and woman hating. never mind your infatuation with large orange colored men with weird hair. oh,,,let's not forget your obsession with daughters of posters.
You are a crack up. but go ahead and raise your child to not understand the biological differences between a man and a woman, a boy and a girl. Unfortunately for you the biology is clear. How convenient of you, as a small little man, to bravely try and appropriate anything woman. How silly. You must be one of those people that the common man can menstruate, lactate and can give birth. Silly man. My children understand the difference between biology and ideology. Feel free to feel like a women, gender dysphoria is a serious issue and is treated as needed by hard working professionals...not appropriated into ideology by feeble minded and weak men who would faint at the sight of their own blood during their first period or cry like a baby during their first contraction.Feel free to raise your children to hate trans people and to believe they aren’t good enough to compete against them. Feel free to tell them they need to fear the wrong people in the girls’ restroom.
I loved that place. If I still ate meat, I would eat there no problem. I don't drink beer so no need to boycott Bud. I shop at Target still. To each his own loser. The only thing I will boycott are loser men, who tuck their junk in their speedo and beat up women in the pool and then chase them into the women's locker room exposing their one eye monster for all to see. You seriously need help. You never developed what is right from wrong. You just got a lot of money to buy your way onto the A Team. Loser!Oh snap, y’all need to boycott Cracker Barrel now. I guess you’re gonna find out if it’s possible to live on Chil-fil-a.
Cracker Barrel faces boycott call for celebrating Pride Month
Restaurant chain is the latest company to face backlash from some conservatives for supporting the LGBTQ+ community.www.cbsnews.com