Today in Fascism

I just saw the "Naughty List" from Epstein's black book:eek: It's no wonder they tried to kill us all with poison jabs and steal the election in 2020. They in big trouble. This is even worse than Treason. I will say many who made the list got compromised with pure evil. Yes, they went to the Virgin Islands to have some fun under the sun, but many got drugged at night and then the unthinkable happened when they woke up from being drugged. When Trump and the Military offered everyone a way out of their blackmail, many jumped at it to escape pure hell and play along and do what the good guys told them to do. They had a gun to their reputation every day with Epstein Videos and they had to do as told or else. T made deals. I even hear that some got a beach front Condo at GITMO for playing right. They will die on the island, but it won't be as bad as being put in prison cell forever or worse.
Do you think Trump should not be held accountable for his actions? And, should that apply to all politicians running for office?

Held accountable for what... you losers and your hatred of him? You just accuse him of anything and everything & just hope shit sticks. If you cowards won't hold Biden accountable, you don't get to hold Trump. Anyone can charge anyone with anything.

Let us know when you losers actually prove he did something wrong or convict him of doing something illegal.
The fake electors scam, his blatant disregard for national security and the deals his daughter and son in law received from China and the Saudi’s is enough for me.

Fake electors? So Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams and Hakeem Jeffries don't bother you? National Security? You mean encourage open borders by telling illegal aliens they won't be sent back? Deals? Like the ones Hunter got and the payouts Biden family members received?

I don't know if you're more of a hypocrite or a coward. I guess it's a bit like you libtards shitting your pants when Abbott and De Santis shipped illegal aliens to "Sanctuary Cities" you invented after JoeTato had been doing it, on the taxpayer dime, for nearly a year.

Meanwhile, JoeTato's Briben's ongoing destruction of our country doesn't make you libtards blink an eye. God forbid you hold him accountable or admit his approval rating is in the gutter because he's a horrible president.
THICK AS THIEVES: Clinton and Epstein – 1993-2013

He needed them, the innocent bystanders, to transition from a glorified high-school math teacher to the seemingly legendary financial wizard and sponsor of philanthropy that he wanted to become.

That’s the reason why the infamous “black book” is not just a list of accomplices, victims and marks. It also had contacts for people who were in their lives to render some sort of veneer of sophistication and power.

But one thing is clear: the minute your relationship with them turned recreational, and you decided to avail yourself of the criminal opportunities that their friendship could provide, Epstein and Maxwell would be filming you to get kompromat. GP
"Merry Christmas to all, including Crooked Joe Biden’s ONLY HOPE, Deranged Jack Smith, the out of control Lunatic who just hired outside attorneys, fresh from the SWAMP (unprecedented!), to help him with his poorly executed WITCH HUNT against “TRUMP” and “MAGA.” Included also are World Leaders, both good and bad, but none of which are as evil and “sick” as the THUGS we have inside our Country who, with their Open Borders, INFLATION, Afghanistan Surrender, Green New Scam, High Taxes, No Energy Independence, Woke Military, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, All Electric Car Lunacy, and so much more, are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!" DJT
@everyone, are you all afraid of talking and debating at "The Kitchen?" Come on man, let's talk this out, eat some crow together and fix our amazing Country. You all can see how much of a loser Barak, Biden, Bush, Clinton, Epstein, Soros, The Witch Hillary, her hubby Billy, Gates, Klause, Espola, Husker Du, Surf Futbol and the rest of the misfits have been. These three Amigos have done much damage to youth soccer and our country. PAY-FOR-PLAY is no more. We playing a new game. I love competition and I love to win. I never lose, I just learn. I hope all my pals will come back to The Kitchen and finish what we all started.